MovieChat Forums > G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013) Discussion > Things you learned from the movie!

Things you learned from the movie!

A satellite can hover in space, but when it drops a missile, it falls to Earth.

You can slice a 900 meters per second moving bullet with a sword, from a meter range (takes the bullet 0.001 seconds to travel to target).

Every country has a briefcase that can destroy the world in a matter of minutes.
And, each country only has about 10 nuclear warheads, and will launch them all at once at war.

You have more?


I learned that if your daddy thinks women shouldn't be in the army, then you should get a tit job and join the friggin' army. Yeah that'll show him!


We AREN'T running low on crazy.


-Instead of destroying the Joes with artillery or airstrike, use helicopters that take forever to kill them.

-Even though that you know there are 3 escaped Joes, don't try to look for them or put them on the FBI, police, CIA...etc wanted lists and use all the resources of the country to find them

-Not only can you destroy the entire world's nuclear arsenal in one move. the knowledge needed and available resources to make more will just disappear

-Your plan of taking the world hostage with a couple of satellites is prefect once you get rid of the nuclear weapons in the world. it's not like humans can use other missiles to destroy your satellites.

-It's like totally okay for only the president of the county to just launch nuclear missiles willy nilly, the military won't hesitate or ask for confirmation in causing the end of the world, also everywhere this is true

-The only way for nuclear missiles to launch is having the president of country launch them from the briefcase, and no detection systems anywhere to ensure that if a single nuke was launch ALL will be launched.

-For some reason you should always go after the Joes, it's not like your plan actually depended on them being dead, and if you have a plan that can work fine with taking them out then dealing with them after taking the world hostage, go change it

-Either the president of the US does nothing, or Zartan is a master politician an administrator and have ,somehow , all the president's memories

-Somehow the US is like back in business after nearly destroying the world, no wars or actions against it

-Screw Britain


- You can be extremely good looking, the star of a movie, and yet get killed off in the first 15 min of the sequel

- Commander Cobra is not even slightly interested in ruling London


"Things I learned from ________" threads are stupid.


"Things I learned..." threads are stupid and overdone.


I learned that kidzbpq likes to make the same comment twice on a thread almost a year apart about how that thread is OVERDONE and stupid.

Also, one woman wearing a sexy red dress doesn't seem conspicuous at a white house event where everybody is wearing black and white.



Can't believe you all forgot the best one.

When the President says 'This is a job for my G I Joes', everyone takes him seriously!



I learned that ninjas can fly like spider man with one shot from a rope gun and leap through canyons
Zartan would make a good president except for wanting to destroy the world. His poll numbers were up 9%
All nukes are preloaded with coordinates and can't be changed. So even if one country nukes them, they can only shot their nukes at the countries they were aimed at
On the same note, we aim nukes at every country as does everyone else. We can't just hit one country, and neither can any other country. Otherwise, a smaller country with no nukes aimed at them would simply let everyone else destroy themselves and become the new super power
You can kill off the entire first cast by only putting one of them in the movie and assume they are all dead
No Joes were at their super secret HQ. Every single one of them was in the desert
The newest Joe gets promoted to be the leader, before dying. He jumps all the other Joes and none are mad at all. His best friend who was inseparable isn't anywhere around
No one noticed the huge Cobra banners in the White House closet
Cobra HISS drivers shoot as well as storm troopers
In the extensive background of storm shadow and snake eyes from the first movie, they forgot to mention the most important character, a black Asian ninja master who is Raiden's cousin
Abandon gyms in the hood that have been abandoned have electricity
Instead of keeping your guns in a safe, keep them behind the pantry of snacks so the grand kids can maybe get to them
Cobra got hundreds of soldiers to defect and none question why they want to destroy the world. It's good so many have the same view
While cobra has air superiority in the desert, they have none later when the presidents are all together. One copter could have taken all,the joes out, but no need to have air cover with all the leaders of the world together
You can be sliced nearly in half and pushed half a mile into the Arctic Ocean with no swimming gear but survive
Chuck Norris isn't a Joe.. I thought they had the best of the best
