reasons why it flopped

mad max is a niche franchise
chris hemsworth is box office poison
anya taylor joy is not a star
fans wanted a mad max centered film
joe biden killed cinema
prequels rarely work
it will be streaming in 3 weeks


Seemed like it flopped largely due to a lack of interest.

Fury Road did ok but wasn't a major success. Furiosa, the character, got a lot of publicity and (seeming) popularity after Fury Road but they waited beyond too long to capitalize on that and now it's been long enough to where a new Mad Max movie would be more preferable.

Couple that with being a prequel (Centered on a backstory nobody was clamoring for), awful marketing, no real hype and so-so reviews which tried to damage control right out the gate with "...well it's not Fury Road, it's different" and you have something people are more comfortable giving a chance on streaming.


does it have a chance this coming weekend?


Flopped because Miller was trying 10 years to replace Mad Max in the Zeitgeist with Furiosa just like Cameron replaced John Connor with that Latina Hobbit
People are not stupid they can see the agenda


it will be streaming in 3 weeks


"It will be streaming in 3 weeks".

And you can sit in your basement like a hermit and watch it at home.
People with this "I'll just wait a few weeks until it streams" are what is killing movie theaters.

Why ever go to a ballgame? Just watch it on your TV in your basement.
Why ever go out to a restaurant? You can just eat at home in your basement, and it's cheaper.
Why go bowling? You can just play video bowling at home in your bassement, in your pajamas.
Why ever go to a concert? You can just YouTube it while eating potato chips on your sofa.
Why go to the bar and socialize with others? You have cans of beer in your basement fridge.
Why go to the gym? You can just play video tennis in your basement on your crusty couch.

Why ever have a shared, social experience anymore. Just do it all at home like a shut-in.
This is why people are pasty, with ropey little arms and zero social skills. Hermit-ass shut-ins.

You killed the record stores. You killed bookstores. You killed malls. And you're killing the cinema. won't even have the OPTION to take a date out to the movies.

But there's always your basement, and that crusty red sofa.


Furiosa FLOPPING was Inevitable: A Mad Max Saga Postmortem


I've got two other major reasons:

1) TOO LONG - the movie is easily 40-50 minutes too long. It could easily be trimmed down to be a lot leaner and meaner without such a convoluted plot in the last hour. A little added voiceover could smooth things over. I was reluctant to watch it in the theater because I basically had to sacrifice an entire evening to do it, and I am sure a lot of other people felt the same and decided against going.

2) Not different enough from FURY ROAD to be worth it. All the Mad Max movies are pretty radically different from one another except this and FURY ROAD. They have different lead actors for sure but thematically and in terms of imagery and editing they look and feel very similar. The film's marketing failed to make it seem different enough to bother with if you have already seen FURY ROAD and felt satisfied with that experience. The only people who saw it are those who wanted "more of the same" which is exactly what the movie is. It has so many call-backs to the other Mad Max films that it gets to be head-spinning. The entire ending of the movie is patterned closely after the 1979 movie's climax right down to the torture scene.


Just got back from it. This movie flopped because it's not a summer blockbuster film. It's not even really a movie. It's like lore expansion for Fury Road. There is no appeal whatsoever here for the casual film goer. Because there's not a cohesive narrative. It's just a series of scenes strung together that keep jumping forward in time, so nothing ever pays off. It's somehow light on action, despite having plenty of it. Light on drama, despite there being a surprising amount of talking going on. The endless callbacks to Fury Road and the original trilogy both overt and subtle was wearisome. Ultimately, it didn't tell us anything we didn't already surmise from Fury Road. Big fan of Taylor-Joy but dude, you could have stuck anybody in that hair and makeup and gotten the same performance. The real star of the show was Hemmy who truly put up the performance of his career here. He was funny and mad and scary and you felt sorry for him at the same time. That dude was slaying it. The vehicles in general wern't as fantastic as usual. Which is all to say not only was this not appealing to a casual movie goer, I wouldn't say it was particularly savory for fans of this genre. Cause it was a lot of recycled seen it before, seen it better. Don't get me wrong, I liked it and plan on seeing it one more time. Especially cause man... something was seriously goofy about the projected frame rate in my theater. That crap wasn't looking right at all.


The original wasn’t a box office success in the first place, so a prequel was unlikely to draw more
