MovieChat Forums > Warm Bodies (2013) Discussion > Do guys like this movie?

Do guys like this movie?

Because I read that people were comparing it to Twilight, not just because Teresa Palmer looks like Kristen Stewart. It's kind of a romantic action comedy and as a girl I really liked the movie. So I was wondering if it's too romantic for guys or not.

Twilight sucks though IMO :P

''If we can't live together, we're going to die alone!''


I hate Twilight but love this. I'm not saying that this is wonderfully written but it's a charming movie, mostly due to the two main actors.


I'm a guy and I liked it.
Yes she was like a blonde Kristen Stewart but that's where the comparisons to Twilight end. This little flick is far more clever and quirky


All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.


It's nothing like that sparkly veggie 'vampire' nonsense. For a start, it's an intentional comedy.

I got my dark tannin' oil... lay out by the pool, put on my dark tanning oil...


Finally got around to watching this. I really liked it, gave it a 7/10! It definitely had the romantic side in full force, but had enough horror elements and action to keep me interested....UNLIKE Twilight, which I HATED!

Oh, and I'm 100% MAN (ask my wife)...hehe

I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!


I'm a 29 year old guy who truly despises Twilight movies and everything alike. Warm Bodies was none of that. Twilight is a movie tailor made for idealistic teenage girls who know nothing about real life. Warm bodies is tailor made for intelligent and cynical people who have some knowledge of psychology and politics...

The key to understand this movie is to overlook the zombie aspect. The zombie apocalypse is just a metaphor for the dehumanization of our society. The Zombies are just normal apathetic people, who walk through their lives without ever being truly human. They are like the teenagers of today who can only send text messages to each or play on their Iphone, the bureaucrat who can't bother to greet you properly when you go and renew your driver license...

They can only «eat a brain» to fell, by stealing other people's thought. Which is a metaphor that means they try to be someone else. They are people who are not themselves, people who are slaves to the thoughts of other people, who cannot be «free».

In the beginning of the movie, R walks in the airport, goes through a metal detector with a TSA zombie who is still doing his job, not unlike an actual TSA worker... As R describes his «life»; walking around, not talking to anyone, looking at the ground,stuck in his own little bubble, he wonders how things were before the Zombie Apocalypse... And the next scene shows that things were EXACTLY THE SAME before...

Then comes the girl, who truly is alive. She is a true human being. She listens to no one but herself, she truly is free (from herself). The apathetic, emotionally dead young man, upon seeing her, begins to feel again.

The reality of our time is that about 85% of the population is brain-dead and emotionally drained to the point where they are basically non-human. Modern society destroyed us. A lot of those people were good kids, who could feel, who could love. Many of them just feel hopeless, they would love nothing more than to be human again. Others, are just plain scum, they have no more souls, they cannot be saved.

This movie was pure genius.


I am a older than dirt retired cop that liked the movie, and I am the type of person that will bail on a movie after 15 or 20 minutes if I get bored with a movie.

My 30 round AR-15 magazine and my 50 round Thompson machine gun magazines are standard capacity magazines I have no hi capacity mags all my magazines are standard capacity, 30 and 50 round mags. My AR-15s are not assault weapons nor are they high power rifles, they are sport utility rifles slightly larger than a ..22 caliber (.223)


I am a older than dirt retired cop that liked the movie, and I am the type of person that will bail on a movie after 15 or 20 minutes if I get bored with a movie.

My 30 round AR-15 magazine and my 50 round Thompson machine gun magazines are standard capacity magazines I have no hi capacity mags all my magazines are standard capacity, 30 and 50 round mags. My AR-15s are not assault weapons nor are they high power rifles, they are sport utility rifles slightly larger than a ..22 caliber (.223)


No. This "romantic action comedy" is about as romantic as a brick in the face, has action on kindergarten level and the comedy factor is typical American, aka as unfunny as it can be.
