condition of prostitutes

First, I am a woman and a feminist, so keep that in mind for my attitude about human trafficking - which I abhor!
Why, I must ask, would so many men (especially affluent) be interested in whores who were not in the least clean and hygienic? These women shown in the film were dirty and living in atrocious conditions, so one would assume that they would be repulsive to be with, especially for sex, at least for most men.
Is there something I don't understand about Eastern European culture here?
And if so, I hope I never encounter this type of man for the rest of my life.
Thank you in advance for any reasonable explanation.


Wow, for someone claiming to be a feminist you sure seem not to show a lot of compassion for girls that are most of the time kidnapped, stolen, beaten, tortured and sold like second hand property! Just because they end up in the situation they are in does not mean that all of them choose to do so!

The economic situation in Eastern Europe in those years was quite bleak and dire and these whores (as you call them), I'll call them girls, made for easy prey...and by the way this has nothing to do with Eastern European culture in particular...human trafficking is a world-wide blight, in Asia, Latin America, Africa, women all over are used as a cheap commodity for men's entertainment, and it had nothing to do with specifically those men as portrayed in the movie, men (and women) all over the world participate in this horrific and deadly cycle of abuse and torture.

You are seriously asking why the men were behaving the way they did with the girls? Can you imagine any of the men in the movie going back to their countries and doing that to a woman in the States, Canada or Western Europe? They would most likely be arrested, prosecuted and jailed. But with these girls they can exercise complete control, because they are really nobodies, with no identity or value in their eyes. No one will stand up for them, so they are basically disposable. Those who do stand up for them, more often than not face an uphill battle and even when they do succeed on some level, it doesn't really make that much of a difference as the movie depressingly shows.

I would venture to guess that with some of these men is not even about the sex, but the excitement of the total control they can exercise on another human being with all the consequences of such actions removed and unfiltered...

This was a hearbreaking movie, but oh so necessary and relevant, I wish more people would bother seeing it despite its jarring and depressing nature and subject matter...

Don't mean to sound like a dick...but this riles me up...

"Today is the tomorrow I was so worried about yesterday"--Anthony Hopkins


Of course this is a great movie and a story that has to be told. What I don't understand is why the company behind this and other scandals in all over the world (consult Wikipedia, if you don't know the company and the scandals) is still very much alive and well today. Is this only because they get 98% of their revenu with their primary client, the US government?


Some of you have confused the term prostitute; being paid for sex, with slave and victim.

Just thought I should point out, that at no point in this film were the girls actually prostitutes and being paid cash for sex. They were being tortured, raped and abused in every way and sold like meat.

To the OP, it had nothing to do with hygiene, it is about power. You know what they say, power and money make the world go 'round.

~ Seeing is believing, but feeling is the truth ~


Is there something I don't understand about Eastern European culture here?

Did you watch this film? Or you are honestly trying to imply that the cultural background of Bosnia was somehow was conductive to American and UN peacekeepers raping sex slaves? (The majority of whom were not actually Bosnian but Russian and ex-Soviet women by the way.)

"Eastern European Culture"

Where do you people come from? Seriously... (it's a rhetorical question, don't answer "America")

First of all that term is about as valid as me saying "American-British-White-Guy culture".

Second, Bosnia is not Eastern Europe. Bosnia is South-Eastern Europe or colloquially, the Balkans. Former Yugoslavia would be fine too, but Eastern Europe?

Most people associate that term with ex-Soviet, Warsaw Pact states, of which Bosnian (nor Yugoslavia) was not a member of.

Not only are the two regions culturally, genetically and linguistically disparate but they also share completely different ethnic and religious landscapes. I won't get into that now. Otherwise you'd miss out on Sex in the City.

These women shown in the film were dirty and living in atrocious conditions, so one would assume that they would be repulsive to be with, especially for sex, at least for most men.

I'm so glad you're a feminist, you certainly seem to be entirely sympathetic to these quote, "unclean, unhygienic, repulsive whores".

Why, I must ask, would so many men (especially affluent) be interested in whores

No I can't imagine why young, lonely, amusement-deprived, over-worked soldiers for hire in an entirely male-dominated industry who are sent away from home for months or years at a time would jump on the opportunity to the fck the living daylights out of willing, no-strings-attached, totally free sex slaves without any consequences nor reprimand.

It's amazing how a film designed to promote the unadulterated, uncovered truth seems to breed ignorance like rabbits.

And if so, I hope I never encounter this type of man for the rest of my life.

I'd be surprised if you encountered a sober man who was interested in you, period.

Your ignorance would drive most sane men to the seediest titty bar in town.
You probably think porn is "cheating" and sexual harassment is defined as any guy's advances towards you so long as he's not a total stud.

When the Defecation hits the Oscillation




"De-humanizing others" is a pleasure for some twisted men. The Elite of the "NWO" have their weird psychological rationalizing - & Justification - of these condition.


As a woman and a feminist I think it's sad you would call these victims whores, especially after watching this movie. As you would know from watching the movie or educating yourself about human traffiking these women and children have been savagely forced into these situations - I'm sure they would love to shower and live in more homey environments. I hope you would not want to encounter a man that rapes and terrorizes these women - which is way worse than a man settling for a 'whore' who is slightly smelly and living in squalor.


I totally agree with you. I was very taken aback by the original poster's comments. Like these victims had a choice in being raped and tortured like that. Any person who would be willing to rape and torture someone like that does not care about the hygiene of the victim because the intentions and mind of the rapist/torturer are innumerably more filthy than the hygiene of the victim.


You dont have to be a woman or a feminist to abhor trafficking .... secondly it was also western men 'using' the girls so leave out the Eastern European stuff please, what kind of prejudicial ideas do you have about Eastern Europe???
War does terrible things to people and people do terrible things in war. I suspect quite a lot of men you already know would react in a similar way in similar circumstances, read up on the Milgram Experiment, and the Stanford Experiment to see how people can react in stressful situations.



Your comments and questions are sad and infuriating on so many levels. From using the words "prostitute" and "whores" to describe women who were abducted and enslaved, to somehow missing a major plot point of the movie (that the customers paying to rape and torture these women were primarily from a private western "peacekeeping" company) by pondering over whether this kind of horrendous torture and abuse of women who are kept so dirty and un-hygienic is somehow specific to "Eastern European culture". It's so depressing to me that after watching such a gut-wrenching movie based on the real worldwide practice of human trafficking, your burning question is about the "dirty" state of the "whores" and how the men could be attracted to them. Ugh.


Yep. Well said.
