MovieChat Forums > The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) Discussion > IS THIS REALLY THE SICKEST MOVIE EVER?


I wonder if HC II beats the first, Cannibal Holocaust and Serbian Movie? in the race for the sickest movie of all time?

Audition, August underground mordum, Martyrs, A l'intérieur, The 100 days of Salo (french translation sorry :-) and so many more...

Anyway, do I have to prepare myself for deception or real sick trip?


this sequel is not as brutal as the films you listed. philosophy of a knife is SO MUCH WORSE then thc 2

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest directors today


It definitely sounds like a serious candidate.



depends on your definition.

what makes HC II so visually gruesome is the fact, that it is so beautifully directed. when you purely go by convincing visuals it is quite hardcore and comparable to serbian movie. cannibal holocaust is to haunting, because of it's "found footage" flair. HC II on occasions is so over the top that it is hard not to laugh out loud. same goes for one particular scene in a serbian film.

when it comes to psyche though, salo is a thousand times harder, due to it's theme of fascism. same goes for men behind the sun and similar films.

as for bmovie trash like august underground and similar (slaughtered vomit dolls ..etc), i find that rather laughable but some people are into this stuff.

personally i find the psychological terror that films like 7th continent, benny's video, 13 beloved, confessions ...etc inflict much harder to swallow.
