MovieChat Forums > The Matrix Resurrections (2021) Discussion > Better than part 2 and 3 but not the ori...

Better than part 2 and 3 but not the original.

I'm 37 so I grew up with the matrix...the matrix was and is one of my favorite movies of all time. The sequel's sucked. They were nothing like the original and felt hastily made, part 3 for sure felt very rushed. Resurrections was decent... especially after 20 years of waiting...loved all the flashbacks of the original, loved the new star of the movie, "Bugs"(like the bunny), didn't really like the new Morpheus, and new Agent fact if the original actors were in it, it would have made a 7 out of 10 film jump to a 9 out of 10 film. The story was really good...and I loved neo Patrick Harris' part.


No, no, no, no, no. This movie SCREAMS thrown together. The execution is sooo amateur. This is like a SyFy Channel version of a Matrix movie.


100% with you. Everything from the cheap digital look/cinematography, to the boring unimaginative film score, to the lame fights, script, acting, pacing, set pieces on & on… Even real (not cgi) exploding cars looked like they were shot with an iPhone.

Everything sucks now.


Funny you bring up the score. I mean, you're not wrong about everything else, but they are all very obvious and a normal criticisms of a movie. But the score was just so anticlimactic it actually jumps out at you. No tension or drama at all, just like the action in this movie.


I agree, this is how I feel about the movie too. People seem to have taken a lot of the changes this movie made personally

I don't think the movie is great and I don't like doing numerical ratings, but if I had to I'd rate it something like a 5.5/10

And yes, I hadn't seen Jessica Henwick in anything before (that I can recall), but she is berry cute


Same. I'm not a fan of numerical ratings either, but if I had to rate them, I'd say:

Matrix: 8/10
Reloaded: 4/10
Revolutions: 6/10
Resurrections: 5/10

But I prefer Resurrections to Revolutions. I really didn't like Reloaded as so many other people seem to.


Root canal is better than the sequels. The OP sets a bar the height of an ankle.


That would be extremely difficult... in limbo.


not even close to part 2/3
Part 1 was better than 2/3, but this is a pile of garbage
Sequels - you could tell that they did have a plan for the sequels - they were all a part of the larger story.
This film is one of those 'sequels' which comes after the story is complete but the lure of money remains, so they start making shit up.




Parts of the premise were interesting but the movie itself was a complete shit show.


I think the sequels sucked would have been correct here.
