I wanted to walk out of the theatre after that first scene. That girl Nadine was not necessary in terms of walking around like that completely butt naked. I mean they can show that they had sex without having us see her 10 foot nipple or every hair on her body. I just would like to see a movie with my husband that doesn't have a naked woman in it just for shock value, it lasted too long in my opinion. Am I the only one? I ended up loving the movie regardless, but will just fast forward it when I see it on dvd :)
Just commented on the very scene. It was completely over the top and unnecessary. Too much exposure! She had a nice body, however, I didn't expect to see porn.
Just commented on the very scene. It was completely over the top and unnecessary. Too much exposure! She had a nice body, however, I didn't expect to see porn.
A woman walking around fully nude in a non-sexual manner is considered porn? There was no penetration, no sex acts, no spread open vagina shot. Funny you consider this scene porn yet you write on Caligula's message board that the nudity in that movie bored you, a movie with real sex depicted explicitly. You must be a woman because women seem to always complain that nudity is "porn" if an actress dares to show her genital region (not just topless), yet I'm willing to bet you wouldn't consider the scene porn if Denzel were to walk around nude instead.
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Porn comes in all forms from soft to explicit. Sex acts have to be shown. Your statement tells me what kind of porn you like.
"nudity in that movie bored you, a movie with real sex depicted explicitly." I was desensitized to the nudity and bored by the acting.
Yes, I am a woman and I don't know of all women complaining about nudity. As a matter of fact wasn't it a male Supreme Court Justice who made the statement, "I know porn when I see it?" Since you assumed wrong...no I don't consider all nudity porn.
Denzel? It depends on the scene. I just made a comment on the opening scene with the flight assistant in the movie Flight. That was porn. Denzel in the bed or Denzel's backside in the hospital bed not porn.
FYI, since you didn't asked, I consider porn to be any pictorial designed to incite a sexual reaction in the viewer. From your statement it seems you have already labeled me as being against porn. I believe in free speech. My original post stated that I didn't expect to see it. I am familiar with the history during this time, however, I haven't read anywhere where everyone walked around and did their everyday business in the nude. My only issues with explicit porn are 1) it's not realistic (cut and pasted, and scripted) and 2)addictive.
Let me make assumptions about you. You are a man who enjoys explicit porn. FYI, sex with a man addicted to porn is not good! It's very unnatural.
You consider porn as something that would incite a sexual reaction in the viewer, yet the woman shown nude in the scene did not incite a sexual reaction since she was just walking around getting her clothes ready. What is sexual about that? We all walk around our bedrooms naked while we are changing, showering, getting ready for work. Are we all porn stars now?
And who says I like porn? Nowhere in my post did I mention porn. My post was about how ridiculous women look when they claim a fully nude woman is porn regardless of the context. You are right, a male justice said he knows porn when he sees it. If a woman walking around nude is always porn, why would one need to see it? It would be pretty straightforward - fully nude woman equals porn. He was saying he knows it when he sees it implying that one would need to see the context before making judgement.
Odd that you would not know about women who complain about nudity since you, a woman, complained about a movie which showed a nude woman, adding your complaint to this specific message started by a female OP who also complained about the female nudity, which also contains messages by other female responders who complained about the female nudity.
Would you consider this scene porn if the actress was shown topless only? There are tons of movies with toplessness, even boobs bouncing up and down during sex scenes, yet no female complaints. I find complaints from women whenever a woman's crotch is exposed. When men are shown nude, including fully nude, no woman labels that porn. What is it about a woman's crotch that makes women react like this, always labeling it as "porn"? No wonder so many women are insecure about that part of their body. What kind of hideous body part is it when the only thing it's good for is porn? Quite ridiculous.
Oh brother - some times women make women look bad!
I am a woman, and I found the first scene, being nude - full frontal - to be a good start to a good movie. I could care less, my hubby thought she was pretty fine to look at - and I thought so too. Who cares really?? Unless there are children in the room - obviously. For full grown adults, there was no sexual touching, so it was very harmless. Fully clothed couples can bump and grind and create more of a pornographic effect than that did that's for sure....
Wow, I just love how the commenters make all sorts of judgments and assumptions about you, your life, and husband based on one post on imdb. People are pathetic.
I have to agree that the nude scene was totally out of place. From Robert Zemeckis I would expect a bit more class not to just pander to people who want to see that stuff. I feel kind of misled by the trailer. It didn't give any impression that the movie would contain anything like that.
If Michael Bay did this scene he would've done the same thing to be honest. I don't mind the nudity, it just lingered too long that I thought Zemeckis did that for his own sake than for a symbolic shot.
I think all movies should start with totally unnecessary shots of beautiful naked women, it shuts up all the annoying talkers in the theatre instantly!
"I wanted to walk out of the theatre after that first scene. That girl Nadine was not necessary in terms of walking around like that completely butt naked. I mean they can show that they had sex without having us see her 10 foot nipple or every hair on her body."
The scene was certainly shot so as to show every inch of her from every angle. I remember once talking to an actress friend of mine. She said that the pressure from the casting couch is always there for women in the acting profession - if not literally - then there's at least pressure to sexualise on-screen/on-stage performances.
I wondered if society's become so desensitised by the availability of wall-to-wall porn that no one would notice the oddity of a soft-porn scene just stuck in a movie, Act 1 Scene 1, with no run-up or explanation. Predictably enough, some guys on this thread appear to be all in favour of it. I have a feeling they'd hate it had a man been objectified in the same way.
I wondered if society's become so desensitised by the availability of wall-to-wall porn that no one would notice the oddity of a soft-porn scene just stuck in a movie, Act 1 Scene 1, with no run-up or explanation. Predictably enough, some guys on this thread appear to be all in favour of it. I have a feeling they'd hate it had a man been objectified in the same way.
I wondered if society's become so desensitised by the availability of wall-to-wall porn that no one would notice the oddity of a soft-porn scene just stuck in a movie, Act 1 Scene 1, with no run-up or explanation. Predictably enough, some guys on this thread appear to be all in favour of it. I have a feeling they'd hate it had a man been objectified in the same way.
I wondered if society's become so desensitised by the availability of wall-to-wall porn that no one would notice the oddity of a soft-porn scene just stuck in a movie, Act 1 Scene 1, with no run-up or explanation. Predictably enough, some guys on this thread appear to be all in favour of it. I have a feeling they'd hate it had a man been objectified in the same way.
You don't need to make the same point three times... I'm a guy, and no; I wouldn't hate it if a guy was given the same treatment... It's just flesh; so long as everybody consents and is happy, then what's the big deal?
"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"