-Instead of destroying the Joes with artillery or airstrike, use helicopters that take forever to kill them.
-Even though that you know there are 3 escaped Joes, don't try to look for them or put them on the FBI, police, CIA...etc wanted lists and use all the resources of the country to find them
-Not only can you destroy the entire world's nuclear arsenal in one move. the knowledge needed and available resources to make more will just disappear
-Your plan of taking the world hostage with a couple of satellites is prefect once you get rid of the nuclear weapons in the world. it's not like humans can use other missiles to destroy your satellites.
-It's like totally okay for only the president of the county to just launch nuclear missiles willy nilly, the military won't hesitate or ask for confirmation in causing the end of the world, also everywhere this is true
-The only way for nuclear missiles to launch is having the president of country launch them from the briefcase, and no detection systems anywhere to ensure that if a single nuke was launch ALL will be launched.
-For some reason you should always go after the Joes, it's not like your plan actually depended on them being dead, and if you have a plan that can work fine with taking them out then dealing with them after taking the world hostage, go change it
-Either the president of the US does nothing, or Zartan is a master politician an administrator and have ,somehow , all the president's memories
-Somehow the US is like back in business after nearly destroying the world, no wars or actions against it
-Screw Britain