I was more entertained by this film than any of the recent bond movies, so I applaud your allegory by comparing this to Bond for those who are unsure what this movie is.
However there are some distinct differences.
Ryan Gosling doesnt seduce anyone and is not a "ladies man". Sierra Six (Ryan Gosling) is stylistically different than bond, as he is all about the mission and doesnt seem to be having fun in a social sense. He is not throwing baddies off a train and then sitting down for a martini with a beautiful women with the scenes blended effortlessly a la Sean Connery or Roger Moore. Sierra Six is more like the cool collected soldier, dolling out martial mayhem with a sense of justice in self defense or defense of another person. He is not quite Jason Bourne, not quite Bond, and neither is he Bryan Mills (from Taken). He has some similarites but is different enough to be his own agent.
For those of you who are a fan of Ryan Gosling, and have seen the movie The Nice Guys, I want you to picture his character from The Nice Guys. Sierra Six is much more restrained and not obnoxious at all. His character in The Gray Man is a more likable guy. He has loyalties and a sense of honor, and he kicks hella ass compared to any other spy I've seen on film.
Theres some grand set pieces and scenes of wanton mayhem and destruction, while Sierra Six keeps a cool head and dolly deals out shots and punches as the baddies keep upping the ante of ruckus on an epic scale.
So to conclude, the OP has a point in if you liked Bond then you should watch this movie because chances are youll like it! I have a point in that if you do not like Bond then you should watch this movie cause you'll like it! Either way you should watch this movie if you like spy genre or action movies.