First, I am a woman and a feminist, so keep that in mind for my attitude about human trafficking - which I abhor! Why, I must ask, would so many men (especially affluent) be interested in whores who were not in the least clean and hygienic? These women shown in the film were dirty and living in atrocious conditions, so one would assume that they would be repulsive to be with, especially for sex, at least for most men. Is there something I don't understand about Eastern European culture here? And if so, I hope I never encounter this type of man for the rest of my life. Thank you in advance for any reasonable explanation.
Men might expect a minimum level of hygiene from prostitutes... but lets remember... these young ladies were not prostitutes, they were slaves. There is a difference, albeit small. Men of this category don't qualify as sentient human beings... so to expect them to care about hygiene almost made me laugh, sorry :(
***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**
"There is a difference, albeit small". Where on earth did you see the "small" difference? Was that a way of balancing the reply to the OP, making it a little more gentle? :s
sig.start : The term "suspension of disbelief" was coined by LOLW, the League of Lazy Writers.
What in the name of God would make you think these women are prostitutes?! They were stolen from their homes, loaded into vans and driven across the border where they were kept in rape camps! Yes! Rape camps! Be glad they didn't show you the little girls that were stolen and kept in the same filthy conditions and raped repeatedly.
For those of you who claim you didn't see the bloody metal pipe, go back and look again. You really need to see it! I thought I had become inured (inured is a word - look it up) to the incredible stupidity of Americans. Yes, I am an American. Born and raised here. I am 70 years old and have always been aware of the hideous things that go on in the world all the time. Did you morons grow up watching nothing but cartoons? Educate yourselves, for God's sake! What is the difference between someone who can't read and someone who doesn't read? Nothing. No difference at all.
Think really hard and see if you can figure out why the girls wouldn't leave when they had the chance. I know, but I'm damned if I'll do your homework for you! I pray for the future of our country.
They were probably cleaned up b4 "their shifts" (a "whore shower"). Also the customers were drunk outta their minds, so i don't think top-notch hygiene was their main concern. The condoms scattered were prolly used by the pimps themselves.
And yea, eastern Europeans (white trash) like their whores cheap & dirty while civilized westerners enjoy the luxury of high-end call-girls &athletic strippers. /irony off, Thx for your ridiculous question OP.
what does being a feminist have to do with not liking human traffiking? the raping and selling of kids? you dont need to be a femminist for that? get real the fact that you say that makes me sick. You should expect every man out there to hate it anyway it doesnt take a damn feminist to not like human traffiking u sicko if not they are a pedo themself. You reall disgust me.
It's not the culture at all. The people who were torturing and raping the victims were from all over, even from "civilized" countries. Their disgusting actions continued regardless of the outward uncleanliness of these victims because the minds of the rapists and torturers were waaaaaaaaaaaay more unclean than the appearance of those trafficked victims. Any person who would be willing to rape and torture someone like that does not care about the hygiene of the victim because the intentions and mind of the rapist/torturer are innumerably more filthy than the hygiene of the victim. I hate this too because movies like this piss me off. There are people right now living this, being raped and tortures solely to put money in evil people's pockets.
We know about this too, but so many of us just talk about it. We need stand up and stop this. Kathryn was just one person, and you saw how she was ostracized for doing the right thing. We all need to be like her. We need to help others in this predicament and in other predicaments. I know that a lot of people are doing things to help these people, but the diseases that call themselves people continue to kidnap, torture, rape, etc. wherever they go. So many officials turn a blind eye to this and even contribute to these despicable acts. Please join me in standing up against this and saving people!
I am sorry but have you seen this film at all? What eastern european culture are you talking about?? This happens all over the world and in this film the men who abused these girls were Americans, English and Dutch! This is not about nationality but about opportunity and believe me, sadly there are many guys out there who would take a part in this if they had a chance... And please, don't call these girls 'whores'... Whore is someone who is willingly offering sex services and gets paid for it! As you could see these poor girls where abducted, sold and forced into it...
I totally agree with you! Yes, these poor adolescents not to say children are abducted and turned into sex slaves with no consideration into their rights in nutrition, health, and education. Bravo to the UN!!!, expending fortunes from governments and tax payers all over the World, particularly Europe and the US, and that money being wasted into sex slavery. Personally, this is just a monstruocity and sadly WE ALL PAY FOR IT!! and signed for it to be that way!... I do not bitch around, then why should MY MONEY GO TO OTHER MEN TO TREAT WOMEN AS SEX SLAVES? *beep* THAT!
Recently, in the Summit of the Americas, there was a sex scandal upheaved by the Colombian press involving Obama's personal body guards from the Secret Service. All came to the light of the press due to the fact that a lousy bodyguard wanted to pay 30 USD for an entire night with a top-class hooker in Cartagena (who usually charge around 800 USD to foreign customers and 400 USD to local customers). Now, since Americans ARE WISE TAX PAYERS (at least more than most of the rest in the World), they WILL NEVER TOLERATE that their hard earned money being wasted into a hooker, not even in foreign land, and that their integrity and the personal security of thier President be put at risk just because a "pipiloco" (crazy cock) cant hold his tool inside his pants for two weeks away from home!
This SUMMIT ONLY SHOWED THAT... America is not United but Divided and yet again... another sex scandal whose movie star is an American President! I congratulate the Colombian press and the Hotel manager for putting this into evidence! SHAME ON THE SECRET SERVICE!
There's no "hard earned tax money" going to hookers. What the hell are you smoking? The only reason this is an issue at all is because people will look for ANYTHING they can find in order to smear a politician. If a bunch of construction workers have a party and hire some prostitutes, nobody bats an eye.
As an American I could careless where their money went to. It's their money and their right to spend it as they like. I just don't like that they got an American Presidents name tangled up in a incident that had nothing to do with him. I wouldn't care the President was Republican or Democrat.
anne-536 your comments and questions appalled me, I am very relieved so many people already gave wonderfully sane replies to you :) Good to see most people got the point of the movie! Just to summarize; They are/were not prostitutes or whores, Eastern European culture had nothing to do with the problem, you are not a feminist (lol), and you have probably kissed a man who would do these things given the chance.....(did she really not notice how wide spread the involvement/cover-up was???) Just thought I would mention, if the conditions were not so poor for the girls and women, the men probably would not have tortured and abused them. It is easier for someone to abuse a person who they no longer see as a human, they have been "De-humanized" This is also why a country like Iraq is demonized in the press before being invaded. If you saw footage of Female Iraqi doctors cheerfully driving their car to work with school children it would be difficult to justify bombing them... Harder to rape a well dressed professional than a "dirty whore" who "deserves it anyway" as they see it.