MovieChat Forums > Robin Hood (2010) Discussion > Cate Blanchett ruined the movie for me.....

Cate Blanchett ruined the movie for me...

I just turned off after 30 minutes or so because of Cate Blanchett. Am I the only one who cant watch a movie with her in it? Im like so not liking her i cant explain. Being a big fan of Riddley Scott makes this even worse.
It seems everyone else loved her performance or what????


I'd have to agree, she was ok in LotR and I liked The Gift but for some reason after that everytime I see her in a film I find her annoying and I don't know why (possibly because of Crystal Skull but tbh thats not her fault, that filmed was doomed before Georgiemuppetfan and Steve cracked it out, maybe I'm finding her annoying unjustly?)

She's no where near as annoying as Cameron Diaz though, she's an instant avoid the film for me

They Have My Two favourite Flavours, Cherry and Green!




As a guy who finds Cate very attractive, she definitely didn't ruin the film for me - in fact, she was one of the main reasons why I went to see it in the first place. But then again, I did enjoy the whole film a fair bit more than a lot of posters on this board seemed to.



She's a good actor but I find her hideous. She made Kingdom of the crystal skulls even worse for me too, though hat movie sucked anyway.

If reincarnated,I'd return to Earth as a killer virus to lower population levels.
-Prince Phillip


I dunno wtf you guys are talking about? Its the MEDEVIAL TIMES!! Loreal and Revlon didnt exist then. Okay she wasnt young or strikingly pretty but she was good in this film. And at the end, To me she was a strong person who wasnt afraid to fight all because she was a woman. >:( Dang. And if you're gonna tell me, "But the french girl was pretty", Dude, she was pampered and had servants so I dont wanna hear it. Maid marrion in this film wasnt the kind of girl who would stay home and cook all damn day. Cate blanchett was amazing in this movie. Yeah she was kinda old but still, at least she wasnt a punk.


I liked Cate Blanchett in this movie. She seemed to be quite a strong person overall and was a good character in the movie.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


I'm fine with Blanchett, but Grimes and Durand I can do without.

"Part of any relationship is that you could be killed in your sleep at any time."~~Trent Reznor


"Im like so not liking her i cant explain."
How old are you? Is English your native language?

Gott ist tot.


no its not my native language, you got anything else to say? maybe soemthing smart this time?


lmao I thought the same thing, She is terrible
