MovieChat Forums > Navigator

Navigator (25)


I need more slow-mo close ups of their faces... View all posts >


Just as I thought: more cringey, slow-mo, facial close ups that add nothing of substance to this otherwise pretentious show. I've been trying to enjoy this season for the comedic effect. That's all there is left. Correct. Should have ended 2 seasons ago. Saves the show tons of money from having to add in the CGI in post. This show likes to cut corners if you haven't figured it out by now. I think the show should just end already. You get the best of both worlds with this show. Tense, action-packed gunfights with highly realistic rifles that portray accurate sound and recoil behavior. And heart-tugging SOAP. Oooo, that would be edgy. I need more edginess from this played-out, action-packed soap opera. Corral, hopefully. GOT and it's not even close. Although Breaking Bad blows away both of them. Jon Snow will be revealed to all as a Targaryan this season. I can tell from all the dialogue between him and Dany last episode. It's being built up to. View all replies >