MovieChat Forums > Paris 2024: XXXIII Olympic Summer Games (2024) Discussion > People getting upset over their fake god...

People getting upset over their fake god being mocked.

They are actually getting upset over something that does not exist being mocked.

Not to mention it never depicted the last supper.


You are correct in saying that this was never about the Last Supper and is in no way mocking Chritaintity or Christaians.

But do better! There is no need for you to say things like “fake god” or “does not exist.” You don’t know that for a fact. It can’t be proven one way or another.

Believe in God, don’t believe in God, whatever. But do better! If you don’t believe in God, don’t you still want others to respect your right to not believe in God?

Don’t make things worse with such immature nonsense. Doing so makes you no better than those who are complaining that this mocks Christianity .

Do better!


That’s all well and good. But if these idiots are going to clutch their pearls and make up lies (like they did inventing god) and try to bring down the work of thousands of people then screw em.

And it is a fact that god does not exist.


If the exhibit is not making fun of the Last Supper (which it isn’t), why is that argument, alone, not enough for you? Why do you need to insult Christians?

When you include your insults about whether or not, God exists, you start a new conversation that you can’t win.

Now the focus is on believing in God verses, not believing in God, and you’re the one that ends up looking like a fool.


Because the idiots of the USA that are whining about God are the same idiots shooting each other and saying god save the USA. Anyone who believes in a god is a fool.


Are you under the impression that there are not people living outside of the US, who believes in God?

You might want to educate yourself before you shoot your mouth off again.


Like i said, anyone who believes in a god is an idiot.


And anyone who doesn’t know that religion does, in fact, exist outside the United States is an idiot.


I just called them idiots in that post you just replied to.


Is anyone who believes in Allah also an idiot?


I believe in Xenu.


No reply to this question.



exactly....... look at the cowards only bashing Christianity.


Are Muslims idiots?

Answer motherfucker!


They aren't the ones whining you tool.


They aren't because no one made fun of their religion. When people make fun of their religion people get killed.

The ones who act like this are radicalized Muslims.

I have met plenty of Muslims here in America that don't believe in killing for any reason.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of radicalized Muslims in the world, and they overshadow the peaceful ones. In addition, the peaceful ones are usually too afraid to speak out against the radical ones.

Christians don't kill people for mocking their religion. Sadly, the world hates us because of our religion. The media and bigots mock us every chance that they get. Yet, they always tell us how open minded and accepting that they are...

Anyway, I am fairly convinced that this is a troll thread.


The Last Supper was not mocked, it was depicting the Greek God Dionysus.

But Christians have to be enraged for no reason.


They don't get upset when people mock their beliefs?
people got killed over fucking cartoon drawings you moron.

ironically enough, in France !


Everyone knows about that you utter bellend.

This is about Christians being enraged about the opening ceremony skit with Dionysus, that has nothing to do with the last supper.


"you utter bellend"

The retarded british slang revealed to us who you are.

A british cunt..... that is why you won't dare say a word about muslims, your whole fucking country has been taken over by them.
You are of course a weak cowardly piece of shit who only dare to bash Christians.


Says the clowns who are shooting each other every day.
America is a new country formed by Britain. What language do you speak?

Something went seriously wrong.
Make America Great Britain Again.


"And it is a fact that god does not exist"
Your claim is NOT provable! Not a question for science.


The USA is a new country, once it catches up to the rest of the developed world they’ll realise the fairytales are a load of fairytales.



you more than likely need a safe space when someone misgenders you, you fruit


Wrong. Hope you got over your fake outrage.


"it can't be proven one way or another". That isn't how the burden of scientific proof works. Until it can be proven, God isn't real.


That is true, but faith is not scientific. Besides, my point was prove your point without insulting others. Disagree with what they’re doing, without insulting them.

You look like an idiot when the only thing you can do to make your point is mock others.


Every person who lives their lives by a story shared around a campfire 2,000 years ago should be mocked.


Again, you should probably educate yourself so that you don’t continue humiliating yourself. People have believed in God since the beginning of time.


And they thought the world was flat and that the sun revolved around us.

There is no excuse now.


Really don’t give two hoots about whether or not you believe in God. I do think you’re complete jerk for the way that you discussed this topic.

You’re absolutely right that people are complaining about this exhibit without having the first freaking clue what they’re talking about. You can point that out without being a complete jerk.

You don’t have to believe in God in order to be a nice person.


People who believe in god are horrible. They justify killing and eating animals because they don’t have ‘souls’. Pathetic.


So your excuse for being horrible is that some religious people are also horrible?


When did I mock someone?


I never said you did.


""You" look like an idiot when the only thing you can do to make your point is mock others." 🤷‍♂️


Yes, and when used in that context, it means people in general, not Burk48917, specifically.

In this situation, I was referring to what JBran said.


So before radio waves, bacteria, DNA, microwaves, xrays, etc., etc., etc, were proven to exist, they weren't real? Hmmm.... you really think outside the box. God either exists or He doesn't, just like the examples I gave. No one knows for sure until they do and they don't.

P.S. God isn't concerned with "scientific proof" anymore than the myriad of things we don't know are real yet.


🤣 You just made my point for me, goofball. Those things were proven to exist BECAUSE they are real. Also, I didn't coin the term or definition of "burden of proof". This is a widely accepted standard in science and philosophy, and has been for centuries. Don't kid yourself to believe you're smarter than some of the smartest people in history.


Lol! You just made my point for ME, goofball. Do you think there's still more things that are real that have yet to be proven? Think about that, real hard.

P,S. Some of the "smartest people in history" have and do believe God is real.


You're logic is indicative of most religious people, meaming it's flawed and dumb as fuck. You sound like a fucking idiot. 🤡🤣


So now the insults. I have no more use for you.


This is how you shame someone online. Good job.


What makes you think I was trying to shame anyone?


The shame part.


You would be incorrect.


Stop shaming me.


It’s not always about you.


Yes. It is.



if its fake then why did they mock it?


'If Harry Potter is fictional, why do a parody of it?'

Same logic.


logically, that doesnt make sense. trillions of people have believed in God since the inception of mankind. Potter was created about 25 years ago. if God isnt real, then why do people blame him when something bad happens? and why do football players thank God when they score a touchdown?


So your proof for the existence of God is that people believe in the existence of God?

You need to learn how to think critically before you bandy words like logic around.


do you believe in the existence of the moon?


Yes, I believe in the existence of the moon and all other things that I can see or that can be detected and measured.


what if you were born blind. would you believe someone if they told you there was a spherical object floating outside the earth?


You are reaching here. Most people are not blind and can see the moon.

Nobody has ever seen god, because he ain't there.

And they never mocked it. Though they should.


people that are not blind can see the moon, how can a blind person see the moon?

you cant see God because he lives outside of our reality.


you cant see God because he lives outside of our reality.

Hence, by your own definition, god is not real.


just because you cant see something it doesnt mean it doesnt exist. can a blind person see the moon?


That's not what YOU wrote.
You wrote that God lives OUTSIDE OF OUR REALITY.
Like the fucking easter bunny.
What YOU stated makes it NOT REAL.


"God lives"

yes, this is what I said. if you cant see God then how can you prove he does or doesnt exist?

can a blind person see the moon?


the point of God is that you're not supposed to be able to prove his existence, thats the whole point.

if God came down tomorrow and said hello, you'd believe in him, it would be easy. thats why it's called "faith" and not "knowing"

FFS read a book that isn't about superheros and faggotery


the point of God is that you're not supposed to be able to prove his existence

Oh, justificatio sola fide. Yes. Very convenient. Not very persuasive as a soteriological position, hence the work of St Thomas Aquinas and his 'natural theology' arguments from motion and contingency. But if it's good enough for you, then enjoy yourself.

I'm an empiricist, because I live in the twenty-first century rather than the seventeenth. I need rather more than God playing hide and seek with the universe.


you're a fag


Hmm, oddly enough, this is an even less persuasive calibre of argument than your first response. At least your first effort has some precedent as a position within the apostolic churches.

I do sometimes wonder what has gone amiss in your nation's education system. Or perhaps many of you simply didn't avail yourselves of the opportunities with which you were presented in your youth. Or, as you might have put it yourself:

FFS read a book


you don't even understand the concept of belief and how it has nothing to do with knowing. huge difference.


I understand the concept of belief or faith. I just don't care about it. I'm not interested in unfalsifiable arguments. We're in Russell's Teapot territory. It's nonsense.

As I've told you already, if that's good enough for you: great. But don't imagine for a single second the argument is persuasive to anyone not already invested in it.


i dont care what you think, listen susan, i'd cage motherfuckers like you yesterday, just to make an example out of you.

don't put me to the test pork chop.


Now you're just babbling nonsense. If you can't engage like a grown-up human being and display at least the very rudiments of an education and basic civility then, really, why bother?


dont make me make an example out of you


Bizarre. Have a nice rest of your day / evening.


Just because they thank him and blame him doesn't make him real.


how do you know that God and Jesus are not real?

but thats my point. why would you blame someone that doesnt exist? and why do people use God and Jesus as curse words but then say they dont exist.


Because in the entirety of human history, there has been zero evidence whatsoever to prove that God exists.

It rests with the people who made him up to prove that he does.


can you prove that your relatives existed 2000 years ago?


I am alive, that is proof. Do you think Jesus sprinkled some dust and you came to be?


you could be AI. do you have tangible proof you are alive?


Some thing or someone caused everything else to be. There had to be a first cause. Many believe that first causes God.

So even if you do not believe in God, there is still a first cause.


So unlike scientists who try to find out how we came to be, religious people just take the easy way out and believe in gods. And that’s why there are so many gods around the world.


Did you know that many scientists are also religious?

Did you know that religion and science are not mutually exclusive?

Aristotle is the philosopher/mathematician/scientist who is credited with the idea of a first cause.

Again, you do not need to believe in God in order to know that there had to be a first cause.

If you are not familiar with the concept of “first cause,“ I encourage you to look it up.


Only in America could a ‘scientist’ be religious.

Anyone who actually has a clue is certainly not religious.


You’ve never heard of Aristotle?


Straight from google:

"He was also a pagan, meaning he did not believe in the Christian God or the Bible"

Thank you Aristotle!


Um, Pagans believe in Pagan gods.


>but thats my point. why would you blame someone that doesnt exist?

Because they believe that such an entity exists.

>and why do people use God and Jesus as curse words but then say they dont exist.



People getting upset over their fake god being mocked.
posted 6 days ago by JBran (1618)
117 replies | jump to latest
They are actually getting upset over something that does not exist being mocked.

he said God doesnt exist.


Okay. What's your point?


why would you make fun of something that doesnt exist? thats my point.


Why not? I make fun of Islam too.


not publicly...


France did so in the past - or french publications did. But people should absolutely make fun of Islam to try and stop the angry reactions from Muslims on it. They need to get used to it.


*evidence please...


You're argument is basically "God exists because lots of people (including football players) think God exists. That's a wonderful example of the logical fallacy of "begging the question", which you probably think means something else.


you misinterpreted what I am saying. you are saying that God and Jesus dont exist. so why would the French mock something that doesnt exist? it would be like people blaming unicorns when something bad happens. or cursing unicorns when you stub your toe.

you will never hear someone in a movie say lucifer dammit or satan dammit. why would people curse an entity that doesnt exist?


For God’s sake get over it. There is no religion, Jesus H Christ let it go.

If there actually was a god then he’d have a lot of answering to do for all the crimes carried out in his name.


how do you know there is no religion? do you have tangible evidence that Jesus didnt exist?


You know it's completely possible to make fun of a worldview you don't think is true?


that is true.


"trillions of people"

Ha! There haven't been even close to one trillion humans in all time, let alone multiple...


are you sure? can you show me the data to back up your claim?


You've got fingers, look it up yourself...


there is some wiggle room for error if you go back to pre 50,000 years ago, because there was a big extinction event that knocked out almost all the humans on earth. we dont really have any idea how many there were before that. but after that we can basically trace through dna mutations how many people lived before say 3000 BC, and then we have even more data to calculate after that. and the ultimate answer is that something like 10% of the entire human population over 50,000 years, are alive today. because science increased the ability for humans to survive to such a significant degree that the population annual increase rate has grown exponentially (until now anyway, where capitalism creating mass poverty is starting to reduce the birth rate in developed countries in particular because women have to spend too much time working to be able to have kids at the same rate the previous generation did)


10% of the entire human population over 50,000 years, are alive today.

So 80 billion total: Like I said, not even close...


prob more like 40 billion.


so it looks like I was wrong, but I wont edit my comment. :) lol

I did some recalculating and there has been only 10 to 20 billion people to have existed since the start of time.


but I wont edit my comment. :) lol

Good for you, JoWilli, you're growing as a human being!



I am still disappointed no one got my furiosa flop joke.


By this logic Islam must be true because some people believe that Islam is true


islam is a made up religion and some people can be brainwashed to believe anything.


Why should I believe Islam is anymore made-up than Christianity?


Christianity came to be after the death of Jesus.

as explained here:


>Christianity came to be after the death of Jesus.

Why would someone dying necessarily demonstrate the validity of the religion they claim to be true?


its all explained in the New Testament.


So you have no argument other than "the bible".

Muslims make similar claims and use scripture to back them up too.


what claims do muslims make?


That Muhammad was the last prophet, and a messenger of god and that its scripture (the Qu'ran) is true.


so basically you have no evidence other than the "quran"

For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

it seems like this is true for muslims.


>so basically you have no evidence other than the "qu'ran"

And you have no evidence other than "the bible". Why should I regard one as true and not the other?

You may have missed this, but I was drawing a comparison. I'm not a muslim or a christian.


its up to you to decide your fate with your free will.

I did miss it. because 99% of your posts are designed to troll people into endless questions and answers with no end.


>I did miss it. because 99% of your posts are designed to troll people into endless questions and answers with no end.

You actually thought I was a Muslim? If you couldn't see the point I was making, a comparative one, and thought I actually was a Muslim.... I question your ability to follow comment chains.

Perhaps if you don't make claims without good reasons, I won't ask questions.


no, I dont assume anything on the internet.

I answer your questions but then you ask another question.

Why should I believe Islam is anymore made-up than Christianity?
Why would someone dying necessarily demonstrate the validity of the religion they claim to be true?
So you have no argument other than "the bible"?
And you have no evidence other than "the bible". Why should I regard one as true and not the other?

you always reject everything. this is your MO. and I know you trolling but I am at work and its boring. I have 5 hours left. perhaps you have another question?


You were claiming christianity is true. Do you expect non-christians to just accept that and have no questions at all?

Your arguments for christianity being true are not exactly arguments that have never been tried before.


I always expect questions and am glad to answer them.

I had a similar discussion with another poster of the course of a couple weeks and I even shared a personal story about my life that I have never told anyone before. after this poster kept saying they didnt see my post that I realized I was being gaslighted. so why would I waste my time with someone that is a professional troll?

you can believe in whatever you want. its your free will.


Asking you to back up the claims you make doesn't make me a troll. I doubt you can even provide a coherent definition of troll.


I did back up my claims. you rejected them. again this is your MO.


So I should just accept that christianity is true because the bible says so? Is that your genuine contention? I already know that the bible claims this. That anyone who doesn't just fold at your arguments is a troll?

I reject the claims of the Bible, obviously.


you can believe in anything you want, but if you have never read the Bible nor do you believe anything in it then its not going to make any sense. I can reject all the claims of quantum physics. but if I went to school and studied, then over the course of a few years it would make sense.

why do you reject the claims of the Bible?


>you can believe in anything you want, but if you have never read the Bible nor do you believe anything in it then its not going to make any sense. I can reject all the claims of quantum physics. but if I went to school and studied, then over the course of a few years it would make sense.

The assumption here from this argument is that the bible is just to be assumed to be true, and is of equal truth to fields of science. No reason to think this.

>why do you reject the claims of the Bible?

Oh no a question you must be trolling me!

There's no evidence that its claims are true.


why would the Bible be equal to science?

and do you have evidence to prove the Bible is not real?


>why would the Bible be equal to science?

You made the comparison to quantum physics.

>and do you have evidence to prove the Bible is not real?

I never said it wasn't real. I said its claims are unevidenced.


so if quantum physics is real then that would make the Bible real.

why are the claims unevidenced? have you done any investigating for yourself?


>so if quantum physics is real then that would make the Bible real.

I never denied the bible existed.

>why are the claims unevidenced? have you done any investigating for yourself?

Because there's no good evidence for them. There's no evidence that a god exists. They don't stand up to scrutiny anymore than any other religious book does.


what kind of evidence would you need?


“Harry Potter is fictional”

Stop ruining stuff for me.


"The idea that Jesus was a purely mythical figure has been, and is still, considered an untenable FRINGE theory in academic scholarship for more than two centuries, but according to one source it has gained popular attention in recent decades due to the growth of the Internet."


He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake.

Jesus predates the creation of our universe.


There could have been somebody that people followed, who was probably nailed to a cross and could have been called Jesus. All biologically sound.

The stuff about him being the son of god and turning water to wine etc etc is where they went off the track.


how do you know Jesus isnt the Son of God or that he turned water into wine.


Because there is no such thing as god, and turning water to wine is physically impossible.


if you are a God, then you can do anything you want.


That’s why there is no such thing as god. It never happened.


how do you know? do you have evidence to support your claim?


“turning water to wine is physically impossible.”

I’ve been trying to crack that one for decades, lol.


Haha too right.


I’m good at turning wine into pee.


Just add some grapes and lemon juice.


What is this strange magic?


The real magic happened later, when people invented tea and coffee. No more weak beer for the masses.


Silly premise. People aren't that stupid. The main issue most of the intelligent folks have is the hypocrisy. Mocking Christianity and other religions is common-place. Except for ONE...
That's what upsets people.


If they had staged some kind of homo/trans mockery of Islam, people would have been shot/blown up/run down/stabbed by now, and Europe would be in chaos.


exactly, but people say muslims are peaceful people. haha


All religion is pathetic.


Yes. But only one kills people for pointing it out.


Just like thr Rainbow brigade which you're a part of


You must be talking about Muslims!


Every religion is a joke.


It's the introduction of a trans god that peeps might have an issue. Because you know that pedophile god is just around the corner - steps are already being taken to normalizing that in our society.


What "steps" are being taken to normalise that?


It's funny how leftists like you feel that others need to take a joke when you make fun of them but switch it around and you guys ain't so kind, the Dave Chappelle boycott is one of many examples. And you know what else is fake? The idea of a thousand plus genders now boom, we watch how you lose it like you leftists always do.


Left and right this and that. Sounds political when its simply about there being no god.


Which others have resoundingly pointed out: You. Don't. Know. Mocking people who believe differently than you is low. Like Ziggy said, do better.


You people don't know what a woman is and you question the existence of God. Point is, you leftists start shit and then whine when called out, decided to mock a religion using adult entertainers & had a man expose himself on tv and you think that's family friendly. You people can't even take a simple joke, the amount of comedian you try to cancel shows how fragile you are but expect others to laugh with you.


Faux outrage by chronically online people.
