MovieChat Forums > John Wick: Chapter 4 (2023) Discussion > How Is This Movie A Masterpiece/The Best...

How Is This Movie A Masterpiece/The Best Action Movie Ever? (Spoilers & Rant)

I'd like to know how this movie is considered the best action movie ever and a masterpiece with that POS ending. John Wick is able to clear his name, but then two seconds later he dies anyway. Then throw in that the movie is almost 3 hours long. So we are supposed to sit there for 3 fricking hours to watch all these amazing action scenes/sequences and watching how John Wick further continues to stay alive to get to that ending? YOU SERIOUS???!!!!!! F'K OFF!!! Then throw in that the whole point of John Wick 3 was for him to stay alive. So with 4's ending, it makes 3 completely pointless. Oh and then let's not forget what was set up in John Wick 1 and the opening of John Wick 2. He is who you call to kill the boogeyman and is unstoppable. Pretty much the only way he is going to die is from natural causes/old age. And he has survived A LOT worse, but f'k it. After everything he's been through, it's simply being shot 2-3 times that kills him. So fricking stupid. F'k this movie. It's no masterpiece or best action movie ever. Sounds REALLY stupid to me. And don't give me this "Oh, you have to watch how things play out." NO!!! F'K THAT!!!!!!!!! It sounds stupid on paper and doesn't sound like it'll be any better onscreen. Oh and then it looks like future movies will focus on Donnie Yen's character aka THE PERSON THAT KILLED JOHN WICK. Yeah. F'k this. You expect me to root for the person that killed John Wick? F'K OFF!!!!!!!!!!!! I always knew I shouldn't have gotten into the John Wick movies. And I don't care about John Wick 5. It's not going to happen. They'll wait a few years and then be like "Oh, well, Keanu Reeves is too old now/doesn't want to do it anymore and no one else (cast wise) wants to return. So 4 is the final movie and that's how the John Wick movies end." So yeah. I don't get it. How is this movie a masterpiece and the best action movie ever? It's more of an F.U./middle finger.


I agree. Disappointing ending after watching John Wick for almost 9 years.


Like there was a snowball’s chance it would turn out any better. This is the kind of shit that sneers at its adolescent audience.


LOL…it is worse for James Bond fans.


If a character dies offscreen they’re probably not dead.


How is this movie a masterpiece and the best action movie ever?
easy . it isnt .
neither are any of the others.
The good action movies have a plot , and gaps in the fighting to develop the plot.

These movies are just constant shootout.
If a movie has a higher bodycount and less story than than a video game - it aint "good" never mind greatest.

Dont get me wrong , I'm not saying its bad - I like a bit of mindless entertainment . I tapped out at the end of the second one.
Thats how it "ended" for me .
If this latest 3 hours of mindless shooting wasnt enough you'd probly neve be happy with any "ending"




Haven't seen the movie yet and don't feel spoiled either but, since Donnie Yen is pro-CCP, I expect it's because China is great and he'll be the lead to Make China Great Again. American got pwned by simple Chinaman, is probably what the movie wanted. BUT! Wick is not dead because there is a fifth movie which has the same name so I guess maybe he'll be in the background for a bit before making a return? Who knows. Know that Wick cannot die and will not die because that puppy won't let him. But hey, this is all just fiction and a movie for fun which needs no paragraph spacing so fuck all that grammar shit.


I don't give a shit if Donnie Yen is pro CCP he fuckin stole the show in this movie, an utter badass. I saw the IP Man movies and the 3rd one has a very pro USA & China peace which was a nice message.


I would not doubt it if the writers decided to fake his death for the fifth chapter.


Agreed, just got out of watching this. The film shat the bed right at the end. He wants to stay alive to keep the memory of his wife but the writers kill him off? I thought the camera was going to pan across the graveyard as Winston and King were walking away and we'd see John still alive briefly before walking off and cut to credits. That would've been a much better ending.

He might not actually be dead but the ambiguity of the ending annoyed me loads. Ambiguous endings can work but not to a franchise that's 4 films in.


Wow. What a movie. Saw it at IMAX. Greatest stunt scenes. Even the dog.
