Ever been in a Fight?

I have, but only once, got the s h i t kicked out of me but both of us went down for a couple of days.


Been in many fights growing up. Now I am a mature person that avoids conflict. Although I study martial arts for self defense, to grow as a person, to get in shape, and for fun.

A true martial artist is always prepared but avoids fighting at all cost.

Dori Lawrence: Let's build a kingdom with our suckiness.


Yer same man, I only get into fights if im drunk now, but usually cant remember what happens haha.... Im only 18, but apparently the other week when we were drinking in town (i was smashed) i got punched by some random man, and I smacked him back and floored him, then him and his mates ran away lol.... the police asked me if i wanted to press charges haha im sure i could get off on self defence :P


I have been in some fights, but i usually always avoid conflict.
I only fight if some drunk dude starts to insult or push for no reason at all, or if someone hits a woman.
I got my ass kicked realy hard once, when 3 really strong man attacked me, when i was defendind my drunk cousin (who actually deserved to get beaten by them, but that's a different story). They broke my jaw and nose, and I was lying on the ground bleeding when one guy was still kicking me.
One other time someone was kicking me and I grabbed his leg and punched him in stomach and in mouth, then he ran away.
Oh yeah, I had lots of ring fights, cause I train kickbox and jiujitsu, but that is a totaly different story, everything is more fun and much easier, and no grudge comes after. But we do get some serious bruises sometimes.
All and all I'm still standing on my feet, nut having to much scars to show :)


Jake is really bad fighter. In second fight against Ryan he made armbar, ankle lock and triangle choke but he couldn't force him to tap out.


I've been in 1 fight my entire life. It sounds ridiculous, but I actually went to jail over it for assault. At the time, I was 19 and my boyfriend and I just found out I was pregnant and shortly after, he broke his left collarbone in a motorcycle accident (we met thru mutual friends, we each had bikes & rode together a lot.) Anyway, I had been taking care of him because of his injuries and one night I went over to check on him at his apartment he shared with his brother & brother's gf and he came in with 2 girls (one of which was my co-worker's gf). So I grabbed that girl by her hair & kneed her in the face until my bf's brother pulled me away from her. Then he let me go and I started punching the hell out of my bf. He ended up with a black eye, broken nose, and a busted lip. They made fun of him at night court when he admitted he got hurt by a 100 lb girl! Anyway, after I hit him a few times, he choke-slammed me up against the wall & his brother pulled him away from me. So I cussed him out, said something about child support & left. Got arrested 2 yrs later for it after I had already had our son and we were engaged lol. We broke up for good later and now I'm married to a soldier and have another son. Ill tell ya though, pregnancy hormones are no joke. I've never been a violent person, but that night I was possessed! I had a few bruises, ill admit.

My hubby fights ufc style so I'm a big fan of that type of fighting & I liked this film. My oldest son is now 4 and just started MMA training.

Love is rich with Honey and Venom
Love this-->


Have your son learn Akido,Kenpo,or Kung Fu.


you need to see what ryan did to jake in the first fight.watch where he kicks him you moron.I'd love to see you move around in a fight after your shin is in pain.Or how about when you're trying to wresle somone down and then they knee you in the face a few time.Get up from that please.If you don't know the person knows martial arts you'll never know what to expect.


Yeah, but not since I was 18. I was in a few growing up. Not a ton (I know kids who fought all the time), but a fair share.

Only "fights" I've been in since I was 18 was sparring. But even that's been a few years now.


Same here philly_moviefan. I was in so many fights as a teen, I can't remember how many. I broke my nose twice when I was a kid from fighting. I lost a tooth when I was 9 from fighting. I have a scare from a pair of scissors on the left side of my cheek. From when I was in a ESE class fight in 4th grade. Apparently, it wasn't serious enough to go to the hosiptal for. Cool thing about adrenaline is I bearly felt it. 15 minutes later I was crying like a little baby with blood coming down the side of my face and down my neck.

A month later it was still there. Today, over ten years later it's still very noticable but it kinda gets covered up when I smile. I also have a small scare right above my nose in the middle of my forehead. From when I was shooting a sniper rifle and the recoil kicked the scope into my skull.

"Ave Mariaaa.....Hitman."


I was pretty fortunate. I never had any major injuries. Never broke a thing. Black eyes, some bloody noses, busted knuckles, etc. but fortunately nothing major.

Adrenaline does crazy things. Once it gets going, you don't feel anything.

It's funny, as you get older you become less tough in a sense. Most people don't "want to" fight anymore. I'm smarter and stronger than when I was in my teens and technically more skilled (I dabble in self defense). But I was a nut when I fought as a kid. No fear at all.


Same here, I was an Adrenaline Junket. I craved for Adrenaline anyway that I could. By the time I was 18, I told myself it was time to grow up. I had been arrested once before with assualt and battery on a teacher...it was kinda an accident. I had to appear in court and I had to do 500 hours of community service to clear my name. I got off easy. So I haven't been in a fight in 4 years I think...lol. I've been in a few boxing matchs since then and a wrestling match. That doesn't count does it?

"Ave Mariaaa.....Hitman."


It counts sure. It's actual combat, but it's good you're not fighting on the street.

I was 18 the last time I got into an actual confrontation as well. But like you have sparred a little over the years since.

I don't WANT to fight, but like to dabble in self defense in case I have to. I believe in trying to keep me and my loved one's safe.


Yep, like Patrick Swayze said in Road House "Nobody wants to fight." Just gotta do what you gotta do to protect yourself and your love ones. But fighting in a fight with rules and fighting in a street fight with no rules or ref are two different things. Right now I'm working on getting some eduaction in martial arts. I've been doing boxing since I was 15 and I'm kinda getting tired of it. Too many injuries and headaches from my head being hit over and over...lol.

"Ave Mariaaa.....Hitman."


Oooooh, I don't agree with that. There's certainly sickos out there who want to fight. People who have the desire to do it are a breed all of their own.

Haha, I hear you about getting tired of getting punched. I've done Kempo (about a year) and TKD about a year or so, and you do get hit a lot. The older I get, I'd like to try Judo. Though sparring does have it's place.


I have to agree with the previous post. A lot of people LIKE to fight. When I was on the high school wrestling team we were so hopped up on testosterone we would go out of town for tourneys or otherwise and PICK fights during downtime by hitting on obviously attached girls, rousting drunks, and setting off car alarms. Juvenile hijinks, yes, but nobody got seriously hurt, I think.

Fundamentals are the crutch of the talentless--Kenny Powers


never ever ever ever ever been in a fight all my life but today, oh today, im taking extra credit classes at my high school and after the class i walk to the bus stop, listening to my ipod minding my business. out of literally NOWHERE these 2 guys come out of nowhere from behind, one punches me in the back of the head, the other comes around front, punches me twice in the face, and the other pushes me down and kicks me and before i know it my ipod is gone and those 2 are nowhere to be seen. ohhhhhhhhh god i cant wait for tomorrow, one of the idiots is IN MY CLASS i swear if he comes to class tomorrow. the site of your own blood wakes up something inside you i swear

sorry this just seems like the best place around here to vent

From now on I shall stand for the opposite of killing. "Gnodab"


So what happened?

Your story sounds like mine. I hadn't been in many fights but once a guy started something when I was in 8th grade. So I spit on him and he did this weird WWF type move and walked away while I saw double. I was so depressed and disgusted with myself I looked for any opportunity to start a fight with him (since my rule was I don't start them I finish them) - so when he did some little thing at school later, I nailed him in the nose.

Turns out the guy was the jerk's friendly twin brother. I felt sorta bad.

What hump?


Wow its been over a year since then lol anyway there was no fight the next day, he showed up to the class but before it ended a security guard at the school called me out of the class. Turns out my brother and father called 911, the little ass ratted out his friend, they were both charged with assault and arrested (this was the second time for both of them), taken out of the classes for the rest of the summer, expelled from my school, and i got my iPod back. Eh, i was satisfied lol

From now on I shall stand for the opposite of killing. "Gnodab"


That's funny - so how old are you now? So have you ever been in a fight?

I think it's a sad thing to never have had any - but it's maybe sadder to have had too many win or lose.

I'm glad they didn't have iPods when I was in school, man it was hard enough keeping your GameBoy from getting stolen!

What hump?


Lol, im 17 now, about to be a senior in high school, and I've still never been in a fight. I never travel alone anymore (im always with at least 2-3 really close friends of mine. Not because im afraid i'd get into a fight if i was on my own, but because we constantly make plans to all go do something) and i've never had any problems since the incident last year.

From now on I shall stand for the opposite of killing. "Gnodab"


It's a little bit of a shame not to be in a fight ever.

Man, I'm pretty bad about fights. I'm probably warped or something - but since I was 12 I've thought boys should have at least one fight.

After years of avoiding it because the movie sounded stupid to me, I saw Fight Club when I was 30 (ironic since the Narrator in the movie was 30 - a sort of early mid-life crisis) - and I heard in that movie the idea I'd always had that it's a shame to never have been in a fight - you know what you're made of better if you have been - the line in the movie, of course, was "How much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight" and that's true - some men can know about themselves if they're not - but that's a rare man. FC was stupid in a lot of ways but had a ton of truth in it, most young guys think that movie was all about fighting but it wasn't it was about men not knowing what being a man is and trying like hell with no guidance to figure it out - and all the implications of that which are far reaching.

Most men need to know that they can take a punch and throw one - they need to know they're not pathetic. Especially in a society where women who have only known sleezy guys tell all guys that they are sleezy and pathetic.

If you don't feel pathetic having never been in a fight, more power to you but make sure. Otherwise, when you're 30 you'll realize you were never a man and feel pathetic, you'll leave your wife and sleep with some sleezy secretary and wonder what the hell just happened. But then it'll be too late. Men who are wimps marry women who are men and then end up hating them because they realize too late they want to be the man and by then the woman won't let them be because they signed up to be married to a little boy trapped in man's body who they can control so they don't get hurt.

If you don't play football or enjoy hunting or guns or join the military or something - then at least find some excuse to get into a fight - men are designed to protect and fight - ideally, get into a fight to protect someone else - like your girlfriend or your sister. Then after that only fight if it's for a very good reason as a last resort.

You'll be a better man for it.

What hump?


Thats a weird way to look at it. If theres no reason to get into a fight, then why go out looking for trouble? What, to prove what kind of man you are? To who, yourself? If you don't know what kind of man you are without getting into a fight then I see that as insecurity, personally. If theres a reason to fight then that's another story, but if someone actually goes out looking for a fight, then there's a problem.

From now on I shall stand for the opposite of killing. "Gnodab"


Yeah, I agree. I never purposefully did it when I was a kid but now I wonder what I would have been like had I never had one.

I'm involved in some work these days where we end up being around angry people. The young men tend to get flipped out when people get angry. The men who have been in fights aren't afraid, the men who haven't are.

I don't get into fights anymore but I think since I'm not afraid to, I can continue to do what I have to do without being afraid.

Then there are stupid things like when a bunch of people got into a yelling match in traffic. It was right in front of a huge group of my friends and I was the only one to walk up and try to calm it down, as soon as I did two other people did too and the argument ended and the people left peacefully. I don't know if that means anything but I've had that happen a lot. I don't live in a ghetto so I doubt there's much danger in doing something like that.

I think most men are insecure. They often think they are not until they've got a few years on them and then, like I said, they do stupid things to prove that they're a man. Like I said, that's why mid-life crisises happen - not because people don't get into a fight but they don't do a bunch of little things to figure out that they're not powerless or pathetic.

Wasn't the point of this movie a little like that - it was obvious the arch rival character - was insecure because his dad beat him up. Also taught him but also put him down all the time. His dad was insecure also - wanting to be able to hob nob with a bunch of kids.

What hump?


Yeah i see. Having never been in a fight, I'm not the type that's afraid to get into one (a fair fight, mind you, not in a situation like i mentioned above) but I'm also not gonna go out and start a fight just to be able to tell myself "I've been in a fight" you know what I mean? And like the situation you mentioned above, I'd always rather try to calm down a situation first and only fight as a last resort. And unfortunately it is true that most men are insecure. THey feel the need to constantly be the tough guy and prove themselves. Neither I, or any of my friends are like that thankfully, and we don't really associate with any people with that mindset. It's just foolish and starts problems for no reason whatsoever. (Nice connection to the movie btw)

From now on I shall stand for the opposite of killing. "Gnodab"



Actually, he said "wins," not "wants." One of my favorite quotes of all time:

Doc: "You ever *win* a fight?"
Swayze: "*Nobody* ever wins a fight."
Doc: ". . ."



haha i only kicked one time in a real fight and it was when i knocked the guy down i soccor punted him in the head xD it was pretty damn effective

Leader of the Detective Matthews Army.


I'm pretty sure he said "Nobody wants to fight" and Doc didn't say "You ever win a fight?". She said "Why do you want to fight?" Your way off the mark there. You might wanna watch that scene again storagge.

"Ave Mariaaa.....Hitman."


Okay. . .

Any excuse to watch it again!!! :)


. . .So, I'm happy to report, I haven't succumbed to senile dementia. The dialogue does indeed go:

". . .You ever *win* a fight?"
"Nobody ever wins a fight."

Again; one of my *favorite* lines ever.

Thanks for playin'!


to answer the OP question, no i haven't ever been in a fight, like a real fight...

one time this girl was trying to slap me in my face, but my friends held her back before it escalated into anything... and for what it's worth, she'd have probably kicked my ass anyways... :P

It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack. Not rationality...



A couple. It didn't turn out real well for the other guys.


No Message


man there are some stupid jock bastards on this thing, the amount of times I've seen a boxer type guy get owned by nothing more than a few leg kicks. Yes most of the time kicks wont happen in a real fight because unless you can do them well you might as well not bother and obvsiouly if you try to start with some kind of flashy jumping, spinning kick you'll probably get put down. Still look at any example of a boxer vs kick boxer and the same thing always happens. Also if you're into your mma stuff, lets not forget cung le throwing a kick powerful enough to break frank shamrocks arm in three places. Now try telling me kicks are useless!


that wasn't 1 kick it was kicks directed at his left arm throughout the entire fight obviously planned out in fear of getting his ass kicked. He was good enough to avoid shamrock and be able to kick him in the same spot not very impressive and hardly an example of kick vs punch due to amount of shots landed.

1 punch to the chin could be much more effective than an entire fight of kicks
and the arm is a much easier target than the jaw. i would of liked to see chung le with the confidence to step into shamrocks range.
