MovieChat Forums > Prey (2022) Discussion > They need to go back even further

They need to go back even further

Have the Predator arrive on Earth during the dinosaur age. And the best part is it will be all CGI, since there will be a no humans cast, unless primitive cavemen lived alongside the dinosaurs. Talk about a tough life. Lets see how well it does against a T Rex or a Brontosaurus.


I want even earlier, let's see the predator battle monocellular organisms. See how he uses his high tech microscope and sciences tha shit outta them.


they will find a way to insert a "strong female transgender POC" that would kill the predator ...


And then, we could be spared of racist idiots yelling it's woke. Unless one of the dinosaurs is female or a minority.


Can a dinosaur be a transgender?


Why are you transphobic???


And idiots like you labelling and generalising people when they dare criticise a female/black character

You and others like you are just as bad if not worse


No I think people get upset when anytime a female action hero does something that is not possible it is considered political. Yet a male action star can do the impossible yet nothing is said. For some reason when it comes to female heroes they have to be held to a realistic standard where as male heroes get to not be held to that standard. Criticizing a character is fine but when that is what your critique hinges upon it is a weak point. Naru is not a Mary Sue, she is simply a strong female hero who is heavily flawed. The hypocrisy is on full display. Do not let your male heroes slide for things you will not let female heroes slide for. It goes both ways.


Thank you. That was exactly my point

That guy's entire post history is him complaining about identity politics though. His agenda is clearly more important to him than having a rational conversation


It is quite sad really. So can female heroes no longer be strong without it being political? In their mind it seems like the answer is no. It is no different then when you see an action hero like lets say John Wick or any famous martial artist such as Jet Li, Donnie Yen, Jackie Chan etc take on a room full of like 20 people or more. Is it fun to watch? Absolutely! Is it realistic? No! First of all I do not care how much training you have if you face that many people at once you are going to take some serious damage. You are not fast enough to evade that many people in one area. Not to mention the stamina it would take to take out that many people. Also usually in a group that big people do not attack one on one and take turns. Can they take turns? Possibly but it is highly unlikely.

I will at least give Jackie Chan that, he does it in probably the most realistic way possible. Chan does not just clean through a room without taking a blow, he takes blows and he uses his environment to evade them. If you were to have any shot at doing it that would be the only possible way. Even then though your chances are quite slim. Like I said it is well choreographed but fights in movies are obviously quite different from real life fights. It is a movie after all movies are for fun.


Agreed 100%

I like Action movies but I recognize that they're mostly mindless escapist entertainment. Complaining about women kicking ass would be valid IF these people only enjoyed extremely grounded movies. But that's not remotely the case

And yeah, I've always loved seeing Jackie Chan's particular style of stunt choreography


Good to know someone on here has some common sense.

Exactly action movies are escapist fantasy. I love the Raid Redemption but think about it can someone really take that many blows as they do in those fights and still keep going? Blows to the head, have their head slammed on cement etc. You would be dead several times over. Now if you are watching a super realistic grounded film such as Godfather or Schindler's List and that occurs then obviously that is an issue. Stuff like James Bond films, Indiana Jones, John Wick, Jason Bourne etc. They are simply escapist fun. It is why I loved Kill Bill as well. Is it over the top and completely fake? Oh absolutely but it was well done and that is all that matters.


Female heroes can definitely be strong without it being political -
chicks with a bit of muscle, perhaps? The prob is, producers like to screw petite model-type chicks on the casting chair - so only they make the cut, and that's where the lack of realism kicks in. Maybe if producers were more into screwing manlier/buffed chicks, things would have been different - but tougher (in real life) chicks are also more likely to put up a fight - unless producers go bill cosby on them.


No I think people get upset when anytime a female action hero does something that is not possible it is considered political

No they don't. They criticise poorly written characters that have no depth and basically are just awesome at everything they do. See Rey for the prime example.

Like this one. Through there own selfishness to go and hunt which they never shut up about Naru basically gets most of her tribe killed and for that selfishness they become leader. What a great message. Notice how I didn't mention her gender at all but I would be called sexist for that as you wrote above just for the crime or criticising a female character. It just isn't allowed in modern society. For some reason they are protected on high. If it was just about female leads in general then why do other female leads like Alita, Furiosa, anything Michelle Yeoh does for example get a lot of positive praise. Shouldn't these mysterious people you speak of be saying the same things about them.

Funny how the praise for certain female leads gets ignored.

Yet a male action star can do the impossible yet nothing is said

Due to men being on average 130% stronger than woman. So you believe it more. Biology can't be beat i'm afraid. You can only suspend disbelief only so much before you just role your eyes.

For some reason when it comes to female heroes they have to be held to a realistic standard where as male heroes get to not be held to that standard.

I'm sorry that is just a straight up lie. The difference is no one bats an eye when you critique a male character but oh no do it to a woman and all hell breaks loose. Look at LOTR, there will be 1000 puff pieces on how amazing all the female characters are and as is already happenign anyone who says anything about them is already labelled a racist and sexist.

The one part you have elduded to mention when it comes to this is writing. It's funny how the female characters that are praised are well written and the ones who are criticised are written poorly. I wonder could that be the reason. No it can't be, it must just be "muh sexism".


Naru is not a Mary Sue. Therefore the comparison to Rey is irrelevant.

Predator is not about the message. Predator is a slasher survival film. Bringing it back to simplicity is what made it good again. The sequels tried to be much more complex and it ended up getting convoluted and took away from the simplicity of the first. See just because they accept these past female heroes does it mean they do not have a biased against female action heroes. It is the equivalent of saying I am not racist because I have a black friend. You can have a black friend and still be racist. Oh and trust me I have heard plenty of criticism lobbied at Furiosa so you bringing her up only helped prove my point. Max isn't even the main character of his own movie! This is feminist trash! Plenty of those were said about the film by people who do not like female action heroes.

Just because male's are physically superior does it mean you can't have a strong female hero. Yes that is biology but movies are not science class they are movies. This is not a film grounded in reality. It is a science fiction film with a fantasy creature. If this was going for realism as something like Godfather is then you have a case, in this case you do not. It is like complaining about the magic in Harry Potter being not believable, well yeah it is a fantasy film...

Nope it is not a lie. As I said before Furiosa was criticized heavily and people complained about Fury Road being a feminist film. Rey has been criticized heavily and lots of people agree that her character was poorly written. Also I recall Willie from Temple of Doom being criticized no one batted an eye. I heard critiques about Mary Jane in Spider-man being a plot device to save as well, yet nothing was said. I think you are being dishonest now.


Naru is not a Mary Sue. Therefore the comparison to Rey is irrelevant.

I never said she was a Mary Sue. I said they were poorly written characters. You are really trying to prove my points. See how you jump to the most negative aspect immediately even though I didn't imply that. So no it is not irreleavant. Learn to read.

This is not a film grounded in reality

Set in the real world 1700's with commanche warriors so yes it is grounded in reality. If you set it within a time period then you must follow the rules of that time period unless you specifically state it is some alternate world or reality.

It is like complaining about the magic in Harry Potter being not believable

No it isn't. Thsoe films create there world with there own rules but still based in on real world physics.

Just because male's are physically superior does it mean you can't have a strong female hero

Again never said they couldn't exist. No where did I say that. I said you could only suspend disbelief so much.

If you aren't gonna bother reading what I wrote then why should I take the time to reply to you.


When you mention Rey specifically it is safe to assume that is where you were leading the conversation. It is your opinion Naru is a poorly written character. In my opinion she was actually a good character. Rey was poorly written because she was a Mary Sue.

Did a predator actually exist in the 1700's? Last time I checked that type of creature does not exist nor has it ever existed. So no the minute you have a creature like that it becomes a fantasy. That is like saying Indiana Jones must adhere to the rules of the World War 2 era. Some films are more grounded than others but the minute you have that type of creature in your film it has now become a fantasy.

Predator is set in it's own world as well. Simply because it is based on the real world does not mean it does not have fantasy elements. You act as if this is a nature documentary they were trying to achieve. Jason Bourne or Nolan's Batman is set in reality does that mean those films are completely realistic? If the answer is no which it is I just dismantled your point entirely.

Okay who decided where the the line of suspension of disbelief is you? You do not speak for others only yourself bud. Cute you think you have that kind of clout though. Dial back the ego.


When you mention Rey specifically it is safe to assume that is where you were leading the conversation

Complete assumption and you should never do that.

It is your opinion Naru is a poorly written character. In my opinion she was actually a good character.

Cool. Glad you like her. Doesn't make you right though. Still doesn't give anyone the right to call someone sexist for saying they don't like her for whatever reason.

Did a predator actually exist in the 1700's?

Didn't say they did. I said commanches in the 1700's and that is the world created. The predator is a character within that world.

Predator is set in it's own world as well

No it isn't. Apart form one they are solely set on Earth. That means to be believable you have to follow certain rules of the real world. Like I said originally a you can only suspend disbielief so much before you role your eyes. For example the Rock jumping from the crane into the tower building (can't rememeber the name of the film) that is an eye roll moment.

Okay who decided the line of suspension of disbelief you?

Quote me where I said I did. I just made a general statement which in 99% of cases will be true.

This has been side tracked now. I really don't care for the film. It is poorly written and you can see why it never got a cinema release. The main character is selfish and gets most of her tribe killed due to that. That is not a well written character.

Anyway this was about people calling others sexist and racist for simply criticising. Which based on the replies I have had from other posters has proved my point, not you by the way. At least you have been civil and had a discussion even if we obviously disagree. It is rare on here.


It is an assumption, but I would say it was a safe one.

I never called you sexist for not liking her. Also you dislike her good for you but it does not make you right either. It boils down to opinion. Quote where I called you a sexist. Good luck finding it.

A fake character that is the main antagonist of the film. Which now makes it a fantasy. Thanks for proving my point for me.

Yeah it is. It is like an alternate take on reality. You do have to follow certain rules but that is every story no matter if it is grounded or not. Like I said everyone's barrier for this is different.

Care to prove that 99% stat you speak of?

I do not care if you like the film I personally think it is the best since the first. By that logic Walter White is not well written because he becomes unlikable by the end of the show. A selfish protagonist can still be a good character. Also arguing it not being released in theaters is a poor argument to try and prove your case. There are plenty of great films that have only been released on streaming. By that logic Extraction and many other films were trash.

There are people who are sexist or racist that do criticize. It is called veiled racism. Now are there those who genuinely criticize something yes I do not deny that but you can't deny there are people who criticize something just off the fact that they do not like it's political ideology, or they do not like other representation. To dismiss that entirely is dishonest.


It is an assumption, but I would say it was a safe one.

Well it wasn't because I never once mentioned it so why say it again. I gave you a compliment at the end of my repsonse. Don't make me regret it

A fake character that is the main antagonist of the film. Which now makes it a fantasy. Thanks for proving my point for me.

That doesn't prove anything. You just said there is a fake character as the main antagonist. What does that prove apart from there is a fake character as the main antagonist. Did the world suddenly change form 1700's populated by native americans That would be a no.

by that logic Walter White is not well written because he becomes unlikable by the end of the show
He is not unlikable though. He is actually very likable because you sympathise with his struggle with Cancer and what he is doing. Did you actually watch Breaking Bad. He is one of the best characters to ever grace TV.

Also arguing it not being released in theaters is a poor argument to try and prove your case

No it isn't. You can tell the limited budget with some of the CGI being iffy. If they had confidence in it then it would have gotten a Cinema release. My god "The Predator" is awful and that got a Cinema release.

There are people who are sexist or racist that do criticize

Yes there are. I wish that was so simple but we both know that anyone says anything regarding race and gender swaps, disliking female or black characters and they are immediately called racist and sexist. It is the goto answer. You will then get a ton of puff pieces attacking fans saying the exact same things. Don't deny it doesn't happen. It happens on this site all the time.

criticize something just off the fact that they do not like it's political ideology

And what is wrong with that. We are not all the same and don't think the same. I'm not even an American and been called a Trump supporter because I dared disagree with a popular character possibly being gendered swapped. It is liek a tirade. Never ends.


Then why are you pretending like I called you a sexist? I never did.

No it completely proves my point. Has a predator ever existed? No. Therefore now the rulebook is different because that thing has weapons and can do things no creature has ever been able to do. Which means the rules are not limited to the rulebook of reality.

Um yeah Walter White is unlikable or at least he became very unlikeable. Walt is a relatable character. Nobody wishes to be Walt. He is not a wish fulfillment character like James Bond, he is a relatable one. You find out he was not doing it for cancer but for selfish reasons. Also it is your opinion and the mass opinion that he is one of the best characters to grace tv. I agree but people can say I do not like his character it is opinion after all.

Yes it is. A limited budget does not mean a movie is bad. In fact it was rather impressive what they were able to pull off with the limited budget they had. Prey had far better cinematography and action compared to the Predator 2018 despite having a fraction of the budget. So by your logic then a film is better simply because it gets a cinematic release? You do recall Justice League theatrical cut got a theatrical release right? You also know films such as Mortal Kombat: Annihilation and Disaster Movie, and X-men Origins Wolverine got theatrical releases as well right? Yeah not a good argument to help your case. Prey is far better than all of those films.

I openly said people like that exist. You do not need to make me say it again since I already admitted that.

Because you should be judging the film on more than just political ideology which a lot of people are incapable of doing. If they do not like the political ideology they ignore, editing, cinematography, sound, set design, acting, choreography etc. They ignore that and call it trash simply because they dislike the film's political undertones. For example some people nailed me to the wall for hating films like the Expendables. You just dislike masculine heroes! Continued down below.


I hate the Expendables because it is a garbage film. The first predator is good and it totally caters to masculinity. Just like how Fury Road is a feminist film but... It is well made. I like John Wick because it is well made. If a film leans in a way I disagree with I can look past it and measure how well it executes things. Not many people do that. Many people wrote off Prey before even watching it simply because there was a female led hero. Do not deny that.


Then why are you pretending like I called you a sexist? I never did.

I never once said that about you.

Therefore now the rulebook is different

No it isn't. It is set in the 1700's about Commanches. The Predator is the outsider not the rule. So the world is created from the commanches perspective not the Predators. So no you again prove nothing. The rules are determiend by the year and setting it is based in.

Um yeah Walter White is unlikable

No he isn't. He just isn't. He is one of the most interesting characters to ever grace TV. I don't know why you keep saying this. He is an awesome character in an awesome show. In this regard you are very very wrong.

Because you should be judging the film on more than just political ideology

And people should stop having a go at those who criticise who themselves base it on political ideology. Can't have one but complain about the other.

Yes it is. A limited budget does not mean a movie is bad

I never said it did. You do love to assume things. I said it showed the poor CGI. I never once said a small budget meant a movie was bad. Stop making assumptions please.

So by your logic then a film is better simply because it gets a cinematic release?

Again I at no point did i say or infere anything of the sort I merely pointed the poor budget should showed up the iffy CGI. Again stop making assumptions.

Well this conversation is over. All you do is twist what I say and make assumptions and infer things I haven't even said. And when I tell you I didn't say it you reply with the same thing. So crack on.

It is a crap film with an unlikeable charcater who is selfish, only thinks of herself and no one else, gets other members of her tribe killed due to her own selfishness and then kills the enemy in the stupidest way.

Have a good day


You did not have to. I got that vibe.

Once again you are wrong. A predator has never existed. The predator is not limited to the rules of the 1700's. Which means the film is not following realistic rules.

Lol he just isn't? So to prove your opinion is fact you merely have to state it? Is that the low you have stooped to now? I never said the character was not interesting, I said I did not find him likeable more so relatable. This is not me throwing shade at the character. Nice misrepresentation of what I said. Twisting words is your thing huh?

It was your opinion the cgi was bad. I found the cgi to be mediocre nothing great, but nothing awful when factoring in the budget. Plenty of low budget films have had dodgy effects but were still good films. The puppet work on the original Terminator never once looked real but the rest of the film looked good.

Iffy looking cgi does not dictate the quality of the entire film.

It is a good film with a good use of budget and a solid female hero. I found her selfishness to add to the likability of her character.

Have a good day.


It takes a higher level of suspending disbelief for me to believe that John Wick could kill HUNDREDS of heavily armed, highly trained killers across 3 movies than for me to believe that Naru could kill a handful of conquistadores and 1 alien. The Predators get killed in every single Predator film so it's not like they're exactly established as geniuses

And newsflash: biology is also a factor in making male action hero stunts stupidly unrealistic. Just because men are twice as strong as women does not make it believable that they could kill hundreds of people or fight on the tops of moving trains


It takes a higher level of suspending disbelief for me to believe that John Wick could kill HUNDREDS

He didn't kill hundreds at once or at all in one movie or one scene or one moment. Bit of an exaggeration me thinks

The Predators get killed in every single Predator film so it's not like they're exactly established as geniuses

Actually in the first 3 only one was actually killed by the hero which was in 2. The other 2 movies used self destruct and all 3 hand there asses handed to them but yeh Naru used the weapon of the Predator because he somehow forgot how it worked. Oh ok then.

Just because men are twice as strong as women does not make it believable

Yes it does. It is the very reason it is more believable.


More believable or believable? I believe he said believable.


Yeah, glad you caught that. This guy thinks he's slick with his cheap rhetorical tricks lol


He misrepresented your entire point. That stuff annoys me. I do not like dishonest debate tactics.


It do be pretty cringe ngl. But it's to be expected in unmoderated forums like this. That's part of what makes them fun, but also what makes them pits of intellectual refuse


What John Wick, and a bunch of other male action heroes do, is just as unbelievable as what Naru does in Prey because the scale of difficulty in what the male characters do is significantly harder than what Naru did

The predators only self destruct after being defeated or being near death. And technically Naru didn't kill the predator and she also did not steal his weapon. She stole his helmet after it fell off when she shot him while he was distracted. And the predator got tricked into killing itself


What John Wick, and a bunch of other male action heroes do, is just as unbelievable as what Naru does in Prey because the scale of difficulty in what the male characters do is significantly harder than what Naru did

So a man fighting other men is harder than a woman fighting a 7 foot tall, 300 pound alien. In what world. You are funny.

The predators only self destruct after being defeated or being near death

Arnie defeated it by setting a dead fall that Naru could never achieve after having his ass handed to him. In Predators it is defeated by Issabella shooting the Predator first giving Royce the chance to him with the Axe on the floor. He didn;t do alone. They even knew he was half the size of Arnie and so when they went hand to hand after the initial phase where he is running in and out of the fire he again has his ass handed to him. But yeh a little 90lb girl can do it all alone.

She stole his helmet after it fell off when she shot him while he was distracted. And the predator got tricked into killing itself

And when you write it down it makes it even more absurd. So the Alien just forgot how there own equipment worked. Oh ok then.


Did she have weapons? Yep, did she have help? Yep. Was she using her environment to kill it? Yep! John Wick is a solo act he has no help really. Except for a little bit in John Wick 3.

Before she applied the weapons to it the Predator was beating her.

When a creature or thing is in a state of panic it can have a lapse in judgement because of desperation. It worked fine for me.


A man killing hundreds of people with guns is far less realistic than one human managing to outwit one alien, yes. At some point you would think the John Wick bad guys would smarten up and stop sending bad guy 5-10 at a time, in numbers just small enough for a super assassin to handle. You'd think that they'd manage to poison him, kill him in his sleep, hell, trap him in a building and blow it up or fill it with smoke. You know, the way that people in real life are always killed when big organizations want them killed. You're in complete denial about how dumb and impossible John Wick movies are 😁

She didn't do it alone. She was rescued several times by her brother and it was her brother's sacrifice that allowed her to get the predator's helmet

The predator was not aware that the girl knew about the laser and didn't know that it was pointed at him. If the arrows follow a straight trajectory when the laser is not on then the predator must have assumed it was going to shoot straight at Naru


A man killing hundreds of people with guns is far less realistic than one human managing to outwit one alien, yes.

He doesn't kill hundreds in any one movie. Yeh just the fact the alien is 7 foot tall, 300lbs and the strength of many men but yeh that is more realistic. You are insane.

You'd think that they'd manage to poison him, kill him in his sleep, hell, trap him in a building and blow it up or fill it with smoke.

That is called whataboutism. I might as well say that why didn't the Predator just walk upto Naru and pick her up and kill her. There would have literally been nothing she could do about it but again that is whataboutism and so I won't, unlike you.

She didn't do it alone. She was rescued several times by her brother and it was her brother's sacrifice that allowed her to get the predator's helmet

So her brother had to die along with the other braves so she could be the hero. Yeh that is a selfishly written character. Predator 1 the man and woman survive. Predator 2 a man and woman survive. Predator 3 a man and woman survive. Predator 4 a man and woman survive but in the new string female lead film only the woman survives. Huh. How odd.

The predator was not aware that the girl knew about the laser and didn't know that it was pointed at him

Yes and this girl who would have thought a lighter was magic knew how to rig alien tech? It didn't see the laser that shows up as 3 dots on every target and he didn't know what it was? Again yeh ok. Just proves poor writing nothing else. It's a stupid ending.

predator must have assumed it was going to shoot straight at Naru

Yes because as previously stated it forgor how to use its own tech somehow.


My point of him killing hundreds is that every movie is relatively the same. The subsequent group trying to kill him learns nothing from the previous one and uses more or less the same strategy. The movies are just action set pieces with very little internal logic

That's not whataboutism is 😬 sorry, but you are using that term incorrectly

I am not defending the character's selfishness. I agree that that's a valid criticism. What I disagree with is that, within the context of a cheesy action movie, that a small-framed woman could a big alien is a bridge too far

And the predator did not forget how to use its technology, it just assumed that the girl couldn't use it against her. It underestimated her, which was part of characterization that was established throughout the movie


My point of him killing hundreds is that every movie is relatively the same

No they are not.

The movies are just action set pieces with very little internal logic

So what

What I disagree with is that, within the context of a cheesy action movie, that a small-framed woman could a big alien is a bridge too far

I know what you are saying but you are still wrong. A highly trained assassin who is nick named Baba Yaga and has an entire back story laid out that he is who you call when the job is impossible to be done. That is why it is believable. He isn't just any assassin he is the assassin of all assassin's. There is no one better than him.

So a 90lb girl can take on a 300lb Predator but you find John Wick shooting people implausable. Huh

characterization that was established throughout the movie

So when did she learn to operate and use Alien tech? At what point in the movie does she figure that out. She would have thought a lighter was pure magic but an Alien laser she is ok with. Whatever. The more you actually write the genuinly more absurd it becomes.

The only character progression in this movie is she cares very little about other peoples lives other than her own even the people in her own tribe she is more than happy to sacrfice in pursuit of battling those gender norms. All she cares about is defeating it. Not because it is a threat but because she has to prove she can hunt. She literally never shuts up about it. That is it. That is her sole driving force. Selfishness is her entire character. Crap charcater, written so poorly. She could have still been the hero without all the patriarchy and gender crap but no can't have that. She isn't a strong female character she is just a douchbag.


Meh. At this point it's just petty disagreements. I'm not saying that the John Wick movies are bad, I enjoy them and always watch them as soon as they come out even tho I think they're dumb af

I find a small woman ( I don't know hw much she fkn weighs) killing a huge alien to be extremely unrealistic. But I also find other male-led action franchises that I enjoy unrealistic

I agree that her figuring out alien tech is unrealistic

I disagree that this movie dif bad character development, but I have no problem with you having the opposite opinion

I don't feel like this movie made any big statement about patriarchy or anything like that. I don't usually enjoypreachy movies either, but I don't think this movie was that and I enjoyed it


There's a difference. When you jerks complain about a character, it's the character being a black character, not just a character. If it's a white character, then it always just a character. Yeah, you types are racist bigots.


Yeah, you types are racist bigots.

So no white male characters get criticised ever in anything. Yeh ok mate keep living in your deluded world.

To use your words. When you jerks reply to anything you immediately call them racist and sexist no matter the criticism or context. You are like stuck records that have no other answer. You literally rinse and repeat the same answer over and over again.

If someone says they thought this character was selfish and they don't buy them taking on 4 or 5 French trappers single handedly the immediate answer will be "are woman not allowed to be leads now" closely followed by "well thats because you hate woman, incel"

Now change the character to black due to a race swap and its "aren't brown people allowed in movies"

Do you see a pattern forming.

maybe have discussion. Just a thought.


The ONLY pattern here are you racist complaining about "wokeness".


Please give me one quote where I have been racist and or used the word wokeness.

I'll wait for the reply that will never come

You are literally proving my point that just for the crime of criticising you get called racist and sexist.


You're right. It'll never come, Mr Racist.


So you can't quote me then. got it.

Are you a Keelai clone?


No, but you're a racist.


Can we add in the terminator and some ghosts while we are at it.


maybe something harder than a brontosaurus


That sounds like a awesome idea. Make a predator movie during the dinosaur age. Let the movie set during the Cenozoic era.


The budget would be crazy high to do Predator Goes to Jurassic Park . These Predator movies get about $150M at the box office. Doing a dinosaur movie would be too expensive for them to get a profit


Do you think the movie can work if the dinosaurs were all men wearing rubber suits, and using miniature sets of trees, etc like they did in all the Godzilla movies? That would cut budget costs
