MovieChat Forums > The Acolyte (2024) Discussion > Could the stupidity be intentional and c...

Could the stupidity be intentional and calculated?

I've been looking around and seeing the world become stupider, most notably the so-called 'entertainment'.

It's easy to wonder why they would let some (censored)s ruin Star Wars or make TV shows this stupid, nonsensical and ridiculous, that even me or Mauler could not effectively fully process everything that makes no sense.

I started thinking how stupid things have become during the last couple of decades, and how masses have been 'dumbed down' (should really be 'stupified down', but that sounds more clunky).

Then it hit me; could the reason for all this lowering of the bar in entertainment and pushing everything towards the most vile, evil, disgusting, nonsensical, braindead vomitturd manifestation on all possible levels be...


I mean, first you stupidify down the masses, then you test how stupid they have become. Could they already be stupid enough to consider THIS as 'normal entertainment' or 'something to be celebrated'?

Could they already be stupid enough to consider THIS show to be 'good'?

If people keep becoming more and more stupid (the 'Gen Z can't answer basic questions'-videos are DISTURBING, to say the least!), wouldn't that eventually happen?

So on one hand, they are 'dumbing down' people as much as they can, then on the other hand, they create the STUPIDEST and MOST NONSENSICAL, MOST IRRITATING crap possible and pose it off as entertainment (and use some big name for it, too) - why else would they give free reign to these ABSOLUTE PERVERT LUNATICS to ruin the name 'Star Wars', that was once held in SUCH a high regard? - just to see, just to test if the masses are stupid enough to consider ANY old (or new) crap 'entertainment'?

I mean, this is just a theory, but at least it would explain WHY things are so stupid (and keep going below anyone's expectations of stupidity into the abyss), and why anyone would make this kind of visual-aural-writial(?) garbage.

I weep for the future where people are finally stupid enough to watch THIS level of 'intelligent entertainment' and consider it 'good television'. I don't even want to know what their plan is at that point, because frankly, ANYTHING horrible is possible...

If I ever watch something like this and unironically like it, please just sho(censored) me in the (censored), I don't want to continue anymore..


Just watch things that aren't from Disney dude....

You're really overthinking it.

>Then it hit me; could the reason for all this lowering of the bar in entertainment and pushing everything towards the most vile, evil, disgusting, nonsensical, braindead vomitturd manifestation on all possible levels be...

It isn't "lowering the bar". This is Disney. Disney have never been about intellectualism. And them being cringey isn't the same as being "evil" or "disgusting" unless you just think anything that depicts LGBT people is inherently "evil" or "disgusting".


unless you just think anything that depicts LGBT people is inherently "evil" or "disgusting".



Well, anything that depicts LGBT people IS evil and disgusting, pretty much every religion has taught this since the dawn of civilization.


So it has nothing to do with "wokeness" then. You just hold prudish, puritanical values.


Homosexuality is an aspect of wokeness.


Most people who complain about woke claim that it is not, and that they aren't opposed to depictions of LGBT people.

This was my point about how detractors of 'woke' between them seem to hold wildly different standards about what is or is not woke.


You realize now what you have done? Society already fully accepted homosexuality and bisexuality. It wasnt even a topic anymore. It was like if you got dark or bright hairs. Noone gave a damn about it anymore. And now, after transfascists tried to destroy our free society, you will get back to an era where homosexuality will be seen as something bad again. Thats why many homosexuality groups are fighting against transfascists. Are you proud of your achievement? Within the next decade we will be back in the 1950s society. Thanks to you and your fascist friends!


How did "transfascists" try to destroy society?

Also what does this have to do with homosexuality, which Guitar also directly opposes?


With totalitarian acts and surpressing women again like the last time during the 1970s! Look how they act against feminists. Look how they act when feminists try to safe their own spaces or feminists try to improve women support.
Or when people dont use their baby language. Or simply state that there are just 2 sexes (which is simply science). If they wouldnt have acted as fascists then they would have getting acceptance like any other minority (before the transfascists destroyed the reputation of LGBTQ as a whole, noone in society gave a damn anymore if anyone was hetero- or homesexual. Perhaps that happened, cause gays didnt enforce any baby language on other people). Even transsexuals were almost accepted by society. Cause they didnt hated science and the society. But transfascists (aka transgender) destroyed all the acceptance in society. Perfectly done. Im sure all the then surpressed gays and lesbians will be proud of you!


What are some examples of "totalitarian acts"?

>Look how they act when feminists try to safe their own spaces or feminists try to improve women support.

How do they act? Statistically speaking, women trend to being much more pro-LGBT than men I believe. A minority of terf-feminists exist, and are noisy, but they are not the majority.

>Or when people dont use their baby language. Or simply state that there are just 2 sexes (which is simply science). If they wouldnt have acted as fascists then they would have getting acceptance like any other minority (before the transfascists destroyed the reputation of LGBTQ as a whole, noone in society gave a damn anymore if anyone was hetero- or homesexual. Perhaps that happened, cause gays didnt enforce any baby language on other people). Even transsexuals were almost accepted by society. Cause they didnt hated science and the society. But transfascists (aka transgender) destroyed all the acceptance in society. Perfectly done. Im sure all the then surpressed gays and lesbians will be proud of you!

None of this is totalitarianism or fascism. Fascism has a specific definition.


So you are using LGBTQ propaganda! TERF is combat term created by transfascists. An no, women dont like being locked out of women sport. Women dont like to being put into prison cause they like to improve the female legislation. And women dont like being attacked physically by transfascists. And women dont like to lose their safe spaces. Each and every woman hates that (this inst much of a surprise, cause noone human would like to be treated that way!).

And yes, this is totalitarism. Transfascists try to destroy our society. The good thing, but also the problem is that they dont have the smallest chance. Yes, large companies learn slowly, but they are already jumping off the pride flag month. And sooner then you think all companies will realize that they simply lose money by supporting transfascists. And when the pressure of big companies is gone the legislature will follow. But the pendulum wont stop at the free thinking society of the 80s and 90s again. It will indeed swing in the other direction. Into the oppressive society of the 1950s and early 1960s. Perfect job, transfascists!


>So you are using LGBTQ propaganda! TERF is combat term created by transfascists. An no, women dont like being locked out of women sport. Women dont like to being put into prison cause they like to improve the female legislation. And women dont like being attacked physically by transfascists. And women dont like to lose their safe spaces. Each and every woman hates that (this inst much of a surprise, cause noone human would like to be treated that way!).

I was referring in comparison to men. And I'll await statistical data on women's attitude to LGBT people.

And I'm also not really sure how Disney, specifically, is pushing the things you raised there.

>And yes, this is totalitarism. Transfascists try to destroy our society. The good thing, but also the problem is that they dont have the smallest chance. Yes, large companies learn slowly, but they are already jumping off the pride flag month. And sooner then you think all companies will realize that they simply lose money by supporting transfascists. And when the pressure of big companies is gone the legislature will follow. But the pendulum wont stop at the free thinking society of the 80s and 90s again. It will indeed swing in the other direction. Into the oppressive society of the 1950s and early 1960s. Perfect job, transfascists!

Define "totalitarianism" please.


So you are thinking that LGBTQ is disgusting, little fascist? Cause in the original post there was no sign of such thinking. avortac4 simply stated that things become more and more stupid. Just a few decades ago everyone (without a single exception) would have laught about this trash, cause its so incredible stupid and incompetent for TV viewers that it breaks every barrier for stupidity!

And if you think that this isnt stupid, then ... you are already failed that test, dumb moron!


No, I'm thinking the OP is suggesting being LGBT is disgusting.

People are laughing about this show. It's got a pretty uniformly awful rating. What's your point?


Thats your suggestion and not the meaning of the OP. The OP stated that society as a whole is degenerating. And yes, it is. You are the one which suggested that this is focused on LGBTQ. Noone else understood it that way. Simply cause LGBTQ isnt the whole society.


We will wait to see if the OP ever returns to clarify. On here, plenty of people regard showing any LGBT people in fiction as inherently woke. Including one user in this thread who you've replied to.


It is woke. Not because LGBTQ people are shown. That doesnt matter. It matters that they dont get their roles anymore cause it was a natural part of the script, but instead cause the scripts are based on the woke narrative. Take for example Thelma & Louise or Brokeback Mountain. If LGBTQ would have been a problem at all, why was there no or at best almost none protest back then? Cause thos were movies without this narrative. They were movies which showed real people! Not just archetypes standing for their narrative.

And BTW Someone stated that thos movies did more for society then all this woke movies together. Cause they made you take their side and that way you learned something. But when the only content is "This is the message, moron!" all you will get is indeed hate. And thats what they get right now and thats what they hoped for. Thats not about bringing the society together and forward. Thats about breaking society and make the woke fascists feel good.


>It is woke. Not because LGBTQ people are shown. That doesnt matter. It matters that they dont get their roles anymore cause it was a natural part of the script, but instead cause the scripts are based on the woke narrative. Take for example Thelma & Louise or Brokeback Mountain. If LGBTQ would have been a problem at all, why was there no or at best almost none protest back then? Cause thos were movies without this narrative. They were movies which showed real people! Not just archetypes standing for their narrative.

I said on here, not in general society.

There are a ton of reactionaries on here.

>And BTW Someone stated that thos movies did more for society then all this woke movies together. Cause they made you take their side and that way you learned something. But when the only content is "This is the message, moron!" all you will get is indeed hate. And thats what they get right now and thats what they hoped for. Thats not about bringing the society together and forward. Thats about breaking society and make the woke fascists feel good.

I can't imagine being such a crybaby that a TV show or film angers you so much and makes someone who writes it a "woke fascist".


Thanks, but you dont have to worry. I call transfascists transfascists at every occasion. Simply cause its a matter of fact. And thats the LG of LGBTQ already also fights the transfascists. Cause they dont like to go back to the awful 1950s thanks to the actions of the transfascists!


I'll await for data that lesbians and gays uniformly fight against the "transfascists".

And for your defiinition of fascist.


I've been feeling similar feelings about the latest generation. It continually astonishes me how stupid Gen Z and anyone after that are, despite having access the the most information available in any of our lifetimes. It makes me wonder just how harmful excessive amounts of "screentime" and social media are to the young and the ignorant. The fact that they're more than happy to gobble up shit like this show just reveals how far society has fallen. Even worse, they won't take criticism of this shit at all, even when it's obvious there's something seriously wrong with their form of "entertainment."


They’re just a bunch of spoiled, entitled brats who know absolutely nothing about reality. Simple as that.


After seeing what the worst of my generation has to offer as world leaders, I'm truly terrified at what Gen Z isn't gonna have for us when they reach their mid-20s and 30s.


The Millenials destroyed everything. Thos morons didnt got that the so called environmental activists were simply fascists which tried to destroy our way of life and our society. Gen Z is the first one which tries to stop their hatefilled actions against society. At this generation conservatism and right populism got the strongest support. The sooner Gen Z takes over the better for the whole society (and I dont like conservatism, but its way better then the fascism of the Millenials).


No, it was the bad people in the Boomer, Gen X, and Gen Y (most notably those in Washington D.C. Hollyweird, and the WEF) who have caused this, not the ordinary, good people. Get your facts straight. I happen to be a conservative Millennial, being born during the late 80s, but not living up to the stereotypes of the bad elements of my generation. While improvements are being made in Gen Z, I frankly don't see enough people from that generation making a difference that will affect society positively at this point. A lot of them are addicted to digital screens, are weak-minded, whiny, stupid, lazy, spoiled, and selfish. Even worse, they like the garbage that's on tv and in pop culture now, most notably if it's available for them to gobble up on social media. I would be amazed at any who don't spend more than 16 hours a day looking at their phones within the industrialized world, and would look up long enough to realize there is a real world to live in out there.


BEWARE! Avortac4 is a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. His post may seem like it makes sense in the first sentence or two. But he always quickly wanders off into a completely idiotic idea, and then writes a wall of text that makes no sense. And his sole purpose is to waste your time, thinking he's cute for doing so. Don't feed the troll. If you write a comment, you're giving this troll EXACTLY what he wants. Don't comment after my comment.


Her is right and you are just a fascist which isnt able to communicate with others! Get a life, moron!


If you actually KNEW what "fascist" means, I would take you seriously. But clearly you don't have a clue.
