Could the stupidity be intentional and calculated?
I've been looking around and seeing the world become stupider, most notably the so-called 'entertainment'.
It's easy to wonder why they would let some (censored)s ruin Star Wars or make TV shows this stupid, nonsensical and ridiculous, that even me or Mauler could not effectively fully process everything that makes no sense.
I started thinking how stupid things have become during the last couple of decades, and how masses have been 'dumbed down' (should really be 'stupified down', but that sounds more clunky).
Then it hit me; could the reason for all this lowering of the bar in entertainment and pushing everything towards the most vile, evil, disgusting, nonsensical, braindead vomitturd manifestation on all possible levels be...
I mean, first you stupidify down the masses, then you test how stupid they have become. Could they already be stupid enough to consider THIS as 'normal entertainment' or 'something to be celebrated'?
Could they already be stupid enough to consider THIS show to be 'good'?
If people keep becoming more and more stupid (the 'Gen Z can't answer basic questions'-videos are DISTURBING, to say the least!), wouldn't that eventually happen?
So on one hand, they are 'dumbing down' people as much as they can, then on the other hand, they create the STUPIDEST and MOST NONSENSICAL, MOST IRRITATING crap possible and pose it off as entertainment (and use some big name for it, too) - why else would they give free reign to these ABSOLUTE PERVERT LUNATICS to ruin the name 'Star Wars', that was once held in SUCH a high regard? - just to see, just to test if the masses are stupid enough to consider ANY old (or new) crap 'entertainment'?
I mean, this is just a theory, but at least it would explain WHY things are so stupid (and keep going below anyone's expectations of stupidity into the abyss), and why anyone would make this kind of visual-aural-writial(?) garbage.
I weep for the future where people are finally stupid enough to watch THIS level of 'intelligent entertainment' and consider it 'good television'. I don't even want to know what their plan is at that point, because frankly, ANYTHING horrible is possible...
If I ever watch something like this and unironically like it, please just sho(censored) me in the (censored), I don't want to continue anymore..