Their Spanish is awful

I'm a fluent Spanish speaker of Mexican origin and often watch films in Spanish without subtitles. Then I saw this movie. Holy crap was it hard to understand. You can hear the Italian influence. Argentina has to be the whitest country in South America. They don't have much of that indigenous influence on their language, which is probably part of the problem. Mexican and Columbian Spanish are the best because they're easier to follow and are more pleasent to the ear.

If my thought-dreams could be seen, they'd probably put my head in a guillotine.


Why should we (Argentinians) must have an indigenous influence?You dont understand or you are probably jealous because an Argentinian movie won and your country is not even on the map.Each spanish talking south american country have their own accents,it happens that our spanish is a whole lot different than the rest.Sorry if that pisses you off dude now Im gonna express in a whole different way so you can understand me.Pedazo de pelotudo porque tenemos que tener acento como tu pais indigeno?Sos como todo mexicano celoso y con bronca contra nosotros por tener nuestro propio acento.Volve a ver alguna pelicula indigena de tu pais,probablemente el unico idioma español que tu cerebro de mosquito puede entender.Goodbye useless aztec.


Actually Spanish from Spain is nicer sounding and smoother. Not freaking machine gun Mexican tacos enchiladas and palabras


The OP is clearly on the wrong here, yet you tackle it by making racist remarks? It's clear you have bigoted views on Native Americans, that makes you much worse than the OP.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel


Vaya que te ardió eh? Te quejas pero el que más términos ofensivos usó fuiste tú. Te aclaro que no "todos" los mexicanos tenemos bronca ni nada que se le parezca con ustedes. ¿Tú crees que la palabra "indígena" o "azteca" nos ofende? Por favor. Eso sólo lo piensa la gente ignorante. Se ve que no tienes ni idea de lo que son las grandes culturas prehispánicas, y todo el bagaje cultural que representan. Edúcate un poco. El creador de este hilo no será muy listo pero tú no te quedas atrás.


Lotion, que el OP sea un retardado mental no justifica que tú también lo seas, encima peor que el, con racismo y xenofobia nacionalista inaceptables. ¿Celos por tu propio acento? No seas cojudo, toda hispanoamerica tiene una enorme gama de acentos, no hay tierra santa con acento propio y si te refieres a las peculiaridades verbales y de voceo, pues los uruguayos y paraguayos también las tienen... Y sobre lo que dices del cine mexicano, si lo menosprecias es que no sabes nada de cine. Durante la edad dorada del cine mexicano en Mexico se producía mejores peliculas que en Hollywood, sólo que como no es un país igual que poderoso no se reconocía más que en hispanoamerica.


No hay necesidad de un post tan irrespetuoso. Nuestro español (argentino) es simplemente diferente, ni "mejor" ni "peor" que otros. A mi personalmente me cuesta mucho entender el español de España.


Yo tuve que ver 'Mar Adentro' y 'Amores Perros' con subtítulos porque no les entendía nada tampoco. Es cuestión de tener acostumbrado el oído, genio

"Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here" Udall


It seems to me that a lot of Spanish actors/actresses mumble (didn't notice this in "Mar Adentro", however).
I learned "proper" Spanish (from Spain), so don't find it difficult to understand, but must admit that I sometimes have a hard time understanding what the actors/actresses are saying, and so I do use English subtitles. Same when I watch movies from other Spanish-speaking countries, but there it's because my hearing just isn't used to the accent, not because I find that they mumble (they still may; who knows?).


So "proper" Spanish is from Spain, and the Spanish spoken in Latin America is.....improper?

Ha, OK...


Pues desde una perspectiva sí, desde la misma la cuál el ingles correcto es de Reino Unido, es Ingles, tiene que ser de Inglaterra ¿no?

Los anglohablantes se refieren al ingles "apropiado" como Queen's English, pues incluso dentro de Inglaterra y Gran Bretaña hay diversos acentos y dialectos del ingles... Pero diles a los estadounidenses que su ingles no es apropiado y enloqueceran.


Yes, it is very particular, but not "awful", and I agree it is the whitest country in South America (once called the "South American Europe").

But language apart - and the slang was hard to follow (and I am Brazilian, I speak Portuguese) - this is one of the BEST movies I have seen in my life.

Forgive my English, I'm (slowly) trying to improve it


The OP is being a bit of a jerk here. I love Argentine Spanish. I'm a fluent speaker as well, and I think it might be my favourite Spanish in terms of how it sounds. Plus the way they conjugate certain words I find fascinating.


BTW, OP, "llaves" in Spanish means keys that are used for locks. That is NOT the correct term for keys on a keyboard. I'd imagine that someone who would call an entire nation's Spanish "awful" would not make such an idiotic mistake.


Where did the OP said "llaves"? I want to read it to see if he meant "keyboard keys" or "do you already see" (literal translation, cannot guess what would be the semantic translation)... Porque en serio, este idiota es capaz de haber creído que "ya ves" se escribe "llaves".


You dumb ass, it's not "awful", there's not such thing as "awful spanish", it's a different accent, just like Irish or Scottish accent is way different from the accent of Kentucky USA

Travel a little mate before saying things like that, makes you look dumb.

... Viva Clark Gable, el eterno y único Rey de Hollywood


What an awful ethnocentric comment to make! Mexican Spanish may sound "pleasant" to you because you're used to it given your family heritage, but people from Spain and South America find it either "unpleasant" or too sing-songy. I'm not argentinian, BTW, but I'm a native speaker of Spanish. Also, I'd never call Mexican Spanish "awful."

OTOH, the word you meant to use is Colombian, not Columbian. Finally, there's actually little Italian influence in the language heard in the movie.

