A satellite can hover in space, but when it drops a missile, it falls to Earth.
You can slice a 900 meters per second moving bullet with a sword, from a meter range (takes the bullet 0.001 seconds to travel to target).
Every country has a briefcase that can destroy the world in a matter of minutes. And, each country only has about 10 nuclear warheads, and will launch them all at once at war.
- While dropping heavy objects from a satellite is a weapon of mass destruction; blowing said satellite up is a safe way to disarm it.
- Flair like guns have enough kinetic energy to blow an entire glacier of the side off a cliff.
- It's more safe to keep highly dangerous criminals unrestrained but drugged in fish tank, rather than restrained AND drugged outside one.
- Ninjas can magically create miles and miles of rope on a mountain instead of having to fly an entire container up there.
- While ICBM can be tracked in real time, any weapons satellite launched into space will go 100% unnoticed or can be hidden by a simple "Hey! Look over there!".
- The French president can't speak french (on the briefcase it says "bras" which translate to "arm" the body part instead of "armer" as in "arm a weapon").
- Having a nuclear weapon automatically means you have the long range ballistic missiles to hit any country.
whenever the president of the U.S. holds a world conference on Nuclear Disarmament? Expect all of the world leaders to bring brief cases to set off their own ICBM's and nuclear war heads.
Korea is the "little guy"..
The president's remorseful response to setting off a world wide nuclear war: "Yeah, i pressed it"..
some days, it's not worth chewing through the restraints..
When trying to stealthily cut through a fence at night, you should use some sort of futuristic yet highly-visible blow torch gloves instead of boring old bolt cutters.
The best way to start a sequel is to kill off all the main characters from the prior movie. It does wonders for continuity and it isn't like your audience was expecting to see those characters again anyway.
A guy dressed up in black body armor is definitely Snake Eyes. No need to actually check and see.
Jay Z spoke "immortal words" at some point I apparently missed.
Wear full body armor but helmets mess up the hair, and you can't have that.
A country's president being assassinated is the perfect time to take their nukes from them.
After ripping their nukes, you can drive armored vehicles right out of Pakistan. Wimps.
Roadblock's kids are the first in history to have no bedtime curfew.
G.I. Joe maybe able to pull off nearly superhuman feats against hi-tech enemies, but you can wipe out their entire force with one air strike.
Hawk, Ripcord and Scarlet, among others, apparently went on vacation.
You can't kill Storm Shadow. Only Storm Shadow can kill Storm Shadow.
Ninjas carry two harpoon guns each. They also carry a LONG rope.
Someone decided they wanted Cobra Commander and Destro pickled.
A prison in Germany has an American warden with zero German accent.
In fantasy football, you can draft Cobra Commander, Destro and Snake Eyes.
When bringing Snake Eyes to prison, make sure you keep his swords handy. Oh, and don't check for throwing stars.
Snake Eyes looks just like Storm Shadow! Oh, wait...
Firefly is the transportation, except he blew up his bike. Go figure.
Adrianne Palicki is HOT.
Snake Eyes and Jinx were trained by a blind rapper.
For a badly burned back, cream of broccoli soup works best. Forget hospitals...
An old, unused boxing gym had a computer, and hell, and old computer can be made as good as a new computer in no time at all. No internet connection or pentium chip necessary.
When fighting up hill, take the hill.
The President's wife couldn't figure out he was being impersonated over months, but Lady Jaye figured it out in minutes of viewing tape.
Flint is a dull boy, but apparently that is how Lady Jaye likes em.
Get hit by an SUV? Walk it off.
Zartan doesn't age. Maybe he shot JFK too.
Everyone loves to pick on North Korea. (This one is actually true.)
When the 3 imprisoned cobras were in the water tank, they were receiving an infusion that immobilizes muscles, yet when the tanks break, they can immediately stand, walk and fight normally, also although being stripped of their clothes, somehow they can still have weapons.
Shuriken and swords are an equally matched alternative to firearms.
The ninjas and arabs always wear a full face cover, even in the privates of their own compound.
Everyone is fighting to their last breath, even if the hero killed 9 out of 10 opponents in 3 seconds, the last one will still optimistically attack.
Up in the mountains, everyone has a grapling hook gun with a seemingly infinite supply of rope that appears out of nowhere, the hooks never slide out of the rock.