Their releasing it 2 ways

You can watch the entire movie cut or you can watch it in 6 separate chapters.Given that this will be as bad as the Whedon cut i'm opting for the chapters.I prefer crap in small doses.


Their = plural possessive

They’re = they are

It’s not rocket science. It’s simple literacy.


Your amazing.


I see what you did there...




Why bother to watch it if you have already made up mind of it being so poor.

I don't expect it to be great people have way over hyped it but what I am interested in is to see his take on it.

This cut would not of been the same as if he had released it many years ago this is something people need to consider in some ways you could say he has cheated seen what people hated so rewritten and shoot to appeal to what people like which is a positive but also misleading.


With the exception of Wonder woman (The first one not the terrible sequel) the DC franchise in general has been very poorly done.But as a fan of the genre and the characters i'll still watch.It has to at least be better than Wonder woman 1984.


I liked the stand alone batman and superman movies. I'm not into the whole super hero gang bangers that are over Marvel and DC these But Ill watch it too.days.


To be fair though, he only shoots like 5 minutes worth of an extra scene, and that was the dream sequence.


Are the edits different? If the chapters each had little conclusions like a tv show, that would actually be more interesting. But if it just cuts to black, I got a stop button on the remote that'll do that.


not sure how it's edited together.must be long to make up 6 chapters.


What I'm hearing from reviews, the chapter titles come at appropriate times and stuff. Things don't just randomly stop and cut to the next chapter title. I also heard that once you finish Chapter 4, that's a good "intermission" break, or a good place to call it quits if you want to split it in parts and pick up with the rest later on. Like if you want to go to bed or have to go do other stuff or just want to take a break and watch something else.


It's not released in 2 ways,

The movie has 7 chapters. You can watch it in one go or take breaks between chapters or whatever. but that doesn't mean that it's released "in 2 ways".


According to what i read HBOmax gives 2 options to watch.You can watch the entire movie cut or watch it in six separate chapters.It appears as below.It doesn't show a 7nth chapter.

Thursday Mar 18
Zack Snyder's Justice League
1x01 Chapter I: Don't Count On It, Batman
Series Premiere
3:00 am on HBO Max
1x02 Chapter II: The Age Of Heroes
1x03 Chapter III
1x04 Chapter IV
1x05 Chapter V
1x06 Chapter VI
Special 1 Zack Snyder's Justice League - Movie cut


7 was called Epilogue
