MovieChat Forums > 127 Hours (2011) Discussion > So what's the worst pain you've ever exp...

So what's the worst pain you've ever experienced?

Mine was when I had testicular torsion. It pretty much felt like I was being continuously hit in the crotch for two hours.


I just remembered one. Having my belly button pierced was pretty painful. Much worse than they told me it would be!

Also having an exposed nerve in my tooth when I was about 16 was absolute agony and every time something touched the exposed nerve it felt like being punched in the side of the head with a bag of hot coals.

"It's a Fez. I wear a Fez now. Fez's are cool"


Giving birth!


Having an acute gout attack on the knee. As a longtime sufferer of the condition I've had several acute attacks from the big toe to the ankle but the knee is the worse. It is absolutely the worst pain I have ever endured. Not only does it swell up to 2x the size but you can't even touch it without pain shooting up the thigh. The pain was so much I remember one time my mother didn't know I had an attack and I was just laying down and she touched my knee to get my attention I let out a scream and then just passed out from the pain.

I've seen some people mention like a bad toothache, broken bones, etc. Psshhh yea I've had those but it don't compare to a gout attack on the knee....which is 10x worse than any broken bone I've ever had. As a dude I can't comment on giving birth so...


My worst pain was during an operation, September last year. I was having implant surgery on my jaw, had a lot of pain there previously due to bone grafts and other implants but it was nothing compared to this. As usual, I was dosed up on local anaesthetic and as usual it started to run out after about an hour. Told the guy doing my operation (more like gestured/grunted) and he proceeded to numb my mouth up again. But for some reason I could still feel pain in part of my mouth. Told him again, he tried numbing it up but the pain was getting worse and he couldn't get the right part of my mouth numb I don't know why. He ended up using the maximum dose of local anaesthetic that was safe, coulnd'nt put any more in but I could still feel in one part of my mouth and there was literally no numbness to it after about another half hour.

The implant was going directly into the bone on my jaw and I felt a heck of a lot of it. Total operation time was about 2 1/2 hours so for about 1 hour I was wishing everything would just end. The most painful part was the drilling into the bone or whatever it was I could feel, he used it carefully because he could tell I was in pain but it was still torture. Getting stitches was a relief, even though they were painful because I knew then it was over and I could go home to bed. I never cry or complain about pain usually (tried to man up!)but couldn't stop pretty much sobbing throughout, my t-shirt was literally dripping with sweat afterwards.

Worst experiance of my life, never again.
Didn't enjoy the arm scene, partly because it brought back these memories. At least I can be thankful I didn't have to go through something like it though.


braces hurt


Labor and delivery....with no drugs whatsoever. I've done it 3 times. You men have NO idea. If men had to give birth and experience that kind of pain, the human race would have died out long ago!

After I had my 4th baby, and my oldest son, who was 8 at the time, came to see us at the hospital. He was looking at the little pain chart on the wall--you know the one I'm talking about? It has a scale of 1-10, with little faces to go with the numbers. Face #1 is smiling...face #10 is red and sad and crying and the pain is "unbearable." Well, anyway, my son asked me what my pain number had been while I was having the baby. I said "you see that #10 on the chart?" and he said "yes," and I answered: "I was an 11." Yep, it's that bad.

now run away or I shall taunt you a second time



Depending on your stage of labour Doctors often won't let you have drugs. I had to have my 3 au naturale because they came very quickly but also very painfully. Two of mine were back labours...imagine an hour and a half of being stabbed repeatedly in the back.


Lol ouch.

Mine was when I fractured my tibia plateau in my knee. I almost passed out from the pain and the next day, thanks to my infinite wisdom, I tried walking without crutches and just a cane...I was feeling shock-like, sharp pains in my left leg/entire left side with every step i took. I ended up in bed for a couple of months.


Nephew(23year old) cheap shotted me with a rising hook square on the chest. Not so bad to start with, but i had 2 months of extremely restricted movements afterwards lol! Coughing and sneezing was just agony.

I swear he musta fractured or bruised a rib, but i don't go to the doctors for anything lol, so i'll never know now.


Does it have to be physical pain or emotional pain? If its emotional pain, I have lived the most horrific thing any father could. Lets just say, having a child taken away from you is a horrible pain that never goes away.

As far as physical goes, it would have to be the time that I had my wisdom teeth removed, I was in what people call paralyzed conscienceness, and could feel everything that was being done, but couldn't do anything about it. Nitrous didn't work at all as far is killing the pain.


when i had this multiple canker sores on both of my tonsils. i swear i could compare the pain to someone's who just got out of OR from tonsillectomy with the anesthetic wearing off.

even talking hurt like hell.
