MovieChat Forums > The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) Discussion > IS THIS REALLY THE SICKEST MOVIE EVER?


I wonder if HC II beats the first, Cannibal Holocaust and Serbian Movie? in the race for the sickest movie of all time?

Audition, August underground mordum, Martyrs, A l'intérieur, The 100 days of Salo (french translation sorry :-) and so many more...

Anyway, do I have to prepare myself for deception or real sick trip?


Total deception... well, that is if you ever believed the claims about this movie after watching the first one (which I don't even consider above-the-average-sick).
It is fun and pretty funny in some parts, and actually the guy Martin is pretty disturbing looking (I would give him a prize for such a cool depiction of morbidity, but maybe he wasn't even acting, so that would be cheating).
Watch it, but don't expect what they promise.


For me personally, this movie is much sicker then A Serbian Film, and the sickest movie I've ever seen, surpassing the first one by a mile.

However, as others have said, it's all visual. I didn't feel connected to the characters in any way.
That makes this movie the goriest movie I've ever seen, but not the scariest one.

Heck, the only real character I had some empathy with was the pregnant lady, and won't you believe it, she ends up being the only survivor (save for Martin, and maybe the kid in the car?).


It's all cool if you think this one is sickest than "A Serbian Film". I have NO idea how can you arrive at that conclusion and won't debate it because I would have to reveal a lot of what "A Serbian Film" is, but I can only say that child molestation is and should be for anybody infinitely sicker than a ludicrous idea of sewing someones mouth to another's anus (lol, I had a chuckle at writing that last sentence!).

As for the gore, what gore!?? That guy Martin was cracking heads with his metal rod and blood splattered, but aside from a totally destroyed face/head, I don't remember much of everything else, or at least not a shocking scene (the birth scene was rather funny - not gorier thank a real birth).

Anyway, please understand I'm not talking down to you or anything like that, but I really think that, if you are interested in the genre, you should watch a lot more "gore movies" so you can compare them to this and realize that HC2 is quite mild in comparison to a lot of other movies that don't have their silly director claiming to be "so sick" (it is rather sad and funny to hear a director become an attention whore like Tom Six when he "acts" in his own movie trailer like a used car salesman trying to sell you his "most sickest/disgusting film ever in the whole wide world and the universe beyond).


Why???? Why you didn't use "Spoiler" tags? If not for the movie being almost plotless, you really would ruin it for me ...


Nope...same tired plot device as the first one...that's what irked me about this series, it's a complete one trick pony, it has one single idea that's kind of messed up and then spends the entire movie revolving around that one single concept and just goes on and on about it. The first one I could get, you want to sell some gross out flicks to fans of the genre...this one was just entirely needless, it really adds nothing and everything you see is just randomly tossed in.

I was honestly rather bored watching this, and it has absolutely nothing on A Serbian Film or August Underground in my opinion. To be honest, the gore stuff doesn't phase me at all in movies, unless it's something I find out to actually be real (like that disturbing as hell video of those Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs beating that guy to death with a hammer that leaked from the court, I found that immensely unsettling)

just in case you hadn't heard the case. But beyond that, gore doesn't bother me at all, I have trouble suspending disbelief for it, and I generally go into with the mindset of "ok, let's see how well the make-up crew and special effects team can make this idea come to life"...I respect the talent of that and enjoy watching it but I always know, even if it's just deep down, that it's a form of art/entertainment, not murder and that makes all the difference.

What I DO have a hard time distancing myself from is really unpleasant sexual scenes. The rape in "Boys Don't Cry" has no gore really, but it's extremely horrible to watch for me. Same with "A Serbian Film" (which you mentioned so I guess you've had the "pleasure", good to see your wrists are still intact), :) and "Irreversible", the movie is messed up anyway, but there's a long, something like 9 minute scene of a character you grow to really feel towards being viciously, viciously beaten and sodomized until they are in a coma (or maybe even brain dead can't remember). It's that sexual violation idea that I find to be unsettling to me, it just feels like by watching those scenes dirties me I need to shower and play some goofy video game to get my head in the right space again. Otherwise I get this overwhelming sense of...I guess Ennui, doesn't mean I take murder more lightly, but that's just sort of my personal "trigger", the "Magic of rigor mortis" and "newborn" scenes in that had me doing something I just don't do, physically feeling forced to turn away for a sec. This just has the pure physical gore out factor, and the only difference it the color, some characters and **SPOILER** a larger number of people involved in said "centipede" situation which seemed pretty obviously the only route to go to out-gross the last, plus it tries to pull a "meta" thing, having a guy who's a fan of, and collects stuff to do with the first movie wanting to live his dream.

For someone who's a haemophobes, seeing gushing fountains of blood onscreen would likely be the same idea...or a Omphalophobia seeing someone's button come undone and spill their viscera. I think we all have triggers, I've known a few people closely who were raped and killed (one under a stinking bridge not 15 minutes from my house, she wound up laying there all night raped semi-conscious with a cut throat and dying on the way to the hospital, kicked myself for a long time for that "why the hell didn't I go take a walk that night" kind of thing) but I didn't know so I was kind of screwed. I guess because of that the rape part of it stuck out for me, a final emotional and spiritual violation of the poor person before they die or get brain damage so the last thing they know is pain and terror for the whole time leading up to death.

We can, as beings, project a lot of ourselves on a film or rather good film draws the viewer into the film based on the experiential context within which it has to work, and most great artists are happy with someone taking what THEY got from a piece and letting them keep it as their own. But I'm rambling my apologies...hope that helps. Apologize the length, I just find the psychology behind fear and trauma to be factinating from a philosophical, psychological and sociological perspective, so I can kind of ramble when it comes to that... :)

IN SHORT: It's Sick, but if you pulled Mordum, Audition, Salo: 120 days of Sodom, and A Serbian Film already and aren't having issues, you'll manage this no problem.


"I have often laughed at weaklings
who thought themselves good because
they had no claws."












No, its just the most mainstream.
You list is pretty nice but its missing:
Visitor Q
A Serbian Film
cannibal Holocaust
The girl next door

Best way to deal with trolls is to add them to your ignore list.


I think this movie is the sickest but Salo is the most disturbing film I've ever seen. If that makes any sense.


sicker than a serbian film?
newborn porn"??



Guinea Pig, Guinea Pig 2, A Serbian Film, Family Portraits: A Trilogy of Terror, Snuff 102, Nekromantik, were ALL sicker than this movie.
