MovieChat Forums > Halloween Ends (2022) Discussion > Halloween: Resurrection (2002) is better...

Halloween: Resurrection (2002) is better than this. I watched both back to back last night.

It seriously is.

Resurrection gets hate for retconning the ending of H20, I personally don't care as the continuity for the franchise is a colossal joke and the endings were always getting retconned. These DGG films have retconned the entire series. Forgive and forget. It retconned H20 so what.

It gets hate for the goofy humor scenes, particularly those involving Busta Rhymes.

Others take umbrage with the attempts to be hip and new with the 'live internet horror show'.

Aside from that you have a barebones, basic stalk-n-slash. It's short, to the point, has beautiful women. A light film that has some entertainment value.

Halloween: Ends is a goofy shitfest of the highest degree. The humor that DGG has instilled in these films is peak cringe. Big John, Little John, peanut butter on my penis, stabbed her in the tit...flash evil your tits. The stupid kill scenes intended to make you laugh. Beyond fucking stupid! Goofier and dumber than anything in Resurrection.

The characters in DGGs films are worse. In Resurrection they're your typical late teens/early 20s stock characters. They're honestly more likable and certainly more relatable than anyone in Ends.

The lore reconfiguration is apalling. Jason Goes To Hell levels of bastardization. Resurrection plays it straight and safe, this film shits all over everything.

If you think Ends is better than Resurrection then I have a few things to say;
- When did you last watch Resurrection?
- If it was years ago, give it another spin in hindsight of this shitfest. You may be surprised.

If Resurrection is a 3.9 on IMDB, this should be a 1.5 or so.


Some people hate that Michael Myers got punked and karate kicked by Busta...well what they did to Michael in Ends was way worse!


I'm getting curious about this Halloween Ends, maybe I'll check it out.


Definitely. He went from Super Jason Voorhies in Kills to some random old man getting punked by a school shooter-type.


Yeah Corey wrestling Michael down to the ground and taking his mask and leaving him laying there like a sack of shit in my mind is way worse than Busta Rhymes kung fu-ing him, least Busta looks somewhat believably capable of kicking Michael's ass, and it wasn't as disrespectful as what Corey did in Ends by taking his mask.


First half of Resurrection was peak teen horror, especially at the time of release. Deserves at least a 5 on IMDB, imo.


It definitely gets far too much hate. It's quite a standard, and most importantly fun, slasher film. Quite inoffensive all things considered.

I guess I forgot to mention in my OP that another issue some have is Lauries death.

It seems this film gets shit upon for the following things;
- Michael getting punked by a rapper.
- A few comedic scenes.
- Retconning the H20 ending.
- Killing off Laurie early in the film, quite anti-climatic to be fair.
- Being 'modern' and 'hip' (at the time anyway).

I did find it interesting seeing the cinemascores of the Halloween films. Resurrection has the highest in the franchise that has been polled;
- Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998): B-
- Halloween: Resurrection (2002): B+
- Rob Zombie's Halloween (2007): B-
- Halloween (2018): B
- Halloween Kills (2021): B-
- Halloween Ends (2022): C+

It seems the early cinema goers liked it quite a bit back in 2002.


"It seems the early cinema goers liked it quite a bit back in 2002."

Exactly! It was a very contemporary movie, in terms of Reality TV really hitting it big in the early 2000s and of course the dawn of the modern internet as we know it today, and mixing that in with Michael Myers is a fantastic recipe. They could have done waaaay better with it in terms of the second half of the movie, but that first half goes down as one of the best horror movie (halfs) for me. I think it's because I was a teen in the early 2000s and it resonated with me as well, so there's that nostalgia aspect there.


No, this is miles better than Halloween Resurrection.


LIES. This is worse, way worse. Resurrection at least knows how to utilize Michael and has something going for it, even if it could have been better. This was just a mess of what it wanted to be versus what it mislead itself to be in marketing. Introducing a whole new character at the last minute when closing out a story, just goes to show they ran out of ideas and this could have been its own thing. The characters we wanted to explore get sidelined and the whole romantic arc between Corey and Allyson was just forced and made no sense she would fall for someone this quickly to then want to run off with him. Had this been Cameron, then the story might have been slightly better and tolerable. Laurie just had no business being involved at this point and the trilogy made it all about her and her nonsense.

Michael being so weak made no sense when Halloween Kills made it a big deal of how strong he was. The movie wants you to think oh he's weak because he hasn't killed in a while. However the same movie also states he was still killing and dragging victims into the sewers during the four years so how is he so weak from not killing. ERROR. And he is not meant to really kill outside of Halloween time and that didn't render him weak before, so why is that now an issue even if he wasn't killing during all this time. He went forty years without killing and got out jumping into it swiftly with his strength so why does four years of it even make him weak.


No doubt in around 15-20 years time Halloween Ends will be defended and claimed to not be a bad film compared to whatever Halloween movie will be out then.


Anyone who disagrees with me is wrong. I respect difference in opinions but I'm making an exception for Halloween Ends. It's awful and the worst thing to happen to this franchise.




No. I'm seriously thinking about making a list of people who like Halloween Ends and adding all of them to my ignore list. They're evidently braindead and not worth listening to.




I've never claimed to be open minded, intelligent or nice.




Grandma, you left your CAPS LOCK on.




Listen, lady. Stop following me around. I said I won’t give you my email address. That’s final.

Good luck with your hemorrhoids, though. Like I said before, strangers on the internet will never know better than your own physician. Good luck!




Halloween ends is a complete abomination and a waste of time. Awful! In hindsight, Resurrection is much more watchable. Not a good film, but better than this crap. Don't get me wrong though, Resurrection deserved all the hate it originally got at the time. It's just that in comparison to Halloween Ends, it ain't that bad




I can sorta understand someone liking Ends but not to the degree to inspire volunteer defenders to stalk the Internet to protect its reputation. Halloween Ends will never return your love, Grammy.


I disagree. Just the beginning death alone with the kid falling right on his head from a million stories up makes this movie better than Resurrection.

Without that death maybe you could make a case. But, I respectfully disagree with your opinion.


I agree on all points. Michael was badass in Resurrection, and the cinematography combined with the music is amazing, they made the house on point and it was really disturbing showing how Michael lived on the basement eating rats and having information about Laurie, they showed how clever Michael was thus explaining how far he would go to even change clothes with another person to recover from the wounds and keep on his goal to kill Laurie. Resurrection, H6 and H5 received so much undeserved hate, yeah they were not perfect but the reasons for the hate clearly are not worse than what DGG had in these new trilogy


I just watched a fanedit that limited the Busta scenes and moved the beginning to the end and it was better, but I still don’t like the largest chunk of the movie with the annoying characters wandering around the house.

But Kills didn’t even feel like a Halloween movie to me.
