Barry technically should’ve recognized Bruce at the end, why didn’t he?
Say what you will about the Schumacher films, they still take place in the same continuity as the Burton films. Michael Gough, who played Alfred in all four movies, didn’t say anything about Bruce’s appearance changing, and neither did Chris O'Donnell’s Robin. But are we now treating all actor changes as a different universe?
If so, does Batman Forever exist separately from the other films because of Val Kilmer? Do Iron Man 1 and Incredible Hulk exist separately from the rest of the MCU because Rhodes and Banner were played by different actors? One of Thor’s god friends changed actors, does that make it a different universe? Tony Stark’s dad was played by 3 different actors, are they all from different universes? Hell, Barry’s dad was played by two different actors between Justice League and The Flash, were those all separate universes pre-Flashpoint? And don’t even get me started on the X-Men movies and how all the young prequel X-Men cast were played by different actors between Origins and the First Class movies (among other continuity problems).
I’m aware there was a Batman 89 comic that continues after Returns, but with Clooney back, that comic is just fanfiction now… or is it?
As poetic as it is that Ezra’s Barry is now stuck with the worst live-action Batman, they should’ve just brought back an actor from an entirely different continuity, like Christian Bale, Robert Pattinson, or introduce James Gunn’s Batman, that would’ve made more sense and probably boosted ticket sales a little bit.