A satellite can hover in space, but when it drops a missile, it falls to Earth.
You can slice a 900 meters per second moving bullet with a sword, from a meter range (takes the bullet 0.001 seconds to travel to target).
Every country has a briefcase that can destroy the world in a matter of minutes. And, each country only has about 10 nuclear warheads, and will launch them all at once at war.
- You must be swift as a cat, but fierce as a tiger!
- Pressing the "abort sequence" button will for whatever reason blow up all weapon satellites.
- There will be no international repercussions whatsoever if USA annihilates London.
- As Flint, you can be a main character yet contribute with absolutely nothing throughout a movie.
- Bruce Willis stopped caring.
- You can walk for hours in an unknown direction in the desert without water or supplies without it affecting your health in any way.
- You can swing swords faster than bullets travel.
- Henchmen are as useless here as they are in any other movie.
- If the Rock drives a vehicle, it will be immune to all kinds of fire, despite being obviously less armored than the vehicles/tanks shooting at it that get blown up by the Rocks single shots.
- Seriously, Flint does absolutely nothing. Why is he there?
- The leader of each country is a stereotype.
I'm having trouble with a patient of mine; he's a teenage drug addict who's being molested. By me.
-In the middle of the night, you can fly to a landing zone in a loud airplane. Zipline down out of said aircraft with bright lights blazing and the Pakistani soldiers, dressed up like terrorists, will still be none the wiser to your presence. I'm sure this is how they got Bin Laden, after all.
-Repelling down the side of a missile while firing your gun at no one in particular is totally bitchin'.
-Guided bullets are kick ass. Unless you actually think about it.
I'm only 10 minutes in, so that's all I have learned so far.
The soldier responsible for operating the "guided bullets" in a combat situation will receive no training in the use of said bullets but will simply be given them moments before being dropped into a combat situation.
Ray Stevenson's Southern accent is so unconvincing, the costume people also had to add a 4 dollar Realtree camo hunting mask to signify that his character is a redneck.
A chief of staff who works side by side with the president on a regular basis and who has the authority to add anyone at all to the guest list at a white house function does not have his own security detail.
Roadblock is a single father whose toddlers simply fend for themselves while he is gone.
If Roadblock hadn't grown up on the mean streets of DC, the Joes would have had no base of operations in the area.
When trying to infiltrate a highly secure party, the best strategy is to send your most conspicuous member after having her dress roughly 45 times more conspicuously. (They should have sent Flint, no one would have noticed him. Heck, I pretty much forgot he existed and he was in practically every scene!)
Street ghetto talk makes the movie so much better. Sike, it doesn't, it ruins it.
Roadblock meets his hood friends and they just give him a place to stay and the friend just gives his keys over to Roadblock even tho he still has payments on his SUV. Yeah, believable.
Kill of the main character Duke. Great, movie ruined.
Snake Eyes had the best dialogue. Much better than Duke and Roadblock.
Street ghetto talk makes the movie so much better. Sike, it doesn't, it ruins it.
Roadblock meets his hood friends and they just give him a place to stay and the friend just gives his keys over to Roadblock even tho he still has payments on his SUV. Yeah, believable.
Kill off the main character Duke. Great, movie ruined.
Snake Eyes had the best dialogue. Much better than Duke and Roadblock.
killing off the main character from the first movie is apparently a "good" plot
a sword can slice though a bullet ninja's can fight on the side of a mountain no one would care if all of england was distorted and people randomly stockpile hundreds of weapons