MovieChat Forums > 127 Hours (2011) Discussion > So what's the worst pain you've ever exp...

So what's the worst pain you've ever experienced?

Mine was when I had testicular torsion. It pretty much felt like I was being continuously hit in the crotch for two hours.


A kick in the nuts.

SCRE4M - New Decade, New Rules.


I was just a kid, maybe 8 or something and I crashed with my bike. The thing was, it didn't have any rubber handles on the edges of the steer so it was just a bare, a bit rusty metal tube which was jabbed up into the roof of my mouth as I fell on it in the crash. I remember the worst part being the pain didn't go away and it was weird how I felt it completely, unlike an injury on another part of the body. Guess the mouth is a rather fragile area in constant movement. The pain was much more pulsating and freaking me out because it could never be let alone. Difficult to describe.


Migraine headaches have put me out cold before.

Last spring I bruised a couple ribs and that was agony that sucked for about 5 or 6 weeks.

Broke my hand with a "boxers injury", shattered the base of a long bone in my hand where it hooks up with the wrist bones. Went to bed not knowing it was broke and that hurt like hell 4-5 hours later when I woke up with it swollen all to hell.

Had a wart on my hand once that I got rid of by heating up the head of a safety pin with a lighter and then burned into the wart and pulled off the burned bits afew times. It was short lived pain and nothing like the above.

But of all that crap do you know what is the most painful thing I have ever experienced? Infections under my finger nails or at the cuticles when you cut your nails to short or lose one side of your cuticle. An infection like that hurts more then anything I have ever experienced.

I can only imagine how brutal the bamboo torture technique where you splinter dry bamboo and stab the splinters under the fingernails and toenails of a person and then let the wound fester. I would imagine getting your kneecaps shattered by a ball bat would have nothing on the bamboo with regards to the actual pain.


The pain didn't last for long, but a few years ago I was roller blading down the street and I fell backwards. Instead of letting myself fall on my arse I put my hand out (oops) and the impact snapped my wrist bone in two places. Was sitting in A&E waiting room for about 6 or 7 hours. After all that time they thought it was a sprain. About two weeks later I went back as the position of my wrist was curved instead of being naturally straight. Finally they worked out it was broken in two and you know the rest of the story. Over paid doctors lol.

"You will never be one of the people!"


Labor pain. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.

---- E pur si muove! ---


"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" doesn't begin to do justice to labor pains. I screamed so much that the obstetrician actually threatened to leave me, if I didn't stop! Obnoxious jerk. I hope he gets to personally experience pain like that sometime in his life; then, he might be a little more compassionate.

One of the worst things about labor pains is that they go on, and On, and ON. . .. Most people can deal with even bad pain for a little while but, when it doesn't stop, and the hours continue to tick by . . .. You have no idea.


Exactly, Pamactress. That's how bad it is. I was induced, which makes it even more intense. Nothing prepares you for that. That's why I think I didn't find it that hard to see the amputation scene.

---- E pur si muove! ---


I had a horrible eye infection that would not go away in spite of various antibiotics. My eye was blood red for weeks and the skin around my eye was sagging, my ocular nerves were killing me, etc. I went to a "specialist" who turned out to be a man seemingly devoid of compassion. With a gloved had, he pried my eye as wide open as humanly possible and proceeded to shove his finger into my eye -- no warning, no nothing. The pain was so sudden and intense that I swore I wanted to scream -- I even opened my mouth but no sound came out.



Hmm it's a tie between when I rolled my sprained ankle or when I had an operation to remove my ingrown toenail and doctor shoved that little pointed wooden stick under my nail.


Kidney stones! I felt the same as I imagine poor ol' Aron felt when the rock first crushed his arm - and I felt like that for 18 hours!


Seconded on the kidney stones. I was rolling on the floor for an entire day, just trying to find any position to relieve the excruciating pain. Then a few months later went through the whole thing all over again when the big stone decided to move further down the ureter.... but added extreme projectile vomiting to the mix. Thought for sure I was dying and that organs were going to start coming out of me.


I lol at all the girls with their period cramp being the worst. C'mon. As for labor pains, I can imagine as my wife is pregnant, and it's hard to gauge how painful something really is as everyone's threshold is different.

My worst was a couple years back. I fell about 10 feet and my leg straightened out on the way down and I landed right on it. All my weight made my femur hit my tibial plateau. 2 hairline fractures, my tibial plateau (the bone that holds the ligaments) was broken off.
First surgery: external fixator. Forces the leg straight. That lasted a week.
Second surgery: 2 plates and 10 screws to hold all the bones together.
3 months of recovery to allow the bones to heal correctly. Couldn't put any weight on it. It was either a wheel chair or crutches.

The healing stages after the surgery, when I first woke up from surgery, the initial break, and the first 2 months of recovery were far greater than any pain I ever imagined up to that point. You wouldn't even know exactly how painful it was unless you went through it yourself. (Which is why I hope I don't get any women on here trying to compete. It's certainly not a competition, as I could never live your birthing experience and I would hope you'd never have to live my type of knee injury).

Once you figure out what a joke everything is, being the Comedian's the only thing makes sense


It is very rude for you to say "I lol at all the girls with their period cramp being the worst" You are a guy and you have no idea what period cramps feel like. Some women do not know what they feel like either because not every women actually gets period cramps. Some women get severe pain, some moderate, and some mild. Period cramps are especially painful for women who suffer from endometriosis.

Obviously period cramps cannot compare to cutting off your arm or even your knee injury. That doesn't mean that all girls deserve to be laughed at for posting that period cramps are the worst pains they have ever experienced. What sucks about period cramps is that they come back every single month. Its not like when you break your leg and it hurts but, then it heals and you don't have to worry about it any more. Its a reoccurring pain and its completely out of our control. Almost every other type of pain is a result of poor diet, reckless behavior, or by getting into some sort of accident. period cramps just occur and there is no way to prevent them.

I think women deserve some respect for having to put up with period cramps month after month. And you should be thankful that you do not have to deal with them. As you said yourself, this is not a competition. It is wrong to insult other posters just because they haven't experienced pain that is on par with the pain you have experienced.


Back in the 5th grade, there was a time I broke my foot in three places while playing tag with my classmates; there was a metal ladder on one end of the playground which I was on, and when the kid who was "it" reached out to tag me, I jumped and whacked my foot on one of the metal bars on the way down. I was writhing in pain on the ground for a few minutes, but none of the others would help me. THIS, however, was completely understandable; whenever I jumped off of the ladder in the past, I'd pretend to be seriously injured as a joke(what can I say, I was a kid). What WASN'T understandable, however, and the thing that really added insult to injury, was when I called out to our teacher from across the playground, she just casually motioned for me to come over to her. Now, the thing is, there was a basketball court filled with people in between her and I, so I had to crawl across it while hoping like hell that no one would bump into me. When I finally got to her, she just gave me ice; it wasn't until I saw the school nurse, my pediatrician, and an x-ray specialist that everyone realized that I broke my foot.

In the 9th grade, I ended up getting my leg broken. I went to a high school in a town where neo-liberalism is practically a religion, and one day, I jokingly called my friend a Republican during lunch. He kicked me in the shin, and while he didn't intend to cause any serious harm, he ended up breaking my leg. Now, when I first hit the ground, I was shouting obscenities so loudly that pretty much everyone eating outside could hear me, so unlike last time, my friends DID try to help me. However, the faculty showed the same extreme incompetence that my elementary school did; I ended up needing to drag my broken leg across half of the school, only to go through the exact same sh!t I did in elementary school.
