MovieChat Forums > 42 (2013) Discussion > Conservatives Talk Radio Listeners

Conservatives Talk Radio Listeners

Seems the board is being flooded by these people talking about crap that has nothing to do with the movie. And yes, I know they are talk radio listeners based on the terms they use. I consider myself conservative on some issues and liberal on others, but injecting politics into something that is not political in my opinion is something amazing to see.

I don't understand the logic of these people, but I am slowly seeing a pattern.

-- Any movie that shows how blacks were discriminated against and overcame that discrimination is considered "liberal propaganda."

-- Racism died because Barack Obama became President of the United States.

-- Racist white people do not exist anymore. Only black people are racist.

-- Black people are racist because they have BET.

-- Black people are racist because most of them voted for Barack Obama.

-- Barack Obama is a racist because he hates white people.

-- Everything bad that ever happened to this country was caused by Democrats.

-- Republicans have always been perfect and never do anything wrong.

-- Any black person who mentions racism is a racist.

-- Any black person who calls racism out (whether real or imagine) is a "race hustler" or a "victim."

-- There is nothing wrong with racial profiling (as long as it doesn't affect my race).

-- Affirmative Action is causing white people to lose their jobs to "unqualified" minorities (even though whites dominate in every job category and are the majority of all college students).

Did I miss anything?


You pretty much hit the nail smack on the head!

-- I hate Robots. But Ninjas are awesome. --


Robert Redford's THE COMPANY YOU KEEP attracted angry conservative posts even before it was released as well, completely out of scope as to the role politics actually play in the film.


You pretty much hit the nail smack on the head!

He sure did!


- Writers should gloss over racism in every single period piece lest they look like they're "playing the race card".

- Movies like 42 are just "white guilt movies" (even though the white main character was just about the most compassionate human being ever)

- Not another Color Purple, Eve's Bayou, Red Tails, Tyler Perry, flick!

- I can't relate to anything like 42 because I'm not a black man.


What's the difference between white guilt and white empathy and how do you know when it's legitimate and when it's not?


White guilt movies? That was Jackie Robinson's actual story. That's how he was and that's what he went through.

SARAH PALIN. Hero of the stupid.


I think the other poster actually meant that 'white guilt' movies are what some people would call movies like this without even seeing them, just because they show what racism is really like.


I ve been reading the stories about Jackie Robinson breaking into the majors since I was a kid,and every anecdote in this movie I recognized from reading it much earlier in my life.So if it the movie is white washed white guilt,Its pretty consistent throughout my reading life.

"1)There is a God,and 2)Im not him."


Racism is a choice, plain and simple. I grew up in the Mississippi delta during the Civil Rights era, born to white middle class parents who were not overtly racist (the 'N' word was not allowed in our home) but were subtly racist (while they would not and still will not admit it, they find African-Americans inferior).

When I went to college and began to take my education seriously, I made a conscious choice to not be racist. I've lived up to that promise. As a person becomes an adult with a sense of accountability, one is confronted every day with these types of choices. While I certainly have my faults, I stand proud on my record.

I do not have white guilt because my personal conscience is clean. I do have white empathy however because, in my opinion, American culture has given mere lip service to equal opportunity, not only to blacks but to all who are different - the disabled, people from other cultures, people who identify as bisexual, lesbian, gay or transgendered, women and even the socially awkward. It is ridiculous we consider ourselves a Christian nation. Christ made it very clear where he stood on these lines.

How does one know when a white person is honestly free of racism? You can't because there are so my subtle forms of it. But you can get a good idea by watching what they do, by watching how genuine they are with all people, and especially, how they are when others show signs of racism. An honest man will not remain silent.


Hairy, I'm proud to share this earth with you. I'm tired of people not getting along because somebody is white or somebody is black. No doubt your education made you more enlightened but I have a feeling you were on the right track even before you got to college.


Like anything else in the world nearly any set of beliefs will always have a SMALL percentage of people who subscribe to it. This is an example of a small group of people getting others riled up over nothing.

The majority of people who listen to conservative talk radio do not agree with the very extreme views you listed.

Don't let a handful of people glad you into an unnecessary Internet rant or argument.


Are you serious? The most listened to radio shows and cable news shows are mostly conservative and most of those shows spout these exact same things.

Top radio shows in the US:

1. Rush
2. Sean Hannity
3-5. NPR shows
6. Delilah (Adult Contemp)
7. Dave Ramsey (financial)
8. Glenn Beck
9. Mark Levin

So 4 of the top 9 are conservative and are far right wing conservatives that spout these statements the OP noted.


Are you serious? The most listened to radio shows and cable news shows are mostly conservative and most of those shows spout these exact same things.

How do you know this? Do you listen to all of those shows?

you must be a "conservative talk radio listener"


Are you referring to how I know they are conservative? Guess you never watch or read the news. How do I know Hitler was a very bad guy and said and did some terrible stuff? I read history and watched programs about Hitler.

Or are you referring to how I know these shows are among the most listened to shows? It's called radio ratings...a simple google does the trick.



They are the most listened to shows because radio is a dying media and the young and innovative have moved on to better media.

The old, stupid and traditional stay with talk radio.

-- (Gene sees Bob on the nude beach): Dad still looks pretty good after having three kids.


Someone compared this to The Color Purple? Lol!!!!!!!!! That's awesome!

I'd say its more like Sister Act. No wait the baseball version of The Jeffersons lol!!!

People whining about this movie are idiots. No evidence they listen to talk radio though. People whining about whiners clearly watch MSNBC.


-- Blacks in the USA were actually better off when they 'knew their place' and were content to exist in segregation from whites.

I have heard this argument used in relation to baseball ("blacks were better off when they had separate Negro Leagues; Robinson and Rickey ruined all that") and even slavery ("blacks were better off as slaves than as poverty-stricken sharecroppers and low-skilled workers, because when they were slaves the owners had to feed and house them, but when they were free they sometimes starved on their own.")

Both arguments used in roundabout ways to argue we would be better off if Robinson had never broken the color line, or if slavery had never been abolished.

That last argument is really big on the "Lincoln" boards.


4) You ever seen Superman $#$# his pants? Case closed.


I listen to conservative talk radio and I don't think like that. At birth I was given a working brain, I tend to use it. On some issues I'm conservative, others quite liberal. Over-generalization is a dangerous tool wielded by the reactionary and brainwashed.

Attaching titles and labels to another person is something that used to be drummed out of a child in kindergarten.

"Sticks and stones..."

Propaganda: ridicule and ostracize a person who thinks differently than you, until they fall in step and march to your drumbeat?

Not me!


I listen to conservative talk radio and I don't think like that. At birth I was given a working brain, I tend to use it. On some issues I'm conservative, others quite liberal. Over-generalization is a dangerous tool wielded by the reactionary and brainwashed.
HAHA! Do you even know what "reactionary" means?


Most of the top conservative talk radio do spout these statement that the OP noted.

The most listened to radio shows and cable news shows are mostly conservative and most of those shows spout these exact same things.

Top radio shows in the US:

1. Rush
2. Sean Hannity
3-5. NPR shows
6. Delilah (Adult Contemp)
7. Dave Ramsey (financial)
8. Glenn Beck
9. Mark Levin

So hopefully you listen to reasonable conservative talk radio and not Rush/Hannity/Beck.


The ole' "Liberal propaganda" card always gets thrown around.

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


For the most part, yes. Let's examine some of these

-- Any movie that shows how blacks were discriminated against and overcame that discrimination is considered "liberal propaganda."

No. Just getting tired of the same old "whites are evil and racist and discriminate against black people" theme. We're heard that one like a hundred zillion times. Let's see a fresh theme from hollywood, and focus on something a lot more prevalent and current. Like how black on white crime happens dozens of times a day every day. We'll never hear that one though because it doesn't fit the liberal hollywood agenda.

-- Racism died because Barack Obama became President of the United States.

When a a mostly white nation elects a (half) black president, yeah, that pretty much shows that white on black racism is dead. What chance would a white candidate have in a black area? ZERO. Black on white racism is alive and well and encouraged.

-- Racist white people do not exist anymore. Only black people are racist.

A lot more racist than white people are. A LOT more.

-- Black people are racist because they have BET.

Imagine if there was a WET.

-- Black people are racist because most of them voted for Barack Obama.

If 98% of whites had voted for Romnney (they didn't), like 98% of blacks voted for Obama (they DID), the media and the liberals would have a cow. They would be throwing out their "racist" accusations with fury and venom.

-- Any black person who calls racism out (whether real or imagine) is a "race hustler" or a "victim."

Pretty much yeah. Why don't they ever call out criminals and racists of their own race? There are A LOT more of those than whites. They commit A LOT more crime than whites. And I would certainly hope you acknowledge that calling out "imagined" (i.e. non-existent) racism IS race hustling. Oh no wait. You're liberal and that's not how the liberal mind works. Nevermind.

-- There is nothing wrong with racial profiling (as long as it doesn't affect my race).

You mean like profiling arabs at airports? Yeah that would be dumb. Why would anyone do that?

-- Affirmative Action is causing white people to lose their jobs to "unqualified" minorities (even though whites dominate in every job category and are the majority of all college students).

Yes, it is causing whites to lose their job to less qualified or unqualified blacks. Look at any government office. And if AA is SO important to you liberals, then give up YOUR job. After all, it seems the place to start would be with yourself, so if you are so concerned that there are not enough "minorities" in the workforce, give up YOUR job.

Hate to burst your delusional leftist bubble but it's all true. There is nothing a liberal hates more than facts.


No. Just getting tired of the same old "whites are evil and racist and discriminate against black people" theme. We're heard that one like a hundred zillion times. Let's see a fresh theme from hollywood, and focus on something a lot more prevalent and current. Like how black on white crime happens dozens of times a day every day. We'll never hear that one though because it doesn't fit the liberal hollywood agenda.

Translation: I don't won't to accept the fact that whites did some evil stuff back in the day. A random black criminal going against a white person doesn't compare to a government sanction racism against an entire race of people. 42 is about Jackie Robinson, not the evil white people you seem so concern about.

When a a mostly white nation elects a (half) black president, yeah, that pretty much shows that white on black racism is dead. What chance would a white candidate have in a black area? ZERO. Black on white racism is alive and well and encouraged.

Only an moron would believe racism vanished because of this. If anything, the racist ramped up their rhetoric since he has been in office. Also, white supremacist group membership has increased since he has been in office.

A lot more racist than white people are. A LOT more.

Based on your opinion.

If 98% of whites had voted for Romnney (they didn't), like 98% of blacks voted for Obama (they DID), the media and the liberals would have a cow. They would be throwing out their "racist" accusations with fury and venom.

80- 90% of blacks voted for Al Gore and John Kerry. Try again.

Pretty much yeah. Why don't they ever call out criminals and racists of their own race? There are A LOT more of those than whites. They commit A LOT more crime than whites. And I would certainly hope you acknowledge that calling out "imagined" (i.e. non-existent) racism IS race hustling. Oh no wait. You're liberal and that's not how the liberal mind works. Nevermind.

A person who commits a crime is not by definition a racist. However, when you have a pattern across the country like the killing of unarmed blacks by those who are supposed to "serve and protect", what else would you call it?

You mean like profiling arabs at airports? Yeah that would be dumb. Why would anyone do that?

Once again, "profiling is good as long as it is not my race."

Yes, it is causing whites to lose their job to less qualified or unqualified blacks. Look at any government office. And if AA is SO important to you liberals, then give up YOUR job. After all, it seems the place to start would be with yourself, so if you are so concerned that there are not enough "minorities" in the workforce, give up YOUR job.

How do you know those minorities are "unqualified?" You don't. You assume. White people are not automatically "qualified" because they are white. Black people are not automatically "unqualified" because they are black. I know it has been told to you on the radio, but blacks are not giving jobs for being black.


Everything you have said shows you listen to waaaay too much conservative talk radio. And I think we have several WETs. QVC, channels all about cats, C Span, Tru TV I think is all white people. Seriously though, there wouldn't be a BET had television not been so white since it first was invented.



"If it is not in the frame, it does not exist!"


First, I need to point out that you are beyond ignorant. Or a troll.

"No. Just getting tired of the same old "whites are evil and racist and discriminate against black people" theme. We're heard that one like a hundred zillion times. Let's see a fresh theme from hollywood, and focus on something a lot more prevalent and current. Like how black on white crime happens dozens of times a day every day. We'll never hear that one though because it doesn't fit the liberal hollywood agenda."

The systematic discrimination by white people on blacks that included murder and forced poverty is nothing like the black on white crime today. Black on white crime today is RARELY about race, it's just based on poverty and population numbers. White's are 65% of the population so there will be a lot of crime against whites. But Black on Black crime is significantly higher than black on white crime. So not sure what your stupid statement is getting to.

"When a a mostly white nation elects a (half) black president, yeah, that pretty much shows that white on black racism is dead. What chance would a white candidate have in a black area? ZERO. Black on white racism is alive and well and encouraged. "

Again, just plain stupid. Because a nation elects a black president, then racism is dead? You do know that Obama only got about 40% of the white vote, right? He only won because the changing demographics. BTW, Obama easily won every other racial and ethnic group....asians, blacks, latinos, jewish, etc.

"Imagine if there was a WET. "

Ok, I think you are troll (or mentally retarded?). First, there already is a White Entertainment Television's called NBC, ABC, FOX, CBS, etc. Second, it's common all around the world for minority groups to have channels/stores/etc dedicated to that market because they are often ignored by the majority.

"If 98% of whites had voted for Romnney (they didn't), like 98% of blacks voted for Obama (they DID), the media and the liberals would have a cow. They would be throwing out their "racist" accusations with fury and venom. "

Again, beyond stupid. I'll restate what I said above. Obama only received 40% of the white vote but won EVERY other group by a LARGE majority. In fact, behind the approx 95% of the black vote Obama received, Obama second biggest group were Asians with around 75%, then Latinos around 72%, then Jews around 66%, etc. So Whites aren't racist but EVERY other group is racist????

"Yes, it is causing whites to lose their job to less qualified or unqualified blacks. Look at any government office. And if AA is SO important to you liberals, then give up YOUR job. After all, it seems the place to start would be with yourself, so if you are so concerned that there are not enough "minorities" in the workforce, give up YOUR job. "

Show me any study that supports that affirmative action is causing whites to loose their job? There aren't any...but there are study that show that whites are NOT losing jobs to minorities. You also fail to understand the importance of affirmative's because racist people like you are still making it difficult for minorities to get a chance. Even in situation with two individuals with identical everything except that one is black and one is white do not have the same opportunities provided to them. There have been numerous studies and real world experiments which involved sending resumes to companies with identical information other than the name (one clearly was a white name, the other a black name). The response rate was significantly higher for those with white names.

Hate to burst your delusional right-wing bubble but your statements are idiotic & racist. Facts have a liberal bias.


No it's you stupid liberals that are the trolls. AND ignorant. You just go on with the same drivel and straw men without answering the question. And like I said, morons, if AA is SO important, give up YOUR job. Oh wait, you don't have one. Nevermind.


The stupidity you spout knows no boundaries. What straw man? It appears you make the straw man arguments.

"if AA is SO important, give up YOUR job. Oh wait, you don't have one"

This is perfect example of how stupid you are because you fail to comprehend logic. First, I have a very successful career. Second, this is a straw man argument. How does supporting AA mean that one must give up their job??? You have no idea how AA action. It's the same STUPID argument that someone says when Warren Buffet thinks taxes should be increased on the wealthy. They always argue "how about Buffet just pay extra". It's a stupid and childish argument.



I co-sign with pretty much everything the posters said and told you--also if you really believe that racism suddenly ended when Obama because President, you are seriously out of your damn mind,or you're been living in a cave for the past 50 years or something.

Also, Hollywood isn't as liberal as may people think it is---there are conservatives there too---this article is a few years old, but the same problems it mentions are still prevalent today:

And what the hell does black-on-white crime have to do with the movie 42? Not a damn thing, so why the hell are you even bringing it up? Black people have ALWAYS had to deal with nothing but negative hateful stereotypes from the time film was invented. And another thing---the racism in the film---that's how life WAS for black folks in this country barely 60 years ago---it's not gonna be erased because your whiney a** can't deal with it. And also Hollywood dosen't even make enough movies like this per year for you to even complain about. How many films like 42 have been made in the last year alone (besides RED TAILS?) Pretty much ZERO--yet they make these sorts of inspirational films about white folks practically EVERY damn month/all year around. So get over yourself and your BS conclusions, and stop listening to right-wing stunted-brain nut talk radio so you can actually THINK for yourself for a change.


And also Hollywood dosen't even make enough movies like this per year for you to even complain about. How many films like 42 have been made in the last year alone (besides RED TAILS?) Pretty much ZERO-

The main reason for that is such movies are only supported in the US and they don't sell well outside of the US.

I'm sorry if that doesn't fit with your agenda.


If you capitalize stuff it's REALLY true!!!


There is nothing a liberal hates more than facts.

Like this fact?
[Black people are a] lot more racist than white people are. A LOT more.


Ironic considering the fact that you started your own political thread.


You are literally insane. I did no such thing.



You don't read much, do you? All you're doing is spouting what you've been spoonfed by the idiots you listen to. And yeah, you're racist. Wake up. Get educated. The world has changed. So you lost the unearned privilege handed you. Stop playing the victim card and get over it.



Based on your comments I bet you were cheering when Robinson was being treated like crap in the movie. You asked: What chance would a white candidate have in a black area? ZERO. WRONG. Guess you haven't heard of Congressman Steve Cohen. You have to watch those absolutes. 96% of black people voted for Obama not 98%. If Obama ran as tea party republican, he would have gotten 4%. Why would black people vote for the same people you vote for? Your comments make it quite clear why they shouldn't. Your "facts" are facts in your own mind. You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. I laughed out loud literally when I read your post. Please post more purely for the entertainment value you bring to this thread. Many thanks. The popcorn is popping even as I type...
