MovieChat Forums > 127 Hours (2011) Discussion > So what's the worst pain you've ever exp...

So what's the worst pain you've ever experienced?

Mine was when I had testicular torsion. It pretty much felt like I was being continuously hit in the crotch for two hours.


- I got ran over by a motorbike when I was cycling 5 years ago. My arm was killing me (but it wasn't broken), the guy from the ambulance said he was surprised it wasn't broken, since my arm looked horrible.

- First migraine. The pain was so bad, I thought by bashing my head against the wall, the pain would go away. (wrong)

- Had a double root-canal treatment a few months ago. (double yay)

- I had surgery 2 years ago. The doctor told me that in the first week after, the pain would be horrible, and she was right. Worst pain ever!! No woman should ever have to go trough such pain.

I hate women because they always know where things are. ~ Voltaire


to the girls saying that menstrual cramps are the worst pain - wait till child birth, the contractions make your menstrual cramps feel like tummy tickles! Child birth is definitely the worst pain I've been through but I did it 7 times, naturally each time so it cant be that bad can it or I (and other women) wouldnt do it more than once! Its a natural process that we're designed to cope unlike cutting your arm off, I cant imagine that, I hate even getting paper cuts!



Got injured in jiujitsu three times. Same type of injury - ribs/ abdominal area.

Started with the right side of my ribs/abdomin the first time. The second time it was my left - same area. Third and final time was my left again and was the absolute worst pain I had ever felt. I was being stacked by a guy that outweighed me by 40lbs and I heard and felt three pops. The pain is really hard to describe, but it was kind of like how your muscles feel the next day when you over work them at the gym. It felt like that except 10 times worse and in an instant. Breathing, bending, laughing, coughing, walking all resulted in excruciating pain.

To make matters worse, I had to drive home after class in a car that was stick shift. So, every time I went to shift, the pain would get worse.I went to the doctor the next day and got Xrays. Everything came back normal and they couldn't find a single thing wrong with me.

Needless to stay, I stopped going to jiujitsu after that last injury and to this day haven't the slightest clue what my injury was.


Compound fracture both bones in my arm. Hurt pretty bad.

I'd like to say it was some badass accident and I took it like a man when it happened...

But I was rollerblading, backwards, tripped over my neighbor's jump rope and fell on my arm. Then proceeded to scream like a little girl when I saw my bones coming through my skin.

Reading this while smoking may cause lung disease.



as I am sitting here recovering from abdominal surgery I am in a lot of pain now. This is my 6th surgery in 3 years. I was also in a very bad car accident in 97, in which I broke two ribs, broke my collarbone, broke my shoulder, dislocated my shoulder and dislocated my collarbone from my shoulder.
But I would have to say the worst pain is labor. I get bad menstral cramps and labor is that times 100. By far the worst pain.


I've recently been hearing other women say that a specific type of anal cramps are actually more painful than labor pains. I've experienced them and they are really no joke, you are literally paralyzed with stabbing pain that can knock you to the floor and the aching afterwards can last for hours =/ and to make things worse, they tend to attack while you're in bed and off guard, lol. God help you survive if you have to take a poop during an episode. And I know that all of this probably sounds hilarious to have cramps up in your bootyhole, but it's seriously not a laughing matter!

Hey Jin! You better not be cheating on me!!


Worst pain? God knows I cannot handle a whole lot so I guess I've been lucky, knock on wood. I guess the first thing that comes to mind is a tooth extraction coupled with the ingnorance of not knowing how to take care of myself.

Second in line: Losing loved ones. Now that's really painful and I change that to number one.

"Let's have some yum yums, I've made snacks"... Dane Cook


Getting stitches pulled out of my armpit after surgery- the skin had grown around it
Contractions during labor wasn't so great- but the pain is not where they make it seem, its right at the cervix, like someone is balling the area under your stomach into a super tight knot- and streaching out your lower back.



I had my hand almost severed when I was around 15 and had to go through occupational therapy.. Mind you I was rehabilitating with people whom lost their limbs and I have nerve damage to this day... The funny thing is that is not the worst pain I've ever experienced.. That would be 4 years prior when I broke the same wrist on my arm.. It was a clean break and it looked like a mantis arm.. But that wasn't the worst part, they had to set the bone back as I was awake.. Worst pain of my life, honestly I can't describe it because I almost fainted as a result..


Here are my worst pains in order (least to worst):
1. broken ankle (mild pain, sprains are worse)
2. broken arm (1st grade, barely remember it)
3. broken nose (was drunk, barely felt it until the next day, but then wow!)
4. 2nd degree burn from thumb to armpit (radiator cap blew off)
5. cracked a tooth down to the root (took a while but it hurt a lot)
6. broken ribs (3 at once, worse the 2nd day)
7. Worst pain ever was when I accidentally sliced off the fingernail on my right index finger (I am right handed), sliced it off flat, to the quick, right down to the bone. Luckily for me, my nail grew back and pulled the nail bed down with it so my nail re-attached to the bed. However, it hurt for 2 months straight, until my nail grew all the way out and it nearly drove me insane.


I inherited some really horrible GI issues, to the point that I had a colonscopy at 20. So, the worst pain I've ever felt was related to bouts dealing with that.

There was one time when I was in high school that I was in so much pain that I was laying in the fetal position on the floor of the bathroom in an emergency room. My mother has horrible OCD, and she was freaking out that I was going to get germs for laying on a public bathroom floor. Yeah, her OCD often skews her perspective.

Then, I had a bout when I was in college that actually made me pass out while I was on the toilet. I must have fallen against the door because my roommate couldn't get it open. The EMTs had to get me out, and I was in the hospital for four days after that. Imagine having pain like that for four days. I'd take a bout of menstrual cramps over that again ANY day!


Some pretty amazing stories here. I'll just jump right in. In no particular order:

Was at a dentist to get a filling. She had given me a shot of novacaine, but I could tell I wasn't really numb. I told her and she said "Well, let's see. Let me know if it hurts, BUT DON'T MOVE." She then put a live drill in my mouth and big surprise, I jumped and screamed. She SCREAMED AT ME "I told you not to move!" I ran out of the office with the damn bib still on and she was hastily writing down stuff on my chart. She didn't even apologize and had the gall to send me a bill.

Another time, I was leaving a note for a friend of mine on the front door of my house. I had a piece of tape on my finger to tape the note to the door. The door was sticky, so you had to slam it for it to really be closed. So I slammed the door, but the tape caught on the door and I slammed the door on my fingertip. As I'm thinking "Man, did that ever hurt", I see the tip of my finger STICKING TO THE TAPE! Eeeeewwwwwwww! My friend took me to the ER, but they weren't able to sew the fingertip back on. After the initial pain it was kind of numb, but when the nerve started to wake back up it just throbbed. I had to walk around with my hand raised to shoulder level because if I let it hang down it was just too painful.

Slammed my finger in a safe door once. Almost passed out.

Passed a gall stone. They gave me a shot of morphine in the ER. Miracle drug! I didn't make me feel doped up, just suddenly there was NO PAIN. My mother had been on morphine and methadone when she was dying of cancer. It really made me grateful to know that her pain was pretty much controlled.

But all this is kid's stuff compared to the emotional pain of losing my mother after her 9 1/2 year battle with cancer and losing two friends to suicide.
