MovieChat Forums > Pacific Rim (2013) Discussion > Is this the most stupid movie ever or wh...

Is this the most stupid movie ever or what?

...I mean the whole plot... highly advanced alien civilisation trying to invade earth using giant creatures that are cloned??? or give birth??? and much more stupid humans using giant robots to wrestle them...
How stupid can that be. Why do'nt aliens use some kind of virus, why not humans use thousands of small robotic weapons instead... totaly bull crap.
I don't use to coment movies but could't help it this time.

On the other hand Idris Elba was the only one that did some acting in this movie.



Stai departe de genul asta, se pare ca ai probleme cu intelegerea :)
E un omagiu pentru mecha anime, desenele alea animate cu roboti uriasi. E frustrant cand apar din astia ca tine, merg la un film despre roboti uriasi si se asteapta sa vada ce? Pe Inna in shorts?
Doar atat.
O viata frumoasa iti doresc

All time favorites


:)da, recunosc, probabil am probleme cu intelegerea. poate geniul tau imi explica si mie firul logic...


Firul logic?
SImplu: roboti uriasi care se lupta si mult CGI. Intr-un cuvant: actiune.

All time favorites


This just like a "Bad" or typical Japanese film form the 50s/60s complete with Sumo mannerisms. Throw in a big Budget and a director who derives drama from a stupid screenplay (an insult to all screen writers). Typical CRAP from Hollywood. Movies have become a national embarrassment. I can write better better stuff than this. OVER-EDITING will be the death of movies. Every 3 secs >>> CUT CUT CUT CUT CUT CUT CUT CUT<<<<
The one ANTI editing movie was ..........?????? Can you guess it???

12 Years a Slave

Don't think I am a against good editing... Good movies like gravity require it. But Directors.... LET THE ACTORS ACT for goodness sake.


Your post screams "ignorance" for several reasons:

a director who derives drama from a stupid screenplay (an insult to all screen writers).

Have you actually seen other films directed by Guillermo del Toro? If you did, you wouldn't say anything like this.

Typical CRAP from Hollywood.

Pardon my swearing, but WHAT EVEN THE F. Do you not realize that this film was inspired by the director's childhood memories?

Movies have become a national embarrassment.

Indeed, but that's becuase of Friedberg/Seltzer travesty, not because of films like this.

Also, Guillermo del Toro is from Mexico, so this film could be considered as an Mexican embarrassment by that standard (no racism intended).


Gravity is a sleep aid film. George Clooney is mediocre and Sandra Bullock repeats the same character for the nth time.


I would rather watch "Robot Jox" a hundred times over, than to watch this crap twice. What a let down.


Just think of all the stupid things humanity does over and over again... .

Just because YOU have an idea of how to do something does not mean the Aliens, from this film, would think the same thing.


OP: You have no imagination. I pity you.

Only stupid people believe in supernatural beings.


I had a somewhat similar negative opinion of this movie when I saw it in the theaters, but I just didn't get it.

Watching it now on cable, I enjoy it a lot more now that I see it for what it is: A live action cartoon.

The science is purely a plot device, and nothing more. I made the mistake of taking this movie more seriously than it was intended to be. Picking apart the logic of this movie is the same as picking apart the logic in a Voltron episode.

Your mama was a snowblower!


Clearly, you haven't seen any of Selter and Friedberg's Godly retarded and unfunny pieces of sh!t if you think this is the stupidest movie ever. I'd rather watch this 100 times than sit through their abominations of "movies" even once (they're not even movies, what am I saying?)


Finally got around to seeing this on HBO last week and I honestly don't understand all the negativity towards this movie. This was a well-made throwback to the cheesy, low-budget monster movies of the 50s/60s. The robots were cool, the monsters destructive, the heroes likeable and the action scenes even had much needed levity from Charlie Hayes and Ron Perlman. This movie was just loads of fun.


Exactly. Now its elements (acting, story) aren't the greatest (other than spectacular action), but they're not mediocre either. I've seen really dumb action flicks. Pacific Rim is far less insulting to its audience and put together with more love than the crap we usually get.
