I just turned off after 30 minutes or so because of Cate Blanchett. Am I the only one who cant watch a movie with her in it? Im like so not liking her i cant explain. Being a big fan of Riddley Scott makes this even worse. It seems everyone else loved her performance or what????
"Am I the only one who cant watch a movie with her in it? Im like so not liking her i cant explain."
Are you the only one? I doubt it, but if you turn off every film with her in it, you're hardly going to have your mind changed. And you only have yourself to blame for 'ruining' the movie because you turned it off.
I don't like her acting either, it's stiff and unnatural. However, it varies from film to film, so I guess it depends a lot on how the director handles her. I remember her being terrible in The Aviator (with her god-awful Hepburn imitation), Bandits and now this, but she was good in The Gift and Elizabeth, and not bad in other movies such as Benjamin Button.
The funniest thing is: if your emotions run so high because of an actor that you can't watch a movie when s/he is in it, why even try? is it part of your therapy for your anger/hate management issues?
I've seen quite a lot of Cate's films... up until she did Indy IV. After that, despite my thinking her a wonderful actress, I have a hard time looking at her nowadays. Can't seem to distance myself yet. Frankly, I grew up with the Indy films long before I became aware of who Cate was.
I think, if she hadn't been in that atrocious non-existant (in my books) Indy movie, I would continue to watch her. Right now, still getting over it.
Sorry Cate, no offence to her or to anybody. I still think she's a wonderful actress.
what????!! She is fantastic! Did you see her in Benjamin Button? Brilliant performance. She must remind you of someone who was cruel to you when you were very young or something?
There is something about her that has always been a bit off-putting to me, too, and I find it hard to really put my finger on exactly what it is. She actually looks much more attractive in interviews than in the movies she does, and her demeanor seems much more pleasant in those interviews, too. But for some reason she adds a certain drollness to her roles that I think makes her seem a bit unpleasant and off-putting. I don't know whether it is something in her acting style or what but she just seems very closed off when acting, there's a rigidity to her performing style. I've also noticed that she generally seems to have a lack of chemistry with her male costars when the script calls for them to be or fall in love. I don't necessarily think she is a bad actress, I just think she lacks a certain openness that would make her characters more approachable and appealing. Her aloofness works well for characters like Galadriel that are supposed to be mysterious and otherworldly, but it works against her take on Maid Marion with whom, we the audience, should be able to fall in love with right along with Robin Hood. With Maid Marion I think she was simply miscast, and she seems to have been miscast in other roles before. There are plenty of parts she would be right for, but she is often cast in roles that don't really suit her. It sort of like a conversation I was having earlier today in which (referring to actors) I said that a short Jewish guy can be an incredible actor but it doesn't mean it would make sense to cast him as Superman. Actors and actresses need to look the part as well as being able to play the part, and Cate Blanchett just doesn't look the part of Maid Marion. A better wig and make-up could have helped the look, but the problem here was also in the way she played the character.
"I don't know. I'm making this up as I go." - Indiana Jones
I still like her in this movie, but that was a well thought and well worded analysis that made me understand exactly how her character could possibly not work for other people. Very interesting.
I do acknowledge that aloofness and off-putting characteristic in her Maid Marian; I guess it just worked for me because, to me, that is precisely the point; she is not easy to love, she is guarded at best, hostile at worst, distant in any case, and yet she ends up being fallen in love with. But I do understand how that distance could end up antagonizing the audience.