MovieChat Forums > Halloween Kills (2021) Discussion > Petition for firefighter massacre to be ...

Petition for firefighter massacre to be removed

I have nothing but respect for firefighters, but trying to remove a scene of them dying, from a franchise where many other people die as well, is absolutely ludicrous. Why have killing in movies at all if people are going to be this sensitive about it? Just don't watch the movie if you don't want to see it.


Typical SJW snowflake behavior, so common in this day and age. If I disagree with something, I'm going to cry and whine and "make a stand against it!"


That's not even the issue, because this could be ignored.
The actual problem is them trying to force their absurd ideas onto everyone else and if you won't obey, you are "problematic" and you need to be dealt with.

They are pure fascists longing for a dictatorship and they do not even realize it, that's how indoctrinated they are.


Another issue is sites like screengeek or people like OP drawing attention to this trash. The petition is stuck at ~350 signers. It's nothing. It's a nonissue. This has utterly no traction.


It's not something that could ever gain enough traction to generate real change. I'd venture to guess most firefighters really don't give a shit. I was just sharing for the absurdity of it.


That's true, I'll believe what I want to believe and vice versa. Anyway since when has forcing something on people ever had a positive outcome.
Don't tell me what I should think or feel, and if I don't accept it you criticize, judge, and label.


Anyone who believes this is even the tiniest bit real has to 100% be completely brain dead. Somebody obviously started this petition to make those they don't agree with looked unhinged. If you think this is even 1% real, you are easily manipulated and are probably in a cult and don't even know you've been conned of your own sanity.


"those they don't agree with look unhinged."

People disagree with FIREFIGHTERS??? Firefighters aren't law enforcement lol. That'd be like people disagreeing with paramedics. I think you're just paranoid


This is stupid. They realize this is a work of fiction right?
Michael has killed police officers, EMT's teachers, doctors, nurses and no one has ever raised a hair before.


Remember when the Religious Right wanted certain horror movies banned?

The left today has become 1000 times worse than them


There is no indication that this is a petition made by the "left".


Yes there is read the link and what the leftist wrote on his petition


I read the link, there is no mentioning of their political leanings.


Please dude we know which side cancels everything they don't like. Oh wait you're a shitlib yourself cry more


Yes, we do know which side cancels everything: rights for voter, rights for women, benefits for the poor (or even middle class)...

Get your facts straight and don't post bs here.


Showing an ID to vote isn't "canceling" rights to vote especially when you need a vaccine card now to eat in restaurants

Rights for women aren't "canceled" because they can't get an abortion when there is a heartbeat

The middle class is being destroyed now because of Biden

Get YOUR facts right idiot and post your BS on Twitter where it belongs


Stop spewing your right wing lies on a movie site!

Your "facts" are opinions, devoid of reality.


LOL someone's triggered

Cry more shitlib


No they aren't. Nobody's voting rights are being curtailed except those who aren't legally allowed to vote anyway. If you think otherwise, as the accuser, YOU have the option to post proof of your claim.

Why didn't you post evidence that backs up your claim, and instead chose only to post rhetoric?


You do realize that the only ones who are trying to remove rights for voters are the ones who are agaisnt an ID? Without ID laws any results gotten should automatically be dismissed as fraudulent.


More films should have scenes with firefighters getting massacred. Downton Abbey 2, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Legally Blonde 3 will hopefully address this issue.


Two things.
1) The fact that there is one person who earnestly believes what the petitioner states, is not surprising. Now, with the internet, we all learn of the ideas of this one person... So what?
2) We are assuming that the petitioner is sincere, and, as I said, it should not be surprising that one person actually has that point of view. But. Sincerity is easy to fake and not only could the original be insincere, but any number of those supporting the petition are probably insincere... Trolling.

Overall, this is as unsurprising and as insignificant as the petition to change the title of Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers... Remember that? And that was sincere; if ridiculous.


Now they think Mike is homophobic for a killing a gay couple. Freddy is gonna get canceled


I dont agree with it, but I can understand it. If you have a firefighter relative who was murdered while on duty. It makes sense to have some strong emotions about that.

But cancel culture and censorship is wrong.

The worst and most frivolous offender is why people tried to get the rat removed from the ending of the departed.
