Nude scene

I wanted to walk out of the theatre after that first scene. That girl Nadine was not necessary in terms of walking around like that completely butt naked. I mean they can show that they had sex without having us see her 10 foot nipple or every hair on her body. I just would like to see a movie with my husband that doesn't have a naked woman in it just for shock value, it lasted too long in my opinion. Am I the only one? I ended up loving the movie regardless, but will just fast forward it when I see it on dvd :)



Useless but God, great perfect body...


why? what was so bad? i think it was kinda tasteful and she looks amazing. the female body is beautiful and some call it art... are u going to be offended walking into a art gallery?


Jigar...isn't the male body beautiful too? Well then let's see more of it.

My previous post from further up:

I agree with scottieweiss.

If the scene had a close up of the time on the clock then a big penis came into view they'd be complaining just as much as women. It's typical of sex scenes today where the guy is covered instead of just a topless actress, which was bad enough, now it's full frontal nudity and prolonged scenes of it. If the actress is naked then why not the actor?

Had I seen this in the cinema I would have walked out.

To say women feel it's a threat, well I thought she looked too skinny with a pair of silicone bags swinging from her armpits. Her face looks a bit too masculine, is that because the actress is a bit gaunt? Putting on a bit of weight would help with that but actresses feel they have to be size zero or close to it.

I thought the rest of the film wasn't really that good but great supporting cast especially Don Cheadle and Bruce Greenwood. So stick gratuitous explicit female nudity to compensate for not that great a script. Also there were no strong major female leads. I didn't think this was Washington's best acting at all. John Goodman was himself probably exaggerated!

All in all a disappointment.


well borat did it... and ive seen a few Fat naked guys in films too. she looked amazing to me... i guess you dont like slim/slender people, i must look the same then cuz im a naturally slim guy, i guess i look nasty to u also. thanks :) i guess we should all just hate on skinny people as its rude to poke fun at fat people now.


Some people have WAY too many hangups about nudity.

It wasn't sexual at all. Just a naked female body on screen for a couple of minutes.

That is all.

NOTHING wrong with that. Same thing goes if it was a naked male body.

If the sight of a nipple and some pubic hair is enough to outrage you, then the problem is with YOU. Not the film.

Mr Annnderson.....!



Nudity is so commonplace in movies nowadays that it didn't phase me at all.

It was just 'huh shes naked' and I carried on watching the film. The only part that made me wonder is when she was bending over and Denzel was looking at her whilst on the phone, the woman was fully nude! So whilst she was bending over he was obviously looking at her pu... you know!

Ashmi any question



Just watched this scene, and as a semi-prude I didn't think the nudity was necessary...until Denzel used the F-word. That shocked me more than the nude woman, but then it all made sense. They wanted audiences to know, right from the start, that this was not going to be your usual Denzel in this movie. Well done......Oh, and the woman was absolutely blazing hot!

...still watching. as a 45 year old, still drug free semi-prude, the drug shooting scene bothered me much, much more.


Its understandable what people are saying though, its not like the movie NEEDED a naked scene. We get that they had had sex, its not rocket science.

Ashmi any question


It's also ironic that there is scene in the film that shows a woman nearly being forced into a porn film she's so desperate for money...but the makers of this film have no problem putting a naked woman right in front of the camera for no good reason.


It's also ironic that there is scene in the film that shows a woman nearly being forced into a porn film she's so desperate for money...but the makers of this film have no problem putting a naked woman right in front of the camera for no good reason.


Wow 218 posts so far, gratuitous and unnecessary some are saying but the nude scenes or the sex scenes in movies are the ones everyone wants to talk about.


So basically what you are saying is that you didn't like your husband seeing a naked woman, that you were uncomfortable, that you were jealous, envious?

Why wasn't the scene necessary? It was the start to a working day, he woke up with a woman as many men do, she was getting ready for work and having a conversation. My wife walks around naked until she's showered ETC as do I.

I found nothing wrong with the scene, it was just a routine part of the day, maybe not a body we all see everyday, but a normal routine part of the day. I suggest if you do not want your husband seeing naked women you blindfold him, or don't let him watch films, and for the love of god don't let him dream or fantasise about other women when you make love, or is he banned from that too(!)


I agree the opening scene was WAY gratuitous in needless nudity that had nothing to do with the plot. She looked bored and tired just hanging around naked waiting for Whip to get off the phone with his ex-wife. I agree she looked hot, but they had ZERO chemistry. She might as well have been hooker. Why not include a topless scene a la Airplane style of her boobs giggling during the turbulence or descent scene on the flight ? She wasn't cast for her acting skills, that's for sure.

Wonderful, but forgettable. It sounds like a film I've seen. I probably wrote it.


As a male, I'll agree with you that it was gratuitous, and I'm with you on being upset at Hollywood for emphasizing the sex appeal of its actresses over their acting talents. However, we really shouldn't be so embarrassed and scared of the naked body. Everyone has a naked body. In that sense, it doesn't matter whether or not your husband was there...the damage done by scenes like that is to the actresses that get "trapped" having to showcase their bodies for roles, not to you or your husband, IMO.
