MovieChat Forums > 42 (2013) Discussion > Conservatives Talk Radio Listeners

Conservatives Talk Radio Listeners

Seems the board is being flooded by these people talking about crap that has nothing to do with the movie. And yes, I know they are talk radio listeners based on the terms they use. I consider myself conservative on some issues and liberal on others, but injecting politics into something that is not political in my opinion is something amazing to see.

I don't understand the logic of these people, but I am slowly seeing a pattern.

-- Any movie that shows how blacks were discriminated against and overcame that discrimination is considered "liberal propaganda."

-- Racism died because Barack Obama became President of the United States.

-- Racist white people do not exist anymore. Only black people are racist.

-- Black people are racist because they have BET.

-- Black people are racist because most of them voted for Barack Obama.

-- Barack Obama is a racist because he hates white people.

-- Everything bad that ever happened to this country was caused by Democrats.

-- Republicans have always been perfect and never do anything wrong.

-- Any black person who mentions racism is a racist.

-- Any black person who calls racism out (whether real or imagine) is a "race hustler" or a "victim."

-- There is nothing wrong with racial profiling (as long as it doesn't affect my race).

-- Affirmative Action is causing white people to lose their jobs to "unqualified" minorities (even though whites dominate in every job category and are the majority of all college students).

Did I miss anything?


I have noticed the same thing as OP, and not just on imdb, but it has nothing to do with childish labels such as "conservative talk radio listeners". It has everything to do with intolerance of things which should be tolerated and in many cases embraced.

And in fairness, consider: there are things which should NOT be tolerated. Wanton crime and violence; laziness; failure to pursue knowledge for example. And, to the point, racism by its proper definition.

Like OP, I have elements of both left and right in my orientation (and, I would submit much more on-target, elements of both libertarianism and statism). I see the intolerance on all sides.

Those who label all attempts to portray historical racism as "propaganda" are deranged. Every thinking person can agree with that. But they have company. Those whose first impulse is to shriek racism at every single evidence of disagreement with their belief system are equally deranged.



I hadn't given it a thought 'til you mentioned it, but it just hits me how this flick's theme is apropos the events in Ferguson. I think there's a renewed interest in exposing and examining that blurring line between law/order/justice and extrajudicial killing: Just because a cop wielded the weapon doesn't make the killing judicial.

And it's telling that the Internet has tied together a community of folks who are coming out in support of the Ferguson officer, and using the kinds of disgusting language you would have expected more from 1919 throwbacks; white folk hoisting a bottle and posing for a group portrait next to some "strange fruit".

And I'd like that. But that *beep* ain't the truth. --Jules Winnfield


I don't think you're seeing a pattern as much as you are pulling crap out of your ass.
