Ever been in a Fight?

I have, but only once, got the s h i t kicked out of me but both of us went down for a couple of days.


Kicking is gay? Bullsh*t. It's been used in NHB fights for ages now. You try taking a good low kick to the thigh and tells me that doesn't smart.

Also saying MA training won't help you in a fight is only true if you've had bogus MA training. Try taking on Fedor in a real fight and watch him walk right through you.

As for adrenaline, yes, it's true in a real fight that at least during "the rush" that you get in the beginning your pain threshold will be much higher -- or rather, your sensitivity to pain will be much lower. That's why it's recommended, as long as you're not trying to escape, that you take your time, be patient and let your opponent tire himself out. Once he starts to tire that "pain-free high" will wear off and he'll be more susceptible to attacks. Plus, he'll be sloppier since he doesn't have as much energy. Street fights are only quick because people are going on emotion and trying to beat their opponent up as quickly as possible.




Guns guns, i LOVE guns. you have gun - you dont have to work out.


yeah i would have to say pulling a gun and possibly killing someone is an even worse idea then getting in to a street fight in the first place. i see almost no excuse what so ever for using lethal force on someone. black eyes, bloody noses, and fat lips will heal, taking a life can not be reversed.

something witty!



Im just curious how many people posting here are making stories up to sound cool over the internet

MAC!? Thats quite clearly Macaulay Culkin. Your *beep*ing Macaulay Culkin! Macaulay Effin Culkin!


"you do not truly know someone until u fight them" lol i just thought i would throw that out there, as for being in a fight....i like to wrestle just to stay fit, even though im not in high schoool anymore, nor do i go to a college that has a wrestling program. I also like to put some gloves on and box, also helps to keep in shape, but is also nice to learn just in case.



ive been in 2 fights in my life. both to protect someone else.
first was my brother, I beat up a kid who beat up my brother and I had my older cousins watching and cheering so i kept hitting him, he ended up going to the hospital and then when he got out his family moved. I will always be sorry about that.

the second was against a kid who was racially abusing my sis and then he punched her, i lost it, the fight was one sided, then his mom came out of nowhere, she pressed charges and then found out what he did dropped the charges and finished the job, from what i hear she beat the hell out of him.

other than that im pretty laid back, I dont get in much fights, i do martial arts now but thats just a hobby to stay fit


A very "interesting" Martial Arts is Muay Boran, its like the traditional style of Muay Thai, with all the joint locks, grapples, deadly attacks that got removed in Muay Thai... B

But now is very hard to find a school that teaches Mauy Boran.


As to be expected, a lot of moronic replies in this thread. EddyOne made sense, he seems to know what he's talking about.

Got into a streetfight once. I felt awful afterwards, even though I 'won', and even managed not to seriously injure the other guy.
Drunken idiots often like to challenge me because they heard from someone that I practice martial arts (black belt in karate), and confront me about it. (I don't look nor act as though I'm a badass.) I always shrug it off and walk away. But this one time, there was this guy who would not *beep* stop pushing my buttons, so I told him something in the vein of "c'mon, asshat, let's do it!". He threw a couple of punches, which missed, I kept him at a distance with kicks, and then did a fake low puch, followed by a high punch, which landed just right on his chin. He fell on his back. I asked him if he had enough, and he had. I was very very glad it was over so quickly.



If youre a Taekwondo fighter of course u will use your legs (whats a bad sign only to use your legs, u have to change your strategy as fast as u can, u have to think fast) it worked though for me, dunno about you guys.
If youre a drunken boxer(zui quan fist) fighter of course u will use your drunkard tehniques (it might look dumb and stupid to the opponent, but every martial art is useful : ) ).

So every martial art is good and useful, it just depends on the person how he will use it, in my life I had only one blue eye and I will never ever got one again from my enemy, if you dont use your brain you will lose, thats my theory, also from streetfights your adrenaline can pump fast and fast so you feel like a hungry wolf lol...

But I hate violence, I just ignore stupid people how wants to fight me, if he touch me thats a different story. :)



I don't like fighting.

I did have to fight a couple of times, I néver started anything, I love to box and work out a bit so I know how to fight. The sad thing is that I'm a big guy, so some retarded people like to 'challenge' me to look cool, and with my laid back personality some people think thay can go very far, but once they push the limit they will get what they are asking for.
My last two fight took place about 1 year ago, one time this guy was being annoying the night before when I was out on the town with my friend, he tried to throw some punches then, but we kinda let him be and be the bigger ones and walk away (loads of alcohol in play too, so fighting would be stupid because I wouldn't know when to stop.) The next day on my way home he ran into me, punched my on the left eye, so I threw a right straight on his nose, then hit him like 4-5 times after, he fell to the floor and I saw him spit out a tooth, so I walked away and left him on the floor.
Second time was when these two guys wanted to steal my bag in the subway, one tried to punch me when I told the to go fsck their mothers, (one of those bar punches that you see coming from a mile away) so I grabbed his forearm, stood up out of my seat and with the momentum of the subway taking a turn I lost my footing and fell holding his forearm with both hands. I ended up falling against this metal pole using his arm to break my fall and broke it. The guy landed on a seat holding his arm and screaming, the subway stopped, doors opened, he ran with his friend following him (the other guy didn't even bother to help his buddy...)

Haven't been in any situations lately that require me to fight, I often settle things with a talk or with a beer when I'm out in a bar or something.
Fighting is overrated, got my ass handed to me when I was younger, 21 years now and now I can fend for myself it just seems retarded to try and get into a fight when you can meet so many nice people in this world ;)


I only fight to the death.



Redrome whit power..... That was by far the funniest thing i have read in ages. LMAO.

But yeah anyways, i wanna get everyone talking tough on this board and see them in real life. I bet 1/2 of them skinny little bitches.


Hahaha. BJ Penn is a little bitch.

I train with Eddie Alvarez at fight factory. I haven't fought professionally yet but I've been in plenty (non sanctioned fights)


i was about to get in a fight in high school in one of my classes but right before we were about to go at it a teacher got in the middle of us.


In the earlier post someone said something about kicking is gay and un-affective?
To those people; have you ever watched kick boxing? Even if i was professional fighter i still wouldn't want to be kicked by a pro kick boxer. Also think about it from another point of view; your leg muscles are by far the strongest muscle group our bodies have; if conditioned right i bet you can cause alot of damage with a kick.


You would get your ass handed to you, pathetic little wimp. You don't fight to *beep* You mouth off on the internet to strangers. You would get destroyed.


I've never been in a fight. Nothing serious, though I have been in a few playground bruisers. If those count. If childhood fights do count, then 3.


Yup, i've been in a couple. 4 in the last year, i've been lucky so far, 4-0. But i'll get my ass beat eventually, everyone does, at least once.


Hockey players don't kick and they're pro's. So obviously, kicking is gay.

K, I'm going back under my bridge.



In Middle School kids were always getting in fights at my bus stop. I'd only been in a couple with the same person, he was a close friend, but we always got pissed at each other.


I got in a fight in school and he shot for a takedown and I sprawled and then I had him in the north-south position. He was squirming like the little bi1ch he was. So I pounded his face and then transitioned to a rear naked choke and he tapped but I held it 5 seconds after he tapped.


Never lost a school fight.
Never been in a street fight.
Been in afew martial art meets.

My fights aren't really great. The guys who pick a fight with me dont really know how to fight.
Punches suck and they show no technique.
It ends after 10 seconds really.

I do remember of this fight my brother had. he was 17, 6'5 and a blackbelt in taekwondo.
The other 3 were all 17 and 18, 5'6, 5'10 and 6'4. All rugby supporters.

Now, they were picking on him for not playing rugby. So, after some racial slurs, he round house kicked 2 of them and knocked them out with the other one running away.

I always want to get in a fight like that and come out with 1 hit on my score :).


