MovieChat Forums > 127 Hours (2011) Discussion > So what's the worst pain you've ever exp...

So what's the worst pain you've ever experienced?

Mine was when I had testicular torsion. It pretty much felt like I was being continuously hit in the crotch for two hours.


It was a reflex and it prevented my little sister getting burnt, but when i was a kid, the iron (was plugged and hot) was on the kitchen counted and my sister was trying to reach for something and knocked it and it was gonna fall on her little head so my first reflex instead of pushing her away was to catch it myself before it hit her, so i burned both my forearms.

Also.. I've had kidney stones, a piched sciatic nerve, had a rusty nail go through my foot and dislocated my jaw.

At work, my sister accidentally got a pneumatic nail gun shot in the face. And when we were kids, my cousin was playing baseball and let go of the bat when she swung, and the bat broke my sister's nose.


Unlike a lot of women here, I fortunately never get really bad period pains. I generally don't put myself in the position to be injured (in my opinion) all that much. However, I do horse ride and have picked up many a minor - and one major - injury from that.

I was doing a practice run in the outdoor arena one day coming up to a show, just jumping my horse over four foot jumps, nothing too strenuous seeing as it was evening. It started raining while we were out, but stupidly I kept going (I live in Ireland, if you were to go inside every time it rained you'd never be outside for more than five minutes a year). I was just finishing up , doing one last small jump, when there was a big clap of thunder out of nowhere - my horse freaked the fvck out. She ran on for the jump and barged through it, lost her footing and fell, I half-slid half-jumped off her back but that was probably the worst thing to do because she kind of rolled when she hit the ground, right over me. Luckily once she'd rolled off me she got up and didn't stand on me on her way back, but I had two broken ribs, a broken nose (the stirrup whacked me), broken wrist and sprained ankle.

It was okay though; my horse was alright.

My blog,for what it's worth


Mine was when I got hit by a car when I was 12. I just remember stepping into a street and the next thing I know - I got hit hard by something and twisted the other way when I hit the ground. I didn't even know what had happened until I saw a car a few inches away in the street. My left leg was broken in two places (prior to this I'd never even had anything like a sprain/pull to any of my bones) and it felt fully numb, but it wasn't really, and I started to panic because I thought it was paralyzed. I wanted to get onto the sidewalk because my face was right in the dirt and leaves so the woman who hit me helped me onto my right foot and I had to hop there and the pain from having the bone move in my leg made me want to die. And then, once I got to the hospital, one of the doctors told me they'd have to "reset" the broken bone in my leg and the only way they could do that was by needle since it would take too long for a pain killer to take affect. I made them do it without anything because I was horribly afraid of needles and a nurse had to put a glove in my mouth to keep me from screaming/crying while the doctor was lining up the bone in my leg.

That was such a horrible experience! I wouldn't wish it on anyone!


When I was 9 I had to have ear tubes removed manually and it felt like someone was ripping tape off my ear drum.

And it was very slow and all I could hear was this roaring sound in my ear.

Leave your "Write me a role on Glee" message after the beep


After reading through the posts in this Thread, I've naturally found myself shaking my head at what many folks consider "true pain". While I have absolutely no idea what other people have endured themselves, and it's definitely not my place to make light of anyone's situation... most of these testimonials have been a "walk-in-the-park" compared to the suffering I've faced over the course of my life. Which is good of course, because I don't wish my health problems upon ANYONE.

Well, I'm 32 years old myself, and have been dealing with chronic health issues since birth. Needless to say, I've experienced levels of pain no human being should ever have to endure. If you were to ever meet me in person, you'd never guess in a million years I've suffered through what I've been through, or that I had anything wrong with me what-so-ever. First off, I've been through roughly 100 surgeries over the years (no joke).

Anyhow, I was born with an EXTREMELY rare lymph condition that's affected by entire right leg from my buttocks, down to my toes. I can still recall being only a few years old, and dealing with terrible leg pain from these operations, along with the nasty affects of anesthesia to boot. As time went on, I began urinating blood, because of the extensive amount of lesions on my bladder. In fact, I still piss blood on occasion, and usually need "laser surgery" (within days) to correct this ordeal... that is, until the next time it arises.

Heck, I had 13 surgeries in 2008 alone, every time having tubes shoved-up my lizard. It sucks. In fact, after a day or two when this bleeding begins, I get these HUGE CLOTS which I can't pass through my urinal tract, so naturally, everything backs up and I'll wish for death. Of course, I always refuse to have a "Catheter" shoved-up my special place, because of the terrible memories of this being done as a child. Years ago they wouldn't sedate me at all, and would ram these tubes up my privates, as I sat there screaming for my life in dear agony.

Furthermore, I ended-up losing 6 pints of blood at the age of 19, and then being taken up to the Mayo Clinic, only to have a permanent "Colostomy". Yes, I have to crap in a bag near my abdomen for the rest of my life... which actually rules, because being an OCD germaphobe, I hate dirty bathrooms. Let's see, every so often my leg gets infected because of all these open sores on my leg and rear-end, and it feels like nails are being impounded into my body.

Last but not least, I hit a deer on my crotch rocket (Kawasaki Ninja ZX6-R) motorcycle at 120 mph and lived to tell the tale. Sheesh, somebody upstairs is lookin' out for me. Bottom line, PAIN SUCKS!!!


I totally feel for you. I can't imagine going through what you've gone through.

I recently had a TUR procedure, which involves scopes, gear, and catheters up the junk, along with some chemo for good measure. That seriously hurts like a SOB in the few days after. I can't imagine what the rest of you're life has been like, but you have my empathy for the parts that I CAN imagine.

I've also (not in chronological order):
- crashed my Ninja 250r and severely bruised a kidney
- crashed my Ninja ZX9r, concussions, black outs, a collar bone snapped in a few places leading to 2 surgeries, a steal plate, 7 pins, and a whole lot of rehab (3 years) in order to get my shoulder/arm back into working condition
- car accident leading to compressed neck/spine injury
- rock (free) climbing fall leading to chronic back pain
- wisdom teeth extraction, braces, root canal
- 2nd degree burns all over my body from a freak sunburn... was hospitalized for a brief bit. That sucked. Every little hair on your body is hooked up to nerves which are HYPER-sensitive when you're burned. Blankets, burn creams, gauze, burn sprays, water, even someone's breath if they were to blow on you hurts like a mad demon trying to get out of hell.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And dammit if I ain't one of the strongest people I know.

But truth be told, I think The_Xtreme_Game has it worse when he says:

Does it have to be physical pain or emotional pain? If its emotional pain, I have lived the most horrific thing any father could. Lets just say, having a child taken away from you is a horrible pain that never goes away.

Nothing sounds worse. I am sorry for your pain. I wouldn't trade my list and years lost for what you're going through.

Both of you have my prayers.


Is your hearing very good after doing that?

Wait. Where are you going? I was going to make Espresso...


When I had a root canal done in my lower jaw a year back. Oh the agony...

Another time, when I was a teen I feel while cleaning the roof into solid granite and cramped my left leg. I was lucky that bone didn't break but the tissue damage was like hell.



Wait. Where are you going? I was going to make Espresso...


I broke both bones in my right arm one after another within seconds of eachother (my bike fell on my arm, breaking one, the other broke as I was trying to extricate myself) my arm was at a total 90 degree angle.

I was about 10, I'm pretty proud that I didn't cry about it. I screamed like hell when it actually happened but after the shock of seeing my forearm suddenly form an L shape, I was still alone and still on the side of the road and I needed to walk to the nearest public building with a phone before I could be a baby about it. It's probably my proudest moment actually ...which makes me something of a pansy.)

That's the worst pain I can remember, I'm sure I've been in more (I was a danger prone child...and I'm sorta still a danger prone young adult) I got stabbed in the gut by my bike handle when I was about 6 years old (it was one of those curved handles with the streamers, except I removed the streamers so it was just a rusty metal hole aimed at my stomach when I crashed into a wall one day) but I don't remember much after that happened. I also fell out of a moving car when I was 3 or 4, still have a badass scar on my chin, but can't remember it at all.

I thought in Hufflepuff you just spend the day making stuff with safety scissors and glitter




One day about three days ago, I snarfed. That's when you sneeze so hard that you fart involuntarily. It hurt my ass really bad.

Hank: I’m outta here! I’m not gonna play second...banana fiddle to some stupid old baby.


When I dislocated my knee. Never screamed so much before in my life.
