RIP Shiva!

I'm sooo upset that they killed Shiva. I know it happened in the comics, but I still don't think it needed to happen on the show too. That was so sad.

Good episode though! Too bad Ezekiel lost all his people. I guess he's going to be in a bad place for awhile.


I'm with you, very sad she was killed off, I wasn't expecting it.


I know, right? I learned last year that she died in the comics. I was just hoping they would let her live in the show!



Wonder if his story will be as in the comics?


What happened in the comics?


King Ezekial

[spoiler] winds up with his head on a spike[/spoiler]



Do you think that will happen on the show too? I sincerely hope not!!!


I do think it will happen on the show. It's when the next big bad group comes along , The Whisperers. They [spoiler]wear dead zombie skins to move among them. And very successfully.[/spoiler]


Yes, very sad. I knew it was coming, just didn't know when.
My big question: will "The King" still keep up his royal pretense?!


I have a 12 lb house cat that could take out 2 grown men if they were trying to give it a bath. A 500 lb tiger could have flipped the walkers aside with a flick of its tail.


Yeah it did seem kinda dumb a few staggering corpses overtook a giant tiger and it couldn't defend itself. These are corpses that weigh less than nothing and could be dismembered by 1 person with average strength btw, that tiger should have easily mauled everyone of them and left nothing but bones.


It really lacked any realistic credibility. The only way the cat should've gone was via humans with guns. Those walkers were completely adamacious. Even a full grown shredded dude like the Rock couldn't easily tear a tiger apart with his bear hands.


"adamacious". . .thx for the new word ;)


I'm thinking she may have been injured herself, surely fatigued, maybe malnourished. All of these things working together may have been just too much for the poor animal. It was very sad.


And it was also in a muddy pool, people seem to forget, a single zombie is no threat, but a herd is a killing machine.


yeah, her paws were sinking in too


So sad! I could have sworn Ezekiel told someone in an earlier episode to take her back to the Kingdom!! Why didn't that person listen to him?!?


Agree a thousand percent. This was even worse than the scene where the walkers cornered & killed a healthy horse. Pffft. There's a thread on here with people complaining about how unrealistic Carol's ninja kill shots were, from the ceiling. This scene was a gazillion times worse, on every level.


Yeah.....I didn't care for that horse scene in the premiere episode of the show either! I'm just an animal lover! :)


That scene with the horse made my heart ache as well. So very sad. Yes, I know it's fake, but I am a huge animal advocate and those things bother me.
Kill a kid, an old fogey, meh 😁


Saves the show tons of money from having to add in the CGI in post. This show likes to cut corners if you haven't figured it out by now.


I understand, but all they could have just chosen not to show Shiva that much! She's a tiger! She should probably be at the Kingdom for the most part anyway.

RIP Shiva!! I really loved that CGI tiger :(


Maybe they can put some of that saved money towards making all those toy guns look semi real.


Haha! I have no knowledge of guns so they look fine to me!


When they're shooting, look for shell ejection. Especially when they're going full auto. There should be a stream of spent brass cases being flung out the side of the gun. This is possible to do post production if they're using dummy guns which they clearly are most of the time. Sometimes they're not even bothering with even crappy muzzle flash. This results in getting close ups of people jiggling guns around like a small child might do when playing with a toy gun. It is quite amusing but I can see how it would pass by the average viewer with little to no firearms experience.


Ahhh. . . I have never thought about shell casings! You're absolutely correct. There would probably be a lot on the ground for how much they fire. I've definitely seen that in movies, but never noticed its absence on this show. Haha!
I think you're right about that detail escaping those w/little firearm experience like myself, but I can see how it would be annoying to you!

On a sidenote - Something that has always bugged me in shows/movies is when someone gets coffee for lots of ppl, and a person just easily picks up the cup, and you can tell from the way they're holding the cup, there is NO LIQUID in the cup. LOL! If someone just gave you a large cup of hot coffee, you wouldn't swing the cup around willy nilly?!? That has always bugged me!


Ha yeah. That bothers me too. If the props people know what they're doing, they should load the cups with something like plasticine. It gives the cup a believable heft and helps the actors sell it. Little bit of prop trvia there heh.


Ohh . . . thanks for the trivia. :-)

Quick question - is there a reason they can't use water to fill up the cups?


That was hard to watch, like the rest of the episode I guess. From halfway through the ep, I kept looking for Shiva to come save the day (or the *moment* anyway), but she's MIA the entire time until suddenly... she's helpless as that horse Aaron was trying to catch back in S5.

Aside from the painfully early loss of Shiva, I'm glad we at least still have Jerry (for now?). Carol hiding in ceiling tiles (what, is she weightless now?) was a little hokey for me, but oh well. :')


I loved that part with Carol in the ceiling tiles!! Reminded me of why I love her character!


I like Carol, but all I could think of after that scene was how flimsy that type of ceiling tile is. Even with a supporting false wall (which it looked like she was balanced on), I can't help but think some of the tiles should have broken. In fact the scene would have worked fine with some broken, missing, and/or distressed tiles as well.

I admit I was prepared to give extra leeway for a "friendly tiger" to be in the show, and came to love it because it was just a fun thing to have, but I was not prepared to pretend the physical properties of everyday objects would behave differently. Not a huge deal though. It just shattered my suspension of disbelief for a minute or two.


The whole plot device of a giant kitty cat of a tiger is completely ridiculous. I can see some kid seeing this reaching into a tiger cage to pet the big kitty and getting their arm ripped off. King Ezekiel and his tiger were really stupid. That said, it was sad to see this totally fictitious character get eaten by the totally fictitious Walking Dead.


Maybe now they can start putting all that money spent on tiger FX back into the gore budget which has been severely lacking.


I felt next to nothing as the Tiger has hardly appeared for weeks and weeks. The death scene was terrible as well as a Tiger would have run through that lot like a knife through butter and would have been up the other side in seconds. A poor plot progression. But, will the King smile?


Fate, you are a stinker. One minute Shiva saves the day, the next thing you know she is tiger burgers. Rats.


LOL! I know, right?!?
