MovieChat Forums > 127 Hours (2011) Discussion > So what's the worst pain you've ever exp...

So what's the worst pain you've ever experienced?

Mine was when I had testicular torsion. It pretty much felt like I was being continuously hit in the crotch for two hours.


Good question OP

had a few...playing softball in my late 20's...slid into second wearing old sweats in rock infested city park field, ripped a 5 inch circular TOP LAYER (epidermis)of skin off my left leg...SEVERE blood, ER dock had to SCRAPE the dirt and pebbles out with a brush PINK meat, minor nerve damage, wore gauze bandage for six weeks (imagine pulling that off the bloody patch to clean and change every day)..every time I moved that leg or rolled over in my sleep..excruciating pain.

Vicodin helped a little bit.

Of course what Mr. Ralston did was epic...some of the post on this site sound so ignorant with comments like did he do it for money and fame, gimme a break people!


Your description made me cringe, lol.

Well today I finally had surgery for my testicular torsion. Yesterday was probably the worst pain I've ever felt.

Wait. Where are you going? I was going to make Espresso...


Renal colic! You don't wanna feel it, it the worst pain anyone can experience...


I only read some of these, not all. So, sorry if I missed it. Yet I'm surprised no one mentioned a biggie: opiate(pain killer) withdrawl. Good Lord: shaking, sweating & cold at same time, going to bathroom every 15min, chronic nausea, no energy at all (cannot even stand up), feeling like your legs are on fire they hurt so bad. On top of that, it goes on for days AND you have the joy of chronic insomnia so you can't even escape it. If that's not enough, the depression is so intense you wanna kill yourself.

Not to detract from all the other horrors, just saying. And I hear heroin withdrawl is even worse!


I had a collapsed lung and after the smaller tube to suck the air out didn't work, the doctor inserted a much larger tube into my side right then and there - no numbing; nothing. My gosh, I thought he was pushing that tube so much that it was going to pop out on my other side. I was gripping the railing on the side of the bed so tightly, my knuckles were white and at one point, I told the nurse "I can't breathe." Really scary!


Giving birth, with no pain relief. Never again!


I fell off of a girl's shoulders at cheer camp and landed on my elbow. I waited an hour before I said anything because I didn't think it was that serious, but it turned out that it was horribly fractured. I didn't get a proper sling or anything like that until four hours later. Had I landed in a slightly different position I probably would have broken it hahaha so my story can be called 5 HOURS :)

I promise, that one day, everything's going to be better for you.


My worst pain was probably when my wife left me 4 years ago. That bitch broke my heart into 200 pieces. 200 shards of glass in my chest, cutting my insides, destroying any chance of happiness in the future and any memories of happiness in my past. And she took my X-Box.


i once made the mistake of driving in flip-flops, then walking barefoot on the beach. that started multiple very painful foot and toe cramps that continued for a few days, and i had to keep walking to prevent it from getting worse.
also, a major food poisoning a few years back. i won't go into details but it came with everything food poisoning means, and it ended in the hospital.



Once in Primary school, i was walking and balancing on this fence with wooden poles which were quite low, and it was kinda fun until i tried something stupid of which i forgot and i fell onto my left knee on the tar and i have 2 major scars.
The first scar i went to stitch it up on the same day and i really forgot why the doctor didn't use any anaesthetic (like numbing injection thing) and i cried so much, it was insane! but the bigger scar i went for stitches in the same week, it was numbed and no pain at all.

Once at Primary school we had an outing with a medieval theme, i dressed up as a knight and i had a long hard plastic toy sword that even made sound effects lol and i made a cardboard shield, the previous night i got into so much of trouble for cutting the tablecloth while making my shield that my father didn't let me go, but in the morning my mother allowed me to go. Anyways i asked my friend to take a picture of me posing on top of this tomb-like grave and he took the pic and i fell down into the square stone tomb and the sword so happened to pierce my skin just below my right eye. It was a bearable pain, but one of my friends said that a white part was visible, i got so scared i thought that the white part of the bottom of my eye was visible, i wanted to kill myself! Then they took me to the secretary and i had to call my dad - THIS was the most painful pain i've ever experienced lol

Since then I haven't really gotten hurt to any of these extents


The worst pain ive ever felt was in June of this year, I had to undergo surgery to realign my jaw as I had an open bite. When I went for my pre-med, however much I asked the surgeon not to tell me what they were going to to he insisted. They made an incision across the top of my entire upper gum and pulled it forward to expose the bone. They then sawed, drilled and chipped the bone away and set my jaw back in place. I now have 4 plates and 16 screws in my top jaw. Ive gotta say, after waking up from that, my face was pretty swollen. It wasnt until a couple of days later when the numbness starting wearing off that I felt just how painful it was.
My sister had to have the same operation 3 years ago, but before that, I hadnt heard of it, apparently its really quite common though. Although it was really painful and my face really hurt, I would definitely do it again, and would encourage anyone else who needs it done to go for it!!


For me, it was one night when I was recovering from a major spinal operation in hospital and needed the loo, and when I tried to get out of bed with assistance, I felt as though I had been punched a 1000 times, not just in my back but everywhere else too.

"Life after death is as improbable as sex after marriage"- Madeline Kahn(CLUE, 1985)



Tonsilitis really sucks, because it's a very sharp pain every single time you swallow. And it lasts for ages. Every time you swallow you just feel like absolute crap and it's relentless.

Another one, depression. People who haven't experienced it have no idea how bad severe depression is. You literally feel sick PERMENENTLY. Imagine having no relief 24/7. That has to be my most painful experience.

Ingrown toenails suck too. Another long-lasting pain.

I haven't really experienced much else.. apart from a few sets of stitches on my head. Compared to the above though, those are like getting punched in the arm


This was a really idiotic thing to do, I know, but when I was 14 I got out of the shower and I was using a q-tip to clean my ears. The hair dryer cord was in the way of a drawer I was wanting to open so I put the q-tip in my right ear canal and left it in so I could move the cord and open the drawer. After I did that I had a Darwin Award type moment and moved my head to the right (as if I suddenly forgotten that I had a q-tip in my ear) and my shoulder jammed in the q-tip and punctured my eardrum, an incredibly sharp pain exploded on the right side of my head and yeah, I screamed. Luckily I have no hearing loss or anything in that ear so it was fine. Needless to say I don't even use q-tips anymore.


My worst pain was in a fight at school over a girl.
Bit pointless looking back but anyways, his fist drove straight into my nose and I felt it get absolutely crushed and he broke his hand in the process. Next minute my white school shirt was a vivid red and by the time all my friends and teachers were grouped around me I was in shock and kept repeating everything multiple times over. But the worst part was the two injections into my skull up both nostrils and the reshaping ;) I can't describe it.



Nice sob story, one in a million. Just how in the hell did you manage to get in front of a coal train? Am I wrong or are they really large and easy to avoid?
Something about all that seems very strange and unbelievable to me.

Sorry if all that stuff actually happened, but damn.


Bursting my ear drum. Was the sharpest pain I've ever felt for about 5 seconds then it was gone. I still cringe everytime i think about it.

Carry on my Wayward Son.


Childbirth, twice.

Second to that was haemarrhoids during my second pregnancy - the pain was indescribable and I didn't close my eyes for 3 days. Can't believe I'm telling a bunch of strangers about that!

My husband had a kidney stone and says he had no idea such pain could exist.
