I'm not saying do a reunion flick. What I am saying is....there's a natural chemistry that has formed within the cast (and even the crew/director), and that comes across on-screen. These people like each other, and play off each other very well. Riggs and Murtaugh come across as truly being longtime partners in crime, that rapport they have is believable.
One thing's for certain, and I can't stress this enough......if Mel is directing and personally involved in this project, it will be good. He's too talented....(and has too much respect for Richard Donner) to just put a paint-by-the-numbers LW movie out there just for a cash grab. This was Donner's baby, and it's personal for Mel and Danny as well.
Plus, there's plenty of recent subject matter they could tackle with a solid writer. Lots of things have changed in the world (MeToo, COVID, BLM, police reform, Russia, etc, etc...). If they really lean into this project, it would be a welcome return to a genre that has just about become extinct. (And, a welcome big-screen return of 2 characters it would be great to see again).
Hey, if you don't want to see it.......don't go.