Love it or Hate it

There's no in between with this one. You either love it, or hate it... I Loved it... On which side are you?

Protective, Detective, Electric Eye


I just saw it today (first time)

LOVE it!!!!


Rock of Ages has really grown on me and i can't stop re-watching it. I love it!


I'm another in the 'inbetween' category, neither loving or hating it. It would defintely have been improved without Russell Brand (I'm not a fan but he took his bad acting to another level in this).

I enjoyed most of the other performances and decent soundtrack, but overall only an average film.




love it


I'm actually in-between, but I'm edging more towards liking it.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


The first and even 2nd time I saw this movie I hated it only because of Julianne Hough singing. Totally sounds like she is one of the chipmunks but the more and more I watch the movie , to which I have it on my DVR saved, I love it and watch it often when I am in the mood for a 80's fix. take the chick or should i say chipmunk out of the mix the movie is fun and keeps me in my 80's fix. She is ok as an actress but her high pitch chipmunk sound really screwed it for her in this movie.Tom was great and cant let Paul not get any credit either. he is never a main character but he sure can carry a something when your not a looker and actually a ugly guy but can still make millions off of being in movies or on stage as he has done. I see Julianne Hough as a passing actress that wont be around in 5 years if she keeps singing. Hell Tom is way better in that area then she is and she is suppose to have taken lessens in that area. She can carry a tune but its the tune/notes she sings that sucks. I cant stand listening to anyone trying to sing in chipmunk. So I know I have said this movie sucked at first...its actually good and I watch it often when the cable channels are boring to which that happens a lot.


I hate it. I have great reverence for the music of the era, and this Broadway-style approach is an insult to the memory of rock. 4/10 stars from me.


When it started, the first 10 minutes I thought I would hate it. As I got more into the movie, I thought it was actually pretty good. I can't say I really love because there are far better musicals out there like Rent, Chicago and musicals like that. I'm like everyone else though. NOt a big hater, not a big lover. It was ok.


Rule #2: Double Tap
Rule #32: Enjoy the little things


i liked the movie but it had flaws if they had made simple little changes i think the film could have been really great

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