Just got back from it. This movie flopped because it's not a summer blockbuster film. It's not even really a movie. It's like lore expansion for Fury Road. There is no appeal whatsoever here for the casual film goer. Because there's not a cohesive narrative. It's just a series of scenes strung together that keep jumping forward in time, so nothing ever pays off. It's somehow light on action, despite having plenty of it. Light on drama, despite there being a surprising amount of talking going on. The endless callbacks to Fury Road and the original trilogy both overt and subtle was wearisome. Ultimately, it didn't tell us anything we didn't already surmise from Fury Road. Big fan of Taylor-Joy but dude, you could have stuck anybody in that hair and makeup and gotten the same performance. The real star of the show was Hemmy who truly put up the performance of his career here. He was funny and mad and scary and you felt sorry for him at the same time. That dude was slaying it. The vehicles in general wern't as fantastic as usual. Which is all to say not only was this not appealing to a casual movie goer, I wouldn't say it was particularly savory for fans of this genre. Cause it was a lot of recycled seen it before, seen it better. Don't get me wrong, I liked it and plan on seeing it one more time. Especially cause man... something was seriously goofy about the projected frame rate in my theater. That crap wasn't looking right at all.