MovieChat Forums > Quint
Quint (957)
So pedos attacking this movie? What a surprise :) !
One of the best Bond movies ever
Amazing for Hays code era
Did Robarts die at the end?
*spoiler* So the Bond series ended
So disgusting for black people
Could it be that it was Joss main target to get himself killed?
Could it be that Kates father was a villain too?
So all lefties are pedos
CG is destroying Bond ... or thats what the crybabies haven destroyed already
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Yep, that was the huge problem with todays movies (before they became woke and therefor unwatchable). With each impressing scene you watch you ask yourself "Is this CGI?". And that destroys each an every action scene.
This is a movie for adults. If you dont get the jokes, simply get a life. Then you will understand them. And yes, the duststorm scene was far too long. But thats the only boring part.
Get a life. It was a disguise to trick the bad guys! Millenials are the stupiest generation in human history.
This isnt about holding a few thousand people more or less. This is about keeping 100.000s alive. The complete infrastructure on that ship (energy, water, food, etc. ) was build for 100.000. And they knew that they had to keep them alive for many weeks if not even months. Putting even "only" 50.000 more people on that ship would have been the end for all of them. Emotions are fine when you watch a comedy. But at crisis situations only rationality could save you.
And BTW Why are thos workers are better then any other human on the planet? Why saving them and let anyone else die? They already sorted out humans with the best gen pool and then indeed the investors of that project (without them noone would have survived). Stop feeling and start thinking when it comes to crisis situations.
Anheuser wasnt just right, he was the only one in this movie whom his only priority was to save humanity. Everyone else was just a dangerous bag of emotions, trying to murder 1000s of people just for their own sake!
By far the worst one was the idiot Adrian. Not only killed he nearly the complete humanity cause he wasnt able to calculate correct. No, he even tried to continue to kill thousands people just to cover his incompetence! He, and noone else, was the real bad guy in this movie. All his actions were just controlled by emotions. None of his actions helped even one human (without killing potentially way more humans). He was simply a complete idiot without any use for the mission at all. Wondering why they havent kicked him out.
Thanks, but you dont have to worry. I call transfascists transfascists at every occasion. Simply cause its a matter of fact. And thats the LG of LGBTQ already also fights the transfascists. Cause they dont like to go back to the awful 1950s thanks to the actions of the transfascists!
So you are using LGBTQ propaganda! TERF is combat term created by transfascists. An no, women dont like being locked out of women sport. Women dont like to being put into prison cause they like to improve the female legislation. And women dont like being attacked physically by transfascists. And women dont like to lose their safe spaces. Each and every woman hates that (this inst much of a surprise, cause noone human would like to be treated that way!).
And yes, this is totalitarism. Transfascists try to destroy our society. The good thing, but also the problem is that they dont have the smallest chance. Yes, large companies learn slowly, but they are already jumping off the pride flag month. And sooner then you think all companies will realize that they simply lose money by supporting transfascists. And when the pressure of big companies is gone the legislature will follow. But the pendulum wont stop at the free thinking society of the 80s and 90s again. It will indeed swing in the other direction. Into the oppressive society of the 1950s and early 1960s. Perfect job, transfascists!
It is woke. Not because LGBTQ people are shown. That doesnt matter. It matters that they dont get their roles anymore cause it was a natural part of the script, but instead cause the scripts are based on the woke narrative. Take for example Thelma & Louise or Brokeback Mountain. If LGBTQ would have been a problem at all, why was there no or at best almost none protest back then? Cause thos were movies without this narrative. They were movies which showed real people! Not just archetypes standing for their narrative.
And BTW Someone stated that thos movies did more for society then all this woke movies together. Cause they made you take their side and that way you learned something. But when the only content is "This is the message, moron!" all you will get is indeed hate. And thats what they get right now and thats what they hoped for. Thats not about bringing the society together and forward. Thats about breaking society and make the woke fascists feel good.
But there is also nothing that supports the opposite, cause almost nothing was explained or proven within this movie. Thats what makes it so fascinating :) .
With totalitarian acts and surpressing women again like the last time during the 1970s! Look how they act against feminists. Look how they act when feminists try to safe their own spaces or feminists try to improve women support.
Or when people dont use their baby language. Or simply state that there are just 2 sexes (which is simply science). If they wouldnt have acted as fascists then they would have getting acceptance like any other minority (before the transfascists destroyed the reputation of LGBTQ as a whole, noone in society gave a damn anymore if anyone was hetero- or homesexual. Perhaps that happened, cause gays didnt enforce any baby language on other people). Even transsexuals were almost accepted by society. Cause they didnt hated science and the society. But transfascists (aka transgender) destroyed all the acceptance in society. Perfectly done. Im sure all the then surpressed gays and lesbians will be proud of you!
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