MovieChat Forums > sanrain
sanrain (74)
May be Lucas is right, there is no story after Ep6.
4 Franchise Killer words?
Does anyone feel velociraptor running like a dog?
What if Antman & Wasp came before Infinity Wars
What if it came before Infinity Wars?
Does Leia has force?
Should the Episode 7 be set directly after ROTJ
What's the rush?
Wrong choice of mutants.
Good children's movie ?
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Both Tim Burton movies and Joel Schumacher films are set in different universes It was acknowledged by DC comics that Burton-verse is Earth-89 and "Batman & Robin" is in Earth-97.
They initially shot with it Keaton as we got the leaked pics on the internet but later they shot it again to make it look like he is in different Kilmer/Clooney universe.
Earth-89 and Earth-97 are 2 different universes. I understand back in 90's WB never really thought this needs to be separated but in recent years people are seeing them as different one. It is to give Burton-verse a specific identity and not to get dragged with what Schumacher did. I get the examples of Iron Man and Hulk where characters are getting replaced with different actors but in this case people have started to see them differently that is the reason Barry did not recognize. The original ending which was shot is Barry actually meets Keaton again but then they shot the scene again with Clooney to make it in Earth 97. The actor getting replaced scenario only applies for Val Kilmer and George Clooney but not for Keaton as he never was in same universe.
Yes Alfred and Gordon was played by same actor as even Judi Dench played M in 2 different continuity one with Brosnan and another with Daniel Craig but that does not make both are in same universe. So it the same scenario here
1. Spider-man 2
2. The Amazing Spider-man
3. Spider-man
4. Spider-man 3
5. The Amazing Spider-man 2 ( That completes my Full-House)
6. Spider-man: Homecoming
7. Avengers: Infinity War ( I am only considering Spider-man 's journey not taking it as a whole movie)
8. Captain America: Civil War
May be they will have to show Antman getting stuck in quantum but not show what happened to others outside. When they were showing the Universe fading scene in Infinity War they could also include the Hank, Janet & Hope fading. Actually I had the same topic covered in Infinity wars too and this the one reply i got there
[ "I actually saw Ant-man and the Wasp before Infinity War, so at the post credits scene I was like O.O what happened, I just figured it was the science experiment into the Quantum Realm gone wrong" ]
Great! That is the perspective I was looking for.
He is hated just in America just because of his personal life or he jumped on a couch or some other silly reason . Around the globe people still love him and his films collects more money overseas.
That's called convenience. The actress got lazy of using accents so they bring in some stuff to give an excuse.
May be Robert Deniro.
I agree Hulk will be great for him in Marvel. In DC I will give him Batman. Sam Raimi is always fond of Batman and Shadow. Those characters inspired him to make Darkman. Apart from these comics they should have given the Mummy remake instead of Alex Kurtzman.
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