MovieChat Forums > Robin Hood (2010) Discussion > Cate Blanchett ruined the movie for me.....

Cate Blanchett ruined the movie for me...

I just turned off after 30 minutes or so because of Cate Blanchett. Am I the only one who cant watch a movie with her in it? Im like so not liking her i cant explain. Being a big fan of Riddley Scott makes this even worse.
It seems everyone else loved her performance or what????


I really like Cate Blanchett, and I did not think that she destroyed the movie or anything. She is given a lot more to do and is a more substantial character than let say Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio was in 1991's "Robin Hood Prince of Thieves" with Kevin Costner (oh man, anyone remember the accents...actually the lack of, and Costner trying hard not to sound like Dances With Wolves...)

I do agree that the movie could have done without her appearing in the in the final battle with the tweeners of Greenwood (?!?!?!?).

Overall though I like Ridley Scott's take on the legend of Robin Hood and how he came to become the outlaw of Sherwood forrest. Besides the rest of the cast is terrific, Max Von Sydow, William Hurt, Mark Strong, Eileen Atkins and Oscar Isaac. I liked the production values, the soundtrack and the cinematography.

Granted it was not on the scale of "Gladiator", and my personal favourite of Scott's historical dramas, "Kingdom Of Heaven", but still there was plenty to like in the movie.

"Today is the tomorrow I was so worried about yesterday"--Anthony Hopkins


I can't stand her, SHe acts the same in everything! Pulls a sour face and people cry that she's an amazing actress!

Ruined the film for me!


Mmm. No. Can't agree. The film has lots of problems but Blanchet is one of the stronger elements, barring her riding out at the end into battle, but that's due to bad scripting.

A diagnostic is someone who doesn't
know whether there are two Gods.



I hate her throaty masculine english accents. Actually all the foreigners playing englanders in this film sounded sh!t!


Each to his own. Personally, I would watch Cate Blanchett read a laundry list.


I really liked her in the role. She played the part of an independent, mature woman who was used to looking after the Loxley Estate and the interests of her father-in-law and the people who lived there. She hadn't hung around pining for her husband and had got on doing the best she could with what had been served up to her.

I do agree that she probably shouldn't have been a part of the final battle, but she had demonstrated she could handle herself and clearly wanted a piece of Godfrey.


I love Cate the Great and enjoyed this weird variation of the Robin Hood Story. Won't argue the criticisms, they all have a point.


Not a fan, but I didn't mind her.


She is a good actress, but she was horribly miscast (just like in LotR and Hobbit).


That's funny: I thought she was perfect as Galadriel. What did your Galadriel look, behave and sound like before you saw Cate Blanchett in the part?

"Occasionally I'm callous and strange."


Young-ish Claudia Schiffer. Sharp facial features and very beautiful. Cate has sharp features, but she is not beautiful enough to be Galadriel.


I see. I thought her kind of beauty was precisely the kind that suited "my" Galadriel: beautiful yet strange and somewhat alien, bordering on the dangerous. Lucky me!

"Occasionally I'm callous and strange."


Naw, I'd say she's one of the better aspects...but then, I usually like her. Good actress, & quite beautiful. Of course my favorite role for her is Galadriel. 8D
