Conservatives Talk Radio Listeners
Seems the board is being flooded by these people talking about crap that has nothing to do with the movie. And yes, I know they are talk radio listeners based on the terms they use. I consider myself conservative on some issues and liberal on others, but injecting politics into something that is not political in my opinion is something amazing to see.
I don't understand the logic of these people, but I am slowly seeing a pattern.
-- Any movie that shows how blacks were discriminated against and overcame that discrimination is considered "liberal propaganda."
-- Racism died because Barack Obama became President of the United States.
-- Racist white people do not exist anymore. Only black people are racist.
-- Black people are racist because they have BET.
-- Black people are racist because most of them voted for Barack Obama.
-- Barack Obama is a racist because he hates white people.
-- Everything bad that ever happened to this country was caused by Democrats.
-- Republicans have always been perfect and never do anything wrong.
-- Any black person who mentions racism is a racist.
-- Any black person who calls racism out (whether real or imagine) is a "race hustler" or a "victim."
-- There is nothing wrong with racial profiling (as long as it doesn't affect my race).
-- Affirmative Action is causing white people to lose their jobs to "unqualified" minorities (even though whites dominate in every job category and are the majority of all college students).
Did I miss anything?