MovieChat Forums > Dune: Part One (2021) Discussion > Chani is unwashed. Sex scene in pt. 2? Y...

Chani is unwashed. Sex scene in pt. 2? Yuck!

So, are Paul and Chani going to consummate their match made in heaven? Know then that she doesn't wash. Period. (Pun intended). The Book describes in some detail the "assault on nostrils" when Paul visits the Fremen Sietch for the first time, mentioning the "stench of unwashed bodies," and many other disgusting odors. Their suit is essentially a diaper. Their bodies are encrusted with stuff. Need I go on? So, is Hollywood just going to ignore this reality? Of course it will. I imagine a candle-lit ambience, Zendaya's impeccable wavy hair strewn about the clean bed sheets, her smooth skin glistening in the dim light, and Paul diving his face into her bosom as if it were a field of most fragrant flowers. Now that's going to be hilarious!


That might have worked in the book, but would be utterly revolting in a film. Who wants to fuck a beautiful lady if she's been smeared with shit?


Well I was more getting at Zendaya's too glamorous and tidy look for the role. I mean she has to be, since she is the hero's romantic interest, but it's just so unrealistic.


"That might have worked in the book, but would be utterly revolting in a film. Who wants to fuck a beautiful lady if she's been smeared with shit?"



You won't be able to smell it if you smell like that too. In a week Paul is going to smell the same. Only when you have a clean mouth then you can smell the stench in the other people's breath. I notified that when I started to floss.


If folks didn’t have sex in the dirty, dusty, warty, stenchy, scabby, lice-y, poopy, crabby, festering sore riddled medieval times we wouldn’t be alive to be watching Dune at all.


Contrary to modern opinions people of "old times" didn't just walk around with dirt all over their faces like we depict in TV/film.


Just trying to imagine Zendaya unwashed and smelly as she takes off her Fremen diaper suit, revealing a large unshaven bush before him, lol. Would be such a boner killer probably. Then he'll just step outside the Fremen love hut, grab some spice nearby, return to the hut, sprinkle it on her bush to freshen up the scent and get high at the same time so it doesn't look bad at all.




They shouldn't even take the stilsuits off while having sex. All that sweat, lost?? U crazy???


Right? This is what Velcro flaps are for!


Did you forget about the part in the book when it described the ability to relax still suit discipline indoors? If Fremen stillsuit technology is able to recycle urine and feces into safe drinking water, the it would be a simple matter to recycle sewage, bath and shower water used for basic hygiene.

A scat fetish is not required to enjoy the book. :)


Hey, it's 8 thousand years in teh future. Maybe at some point during that time, humans genetically engineered themselves to not stink and to shit clean, contained pellets, like a constipated rabbit.



Or, they can take a shower. :)


I thought the same. Javier Bardem looked pretty crusty, but the others were far too clean. In addition to the observations already made, imagine the state of Chani’s teeth. The few she had left would be rotting and brown, her lips collapsing inward like an old lady from the 3rd world, her breath redolent of something from Satan’s anus.

These people don’t even have toilet paper. Paul will be needing to huff mountains of spice just to get through the day with them, let alone kiss and ‘make love’ to Chani.


Primitive people have much better teeth the those in developed countries because they eat natural foods and not a lot of sugar and no fiber.

In the book the Fremen wash with sand because there is no water.


3rd worlders only have good teeth if they also have toothpaste (and a brush).

Wash with sand 🤣 I’m sure that does a great job. Do they use Lynx Sandblast too?


Before they use brush and toothpaste, 3rd worlders use betel leaf with areca nut to clean their teeth. They still do that even today in Taiwan, not even a 3rd world country.

No seriously, people wash with sand in desert countries for thousand of years.

Just because you don't know it doesn't mean it's false.


The leaf and nut method might slow the rot to a small degree but it’s no match for toothpaste, and what makes you think the Freemen have said leaves and nuts?

Just because some people ‘washed with sand’ doesn’t stop it from being completely ineffective at preventing the enormous stench you’d emit without daily soap and water washing. The Freemen would reek and rubbing a bit of sand in isn’t going to change that.

Hey, nice try though yeah?


No. I did not say anything about the Fremen. That was an another poster.

I was simply giving information. The statement that 3rd worlders does not have good teeth before toothpaste and brush was simply not true.


The leaf and nut method is no match for toothpaste and would have only mildly staved off the rotting teeth and scarcely ameliorated the hideous breath.

This discussion is about the Freemen, if you’re not relating your points to them then why are you making them?

The statement that 3rd worlders does not have good teeth before toothpaste and brush was simply not true.

I said ‘an old lady from the 3rd world’, you seem to have conveniently forgotten about the old lady so that you can fart out your irrelevant ‘factoids’ about 3rd world oral hygiene.

Your erroneous, irrelevant assertions are not welcome. Stay on topic, this is about Dune.


Bruh. Chill.


Seems you’re projecting your lack of ‘chill’ onto me.

Calm down with the inane interjections and you won’t get yourself so worked up.
