MovieChat Forums > 42 (2013) Discussion > Conservatives Talk Radio Listeners

Conservatives Talk Radio Listeners

Seems the board is being flooded by these people talking about crap that has nothing to do with the movie. And yes, I know they are talk radio listeners based on the terms they use. I consider myself conservative on some issues and liberal on others, but injecting politics into something that is not political in my opinion is something amazing to see.

I don't understand the logic of these people, but I am slowly seeing a pattern.

-- Any movie that shows how blacks were discriminated against and overcame that discrimination is considered "liberal propaganda."

-- Racism died because Barack Obama became President of the United States.

-- Racist white people do not exist anymore. Only black people are racist.

-- Black people are racist because they have BET.

-- Black people are racist because most of them voted for Barack Obama.

-- Barack Obama is a racist because he hates white people.

-- Everything bad that ever happened to this country was caused by Democrats.

-- Republicans have always been perfect and never do anything wrong.

-- Any black person who mentions racism is a racist.

-- Any black person who calls racism out (whether real or imagine) is a "race hustler" or a "victim."

-- There is nothing wrong with racial profiling (as long as it doesn't affect my race).

-- Affirmative Action is causing white people to lose their jobs to "unqualified" minorities (even though whites dominate in every job category and are the majority of all college students).

Did I miss anything?


To Apregister08: well said.

In my experience debating these fringe RW trolls is like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon will knock over pieces, defecate all over the board and strut around triumphantly.


This is part of the right-wing conspiracy (and yes, there is one) to muddy public debate on the internet, drag it into the mud, troll incessantly, and usually get it shut down whenever a right-wing hero starts getting demolished in the debate.

It happens on almost every single forum on the internet.


4) You ever seen Superman $#$# his pants? Case closed.


I don't know about all that stuff you mentioned, but I do know that every summer there is at least one movie about blacks overcoming oppression of whitey. Been doing it for a long time now. A few years ago is was about a black swim team. That is what it has devolved to. Looks like with the relatively good numbers of this film, we'll see another movie with this theme next summer. Maybe about the first black jockey.

“There are no ordinary moments. There is always something going on.” – Peaceful Warrior


I am a conservative and I often listen to conservative talk radio. I don't believe anything that apregister08 said in his/her post and I object to the idea of this entire thread. Why did he/she have to start a thread that labeled and stereotyped a group and start it by stating how tired he/she is of people writing posts that are divisive and have nothing to do with this excellent movie?

I am also greatly opposed to all of joetigerfan's statements. He's obviously trying to get people riled up by spreading hateful, divisive ideas and statements.

I voted against Obama twice, not because I am racist but because I am opposed to most of his political positions. I was a member of Washingtonian's for Colin Powell in the mid-nineties and was leaning heavily toward Herman Cain in the last primaries before "the mistresses" became public.

I definitely don't believe that the Republicans have always been right. I find it amusing that Republicans attach themselves to the big Federal government, limit state rights Abraham Lincoln just as I find it amusing that the Democrats attach themselves to the small, limited federal government, anti-national bank Andrew Johnson. These presidents may have carried the name of the current parties but few of their idiologies. Are the party leader ignorant of this or do they just lead us around like sheep because of our own ignorance?

My point is that your stereotypes are wrong apregister08. Not all conservatives fail to understand and appreciate the sacrifices of the many black leaders during the civil rights movement and hate all movies that portray them. Joetigerfan is one individual. The loud minority. His defense of crazy, exaggerated ideas is indefensible. Your original post, apparently, hit his views right on the head. He's not all of us. Conservatives aren't all evil racists anymore than liberals are all baby killers or communists. Hate filled rhetoric is why we can't just sit down and talk anymore. Nobody's listening to the other side.


I'll just take one of your points:

-- Republicans have always been perfect and never do anything wrong.

You are KIDDING. It's clear you don't know a thing about conservative talk radio listeners. They generally give GW Bush about a C-, they are thoroughly disgusted with their current Republican "leaders," they call the GOP the Party of Stupid, they are refusing to donate to the national organization in droves (choosing instead to support select local candidates who might even be Independents), and they're riven over the "social issues." (My estimate is between 1/3 and 1/4 of those who vote Republican hold their noses over the official GOP positions on abortion and gay marriage.) Who do you think coined the term "RINO"?

Please put some dashes above your sig line so I won't think it's part of your dumb post.



I honestly don't think black people would be ok with white people starting a TV channel called WET or websites like My issue with BET and so many blacks only websites is that they are a form of self-segregation. It is also a double standard because black people certainly wouldn't be ok with white people starting their own channel and websites and use it ONLY for white people.

A course not. What would be the point of a WET when virtually every sitcom on all the major networks are geared towards whites??????? When blacks are on these shows, they are either a stereotype, a sidekick character to the main white character, or a token. Can I watch a sitcom that have people I can relate to??????

I understand your point about, but I could care less if there was a Being pro-black doesn't automatically mean being anti-white. It is not always about white people.

"I remember watching Real Time with Bill Maher and they were talking about an issue in which a white girl and her family were suing a public university because her admission was denied and her slot was given to a black girl due to their ethnic admissions quota. The black girl got her admission to that college purely because of her skin color even though the white girl was more qualified in almost every aspect - grades, merits, extra-curricular activities, etc, etc. Actress Kerry Washington saw nothing wrong with this issue which is hypocritical."

I have yet to hear a black student get to go to the college of their choice simply for being black. If you honestly believe that, then you have major issues. BTW, racial quotes have been outlawed for quite some time.


I don't think you have to be a conservative to be dissatisfied with this film. If I were a liberal, I might even chuckle at how obvious this film is.


OP, I dont know if throwing all "conservative talk radio listeners" into your little agenda box is such a good idea. It makes you seem ignorant and somewhat bigoted yourself towards a group of people.
