I agree that Martyrs is stronger, but I think it's more disturbing than sick. I know that sounds like splitting hairs, but anyone who's trying to decide whether or not to watch this should read what I mean:
1. Sick: Viscerally disgusting and gross in a sadistic sort of way. The movie puts hideous things in front of you because it knows they will make you queasy. Primary appeal is to the senses: what you see and hear make you uncomfortable.
2. Disturbing: The message inspires discomfort that lingers for a long time after you receive it. You have a new, darker idea about the nature of life afterward. The message interrupts your experience with existence, and your ideals related to it. Martyrs is about God, the soul and persistent torment.
The message interrupts your experience with existence, and your ideals related to it.
??? Wow! Can a movie really put one in a coma or force one to require a defibrillator? No matter how disturbing I found a movie to be, I just kept on living and kept striving for the same standards. And aren't uncomfortable and discomfort the same thing? Also, "appeal to the senses" is problematic for a few reasons, as many movies manage to disturb through techniques that qualify as just that. The film "Irréversible" is a perfect example; Gaspar Noé uses several techniques that play on senses in order to achieve a visceral affect (e.g. The music in Rectum Club scene exploits very low frequencies that make all non-hearing-impaired humans uncomfortable), and that film is certainly disturbing, not sick.
I know what you mean, sort of, but your definitions don't make much sense.
Ignorance is bliss... 'til it posts on the Internet, then, it's annoying.
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Seen both. Salo was worse. Salo is different from those *beep* gore-fests (THC2 included) in the fact that it's real. It's not so over the top "lol did we just gross you out SORRY!" mentality. An example (since we're on the board for this movie) is the baby scene in THC2. It was completely unnecessary and unrealistic at all.
Well, I just got finished watching "A Serbian Film". And, unless some scenes were cut out of the online version (duration 1:39:00), this movie is not even in the same group as "Salo" or "HC II". It is entertaining, though, and that makes it a better movie than HC II or "Cannibal Holocaust".
But, not as gruesome as any of the others.
School's for people who are boring and ugly and serious. And you, button, are none of those.
I'm with the ever reliable Corpus on this one, the first film is reasonably restrained and this one is a decent step up from it, good solid horror flick. It certainly had some hilarious and entertainingly sick and disturbing content but nowhere as sick as A Serbian Film.
August Underground's Mordum however eats both of them, sh#ts them out and uses them as lubrication to skull rape your eyesockets.
I thought Human Centipede II was stupid and felt compelled to complain about it on the boards. The film is tedious and in no way viscerally shocking or satisfying. There is definitely some shock, but it comes more from the viewer surprised the filmmaker would try something than anything that happens within the story itself.
I wish more horror filmmakers like Tom Six would realize emotional connection with the characters creates a considerably greater shock to the viewer, emotionally, and viscerally. It's why A Serbian Film was so troubling. The likelihood of the premise aside, you manage to develop a connection to Milos, his child and his wife only to see it torn apart.
I wasn't a big fan of Martyrs (if only because I thought the motivation of the villain was lame and a little contrived) but felt it was a far more effective film because you actually were connected to the protagonists.
In HC one there was at least this ridiculous humor prevalent throughout the whole film, primarily from the dialog delivery of Dieter Laser, but the general over-the-top nature of things kept it light enough to make it an enjoyably depraved romp. You may not like the leads but you at least look forward to them dying, if only so girls will stop delivering terrible dialog.
That wasn't in the sequel. There was some absurdest humor in it maybe but generally speaking, there was nothing to hold my attention or keep me emotionally engaged.
Generally speaking, the best exploitation films are the ones that are actually good movies, meaning they have logical plots (they can be over the top, just have to make sense in their own world) and generally decent production value. They were all the rage in the 70s from Japanese films by Noribumi Suzuki and Toshiya Fujita (check out Sex and Fury and Lady Deathblood if you want to see where Tarantino ripped off the ideas for Kill Bill) to Richard Fleischer's Mandingo. A lot of the more recent exploitation films have seemingly lost that element of enjoyable storytelling, focusing solely the brutality.
Rob Zombie, Eli Roth, Alex Aja, and Quentin Tarantino all make fairly mainstream exploitation films that are all considerably better made films than anything Tom Six has churned out. Violence is not quite as fetishized in their movies, but they are all infinitely more watchable. If you are looking for something less mainstream, Inside was a pretty effective home invasion exploitation flick. You can't go wrong with Redneck films either like Straw Dogs, I Spit on Your Grave, or the Last House on the Left (Originals or remakes). All three have rape scenes that are far more unsettling than the garbage I saw in HC2.
If you want to truly be disturbed, watch the unrated, uncut version of A Serbian Film. Good luck finding it. I've seen probably 1000+ exploitation films over the last 15 years and have never been as deeply troubled by what I saw in A Serbian Film. It's the only one that ever got to me. That's coming from someone who thought 120 Days of Sodom was okay but not nearly as "good" as the book.
The film is gross, though I at no point felt shocked or uncomfortable. The *ahem* expulsion seen was hilariously over the top, much of the way the feast scene in Salo 120 days of Sodom was.
I had a hard time watching the film as a whole though. It came off as a pretentious piece of arthouse garbage, which I think is very much due to how it was shot, the pacing, and the general cinematography of everything. It was mostly single camera, not much of a score, not a lot of dialog either really.
I think more than anything I was just very disappointed.
I won't agree with you. A Serbian Film isn't "that" chocking.
Come on, besides the horrible "spoiler" special rape, there's a lot of "common" scenes in that movie.
I was sicker watching "A l'Interieur" or "Martyrs", my definition or "sickest" film is truly the movie you can't even stand at, and not including animals only like "Earthlings", this one was cheating ;-)
I wish more horror filmmakers like Tom Six would realize emotional connection with the characters creates a considerably greater shock to the viewer, emotionally, and viscerally. It's why A Serbian Film was so troubling. The likelihood of the premise aside, you manage to develop a connection to Milos, his child and his wife only to see it torn apart.
Great point and I totally agree. The main problem for me with HCII was that the victims were almost completely faceless. I didn't know their names or anything about them and so found it hard to make a connection with them. Unfortunately this was only made worse by what I personally found to be less-than-stellar acting, especially in the torture scenes, that also stopped me from feeling much empathy or anxiety for them.
On a similar note, another 'sick' movie I was really disappointed with was one of the Guinea Pig films (I forget which one it was now, the one where they subject the woman to all the different tortures, including the white noise, boiling oil etc). And like with HCII, the reason I failed to connect with this movie (even though I think the effects were very convincing) was down to the performance by the lead actress that just failed to pull me in.
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My opinions: If you go with the BBFC's viewpoint. This movie is supposed to be foremost erotic rather then horror. Similar perhaps to ISLA she wolf rather than hostel or saw. In this way the whole idea of the centipede is just a vechical for ATM erotica ! And the poor acting just highlights the movies true intention. to turn the viewer on.
I totally agree with you. I personally didn't find the movie sick, but whoever came up with it is the sick one who tried to make a shocking, disgusting, sick movie and failed. Everything in it was stupid. Making it in black and white just ruined the feeling for me. Also there were those strange goofs just like in the first one, which made me wonder if the movie goes through editing before being released. Does anyone pay attention to detail in the movie or is this the intention? if that's the intention then I don't get it. Martyrs was okay... the French aren't the best at making creepy films - they're much better with drama, period movies, comedy movies that make you think, wonder, ponder and then go *beep* did i just watch? Koreans are better with creepy movies, Chinese are great with cop/thrillers and martial arts, and Japanese are better with anime and drama as well.
One good creepy movie was Hell... I think end of the world type of movies where the characters have to survive are always freaky and that's why The Walking Dead is so popular.