Nude scene

I wanted to walk out of the theatre after that first scene. That girl Nadine was not necessary in terms of walking around like that completely butt naked. I mean they can show that they had sex without having us see her 10 foot nipple or every hair on her body. I just would like to see a movie with my husband that doesn't have a naked woman in it just for shock value, it lasted too long in my opinion. Am I the only one? I ended up loving the movie regardless, but will just fast forward it when I see it on dvd :)


She es only nude.
There is not even SEX on that scene.
That's not pornography, it's only a HUMAN BODY.

Seriously.... go to church and pray, we are adult people here talking about an adult movie.


I wasn't bothered by her body and I couldn't care less if my guy saw it or not (I'm secure enough in my own body, he has to deal with it when I see naked or semi naked dudes, and it's not as if we both don't already picture other opposite gender people on occasion anyway), BUT it was simply a gratuitous scene with no point whatsoever or bearing on the movie itself. Seemed out of place; like a horny adolescent made the movie and had to have boobies in it somehow, even if was random and oddly placed.
Nudity and sex in film don't bother me, it's misplacement of it that makes it seem cheap, as if the directors/producers were worried people won't want to see their film so they desperately threw the dog a bone as incentive.... wasn't necessary in an otherwise well made film with talent on screen to boot.


The scene was meant to be naturalistic. The point was to underscore 2 people after a night of drinking/drugging and sex. If these people worked in an office, it would have been superflous, perhaps. But the fact that they were employed in professions where people's lives are at-risk lets us know the true content of their character. T


For example, she lost her life by placing a young boy back in his seat. Maybe she was supposed to have checked to see if that youngster's seat belt was secure enough when the trouble started.

There's nothing wrong with the human body. Why are people so uncomfortable about seeing it?


Yeah, I agree. I went to see this with my Dad and I was just sitting there thinking, "Is this really necessary......Oh wow, this is lasting long...alrighty then...."

And if anyone tries to respond saying things like, "It's only nudity" "You're a prude" "We were all born naked" - then at least we should have gotten a naked Denzel. I get that they had sex - still not a good reason for the actress to basically just stand in front of the camera for 5 minutes.

Don't think it is such a shock for anyone to be reminded that women are tired of unnecessary female nudity in films. It's really annoying.


Annette is obviously a cow and has issues with her guy knowing that there are women out there who are not.
Also as a adult who has had sex with other adults; Once we have finished or even the next morning I nor her have had any issues walking in front of each other nude.
That being said I have a problem with movies/TV scenes where the couple in question has clearly just had sex then suddenly the woman has her bra on or must pull the blankets over herself and the guy has his boxers on? How many of us rush to get our clothes on immediately after?

"You shoot me in the face and I'll kick your ass!!"


I thought it was perfect. Good length of the scene. Good hotel scene altogether. I didn't see any ten foot nipples though. Do you think your husband is disgusted by the female body? Or of that female body? I found nothing about it shocking. After all, often in privacy people tend to become naked for sex, bathing, changing, etc. The scene was a stepping stone for the entire movie. The only thing shocking to me was the amount of drug use only because I wasn't expecting it.

* I killed god and all I got was this awesome signature!


Are you kidding, that woman is a goddess among womans, the goddess of the amazone, i have never seen such a beautiful perfect woman with a perfect body on a hollywood movie. She is a blessing given by the gods. Amen.


To the OP: I bet you are a 40 pounds overweight woman. Jealousy anyone? Btw. Try converting to bisexual. Looking at naked women feels great, trust me.
