I downloaded A Serbian Film, flicked through it and thought it looked pretty boring. Maybe I should actually watch it ;-) . . . I watched the baby rape scene, it didn't seem that shocking, but maybe because I already knew about it. It seems almost impossible to get the uncut version, as another poster has verified in this thread, so I think I'll wait until that becomes more readily available to watch it. I just saw the uncut HC2 and am very glad I watched that version first.
Ok, so once again I havn't actually seen Serbian Film, BUT from what I've heard about it, its trying too hard to be some kind of political statement about Serbia etc etc . . . whereas the Human Centipede films are just straight up horror flicks, theres no deeper meaning in them at all. The first one very much a standard European horror film and the second one more of a comical "faux"-arthouse gorefest movie. Parts of HC2 were a bit weak, but at the end of the day I watched it because I liked the idea behind it and was curious to see how it played out. They're about some stupid, sick and completely fantastical idea, and I just think the whole premise is a great idea to base horror films on. I love that the fact that HS2 was quite gory yet quite a few people (me included) found a lot of it really funny, I think the best way to describe it is "absurdist horror". The whole thing with the lead actor of the last film being tricked into becoming the head of a real human centipede is brilliant comedy and the pregnant woman waking up and running away as her water breaks is almost pure vaudeville.
I downloaded Cannibal Holocaust as well, flicked though it and like A Serbian Film, thought it looked boring and couldn't be bothered watching it. Now after what everyone is saying in this thread it really makes me want to actually see both of them now . . . and that Salo film as well !!!