Are we supposed to sympathize with and like the Tusken Raiders now?
After they enslaved, tortured and killed Anakin's mother? Now they're lovable misunderstood people?
shareAfter they enslaved, tortured and killed Anakin's mother? Now they're lovable misunderstood people?
shareThe Maori raiders you mean.
shareShe deserved it. She was white and therefore privileged as well as giving birth to the most privileged white balance to the force user who would later become a killer. I hope those Tusken's raided her snatch well before killing her for not spreading the equity to them so they could retake the deserts.
shareOh... FUCK OFF!!
They're godless killing machines and Boba is an unreliable narrator.
That's in part why I tuned out from this show. Not so much the impractical aspect of Boba and his one single protector and NO-ONE ELSE, but because of the continued flashbacks to those SAVAGES. I mean, tell me honestly, in replies, WHO LOVES TUSKEN RAIDERS?? Cos I certainly FUCKING DON'T.
Yes, and don't you dare call them sandpeople either.
shareAgreed, they were only a humanoid threat that existed for Luke and his family, and so were initially a one-off species.
The problem is, Lucas brought them back to attempt to sabotage the Pod Race in TPM, so we're now stuck with them.
I love that because of these shows, now people are actually sitting there arguing that a brutal, sometimes outright sadistic culture, is somehow now noble and admirable. Yes, not all tribes are the same. But the Sand People were always meant to be villains. YES, people are on their planet/land, etc. But that doesn't excuse how they treat a lot of folks who DON'T attack them.
I actually saw people on Twitter, legit trying to defend their actions against Shmi Skywalker. You literally have "woke" type idiots flipping around and trying to defend the kidnapping, torture (who knows what else) and ultimately caused death of an innocent woman who was just out picking flowers. "Well she shouldn't have been on their land." lol
It's fiction, yes. But it's cute how those who engage so much in performative virtue online, will flip on on a dime, and be as ignorant and nasty as you could possibly want. I'm sure the same folks would likely, under the right circumstances, sit there and try to excuse to you the way African/Latin American warlords act, or how North Korea/Burma/China/etc. have treated their own people, etc. etc. Something something "it's the white man's fault" lol