Where would you go in an actual Zombie apocalypse?
I feel like everyone would rush to the same places and you'd just wind up cattle. You have to think outside the box.
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I feel like everyone would rush to the same places and you'd just wind up cattle. You have to think outside the box.
Support great cinemas.
I love close to the harbor, I would grab a boat and got towards one the many Oil rigs just off the coast.
Libera te tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.
That Is one of the best places to go to during a zombie apocalypse. Me too, I'd go to an abandoned oil rig and fortify it to the teeth
shareYou forgot to stop for food , or a fishing rod
shareIf possible, I'd go for a sailboat loaded with fishing equipment, because then I'd have access to a renewable food supply and wouldn't have to worry about fuel.
Fresh water would be the problem there. I'd either have to go into shore and risk zombies and desperate humans who'd want my boat, or rig up some sort of distillation rig so I could desalinate sea water.
All you need to do is catch rainwater. There was a crew from Australia that got overturned during a rogue wave so they were still on the boat but it was upside down. They could no longer sail they had to rely on current to take them to land. They were out in the ocean hoping current would take them to South America (Australia to South America!!!) During this they devised a simple solution. They drilled a hole into there ship and screwed boards where the rainwater would run down ship sides and into the hole they drilled collecting some inside their ship. They got lucky (or were blessed) that the currents carried them to New Zealand. But still they lived on an overturned boat for four months. Theres a decent movie on this true event starring Dominic Purcell! https://moviechat.org/tt4519006/Abandoned
shareI'd probably go some place rural with a lot of open space and good field of view. But if it's fast ones like this it's hard to say. Not really supposed to be fast according to the author of the book.
shareIt may not be a good idea to go to an oil refinery because in the book (yes I know that the book says things that are not in the movie and vise-versa) apparently some of the zombies can swim.
shareAn old fortified European style castle, church or cathedral. They were built to hold sieges. High walls, high windows, very few entry points which you could fortify. I live close to a few that would be perfect.
Any of these in a google search, bonus points if it still had a water moat and working drawer bridge.
I would hideout inside Old Trafford, its very secure.
shareI would board up the house and stay very very quiet. My working theory would be it's safer to stay on home ground where if necessary you'd know where to run.
shareApparently villages or suburbs in the UK were good ie. the shot of the neighbourhood in Wales. Also if you go to the WHO HQ they even let in injured people, they likely have supplies. In densely populated areas you need a good strong hideout with alot of provisions but in more sparsely populated places it seems like even crappy barricades (eg. inside WHO) can hold.
If they are slow ones then survival rate is likely decent and all you have to do is stay in your home. Take out the stairs and they can't get up or go up into the attic. You'll last as long as your supplies. What happens when they run out? I'm not sure I'd want to live in a world the apocalypse is permanent so if the authorities don't solve it within reasonable amount of time I think I'd just give up.
In the long term you need to secure the essentials and farm. You probably need others to secure yourself and others will inevitably try to take what you have so you have to fight humans and zombies. Settled agrarian people always have a disadvantage against mobile raiders. They train a horde over and you're finished or you just accept their protection and live as a peasant under them.
This is where I’d go
That was an interesting read. It seems like when a place does well, everyone wants to go there and "enjoy the fruits of labor" that others brought to term. Yet when the original founders and workers say "Hold on a minute, we dont want anyone outside our group coming in and enjoying what we built up, you stay out and leave us alone". Suddenly they get all these attacks on them in the political stage trying to force people to rise up and mob against the founders when they didnt really EARN any of the fruits that have grown from the founders.
I speculate; if Orania was a "meth-addicts, crime ridden, poor area" no one would care that they were all white and they definitely wouldnt want to move in to the area. There would be no political attacks on Orania, and it wouldnt be mentioned so much.
Yeah it’s their success they’re after.
shareI'm in England, so I'd go to a stately home or castle, dress up in a suit of armour and steal the gamekeeper’s shotguns, and then I'd go zombie hunting, claiming the manor mine! Also I’d look for one with a moat!
shareSeeing as they can walk under water and scale the tallest walls simply by piling on like ants...
Castles and oil rigs are no guarantee of safety.
You’d have to consider some kind of bulletproof geodesic dome so you can at least grow some kind of food like potatoes.
And perhaps a fish farm by growing fish in barrels.
As long as you’re ENGLISH...you won’t mind the steady diet of fish ‘n chips.
You have never seen an oil rig I can tell no way would they be able to pile like ants to get up that you are in the sea which would be very deep for a start.
Castle tend to have moats around them.
The issues are food/water, lack of power and depending on location weapons.
If it's the slow ones, I'll make my way to Wyoming and head further north if need be.
If it's these sprinting fuckers from this god awful movie. I'll just head to my gun safe, grab my 9, and blow my head off because you aren't surviving this nightmare.
Yes. No one can survive those fast zombies. Unless you are on war ship in the sea.
Brad Pitt only survived because he is protagonist. So they kept saving him. In real life he would die right there in the city in the begging. His and Israeli woman being the only one to survive that plane crash was not realistic at all. It was cheating.