When a demon possesses a human he feeds on their soul.Demons have supernatural abilities and they use them to terrorize other ppl, feed on their fear and emotions this way they grow and somehow "devour" the possessed's soul.
Soul get stronger and more "powerful" with age...As u grow u go trhu various emotions,events etc. this makes ur soul grow and develop ... if u do good things go thru more good emotions than bad ur soul becomes good, innocent and a tease for the demons but if ur a bad person ur soul becomes bad makin in easy to posses and take control of.Even thou the "bad" souls are easier to posses than good souls, the bad ones dont give much power to the demon that infested u, but if he stays long nuff he can feed out of other ppl emotions.
The souls of women are easier to get possessed so are the souls of the mediums and other open minded people, the souls of the men are more...stronger...Its harder to posses a grown man than a little innocent girl...
All demons want is power and life...There are millions of deamons that posses us every day but they arnt as powerful to fully posses us...
Sometimes when u get mad, you yell at someone u get envyious u feel angry etc u want to do bad things to someone you care about ur under the influence of a deamon...if u give in too much to these emotions u become weaker and easier to possess.Usually our mind is stronger than the demon's when it senses a threat he sends signals to the brain and the body...which saves are asses most of the time.
Demons that possess ppl are rly rly powerful...they cant just appear in our dimention some one has to invite them...rituals, curses even dreams...Demons are not a force to be reckoned with.Overall they are spiteful negative and evil they are weak cuz they are not material we are inferior but if we let them manipulate us...we become easy targets.