MovieChat Forums > Street Kings (2008) Discussion > Is only me, or Reeves is usless as an ac...

Is only me, or Reeves is usless as an actor?

He plays everywhere the same, no matter Matrix or Street Kings, he's totally unconvincing. Apart from his character the movie was GREAT !!!


It's just you.

Keanu is a great actor. Go watch Point Break and Devil's Advocate. On the other hand, you wouldn't see a good thing in front of your nose anyway.


I like him and wouldn't call him useless, but yeah he has no emotional range - very wooden actor. But even with his limited ability, he can bring in the crowds.



not as useless as your useless life.


he's a good looking dude but the acne scars are getting a little out of control. i don't know whether it's from acne or that face rot crap that guys get from shaving too much(look under mel gibson's jawline).in the matrix there were only a few, but in street kings i started counting them, and stopped when i got into double digits. it costs about 500 bucks for skin sanding, that's pennies to actors. i suspect that he just doesn't give a *beep* but if he's gonna keep heading big budget films, he should smooth out his skin.


Hurray from playing rough cops with a face as smooth as a baby's bottom.

Keanu adapted himself to play this role. That's part of an actor's job and he did it WELL, no matter how much certain people want to step all over it and deny credit where credit is due.

Some will trash him for looking too young and perfect for these types of parts, some will come up with precious little considerations like the above poster. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

"Oh well. If we fail it's only death."


but in street kings i started counting them, and stopped when i got into double digits

I never thought I'd say this to anybody, but, dude... get a life.



I assure you, it's just you... yeah, he has an odd style of his own, but so does Robert DeNiro


When Keanu first hit the scene, his beauty literally took one's breath away. "Dangerous Liasons"?.
Who cares if he studied Stanislavski? Irrelevant.

His acting is dreadful in many movies because he's totally miscast. This is not his fault. He's bankable. Many of the movies he's in never would have been made had he not signed up first.

In "Street Kings" he is perfectly cast. In "Point Break", he is perfectly cast. In "Little Buddha" where he was cast as Siddhartha, it was the ultimate absurdity.

His beauty is fading & he's suffered real tragedy in his personal life. He has money, but bad luck in life, which makes me forgive his terrible performances & huge bank account.

I love Keanu Reeves. Life these past 20 years would have been a far duller place without him.


This topic doesn't belong on this film's board, if you ask me. I thought he was very well-cast. Keanu is someone who is benefiting from age as an actor. From his mid-30's on, you notice a maturity and world-weariness in his face and eyes, that wasn't entirely there before. He's become more interesting to watch.

Add to that good performances in Devil's Advocate, The Gift, Constantine, A Scanner Darkly, a genuinely deft hand at comedy (Parenthood, I Love You to Death), and a few parts that he was perfectly cast in: Speed and The Matrix, and he is far from "useless."

"Why would a banana grab another banana? Those are the kinds of questions I don't want to answer."


Notice how the 70% of Reeves defenders in this topic are female?
He can't act, thats a fact, he is a "star", Popularity <> Good Acting.
The only reason why studios keeps giving him roles its because he's has something with the ladies. 20 years from now, I don't see an older Reeves getting jobs.


Notice how the 70% of Reeves defenders in this topic are female?
So you think female opinions count for nothing? Okay.
Also: <- note how the majority of quotes are from males.
He can't act, thats a fact
Source please.

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I dunno, I thought Reeves was quite good in this, one of his best performances.

"It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything." - Tyler Durden


He acts just fine. People just don't understand that he does have a certain type of voice and face that makes him appear the same. You could say that Jack Nicholson is the same way. He is type cast ALL THE TIME! But that doesn't make him bad. If he was bad they wouldn't cast him in anything.


you're useless as a poster, michur23.


I'd usually agee with the OP but not in such a negative way. He's even admitted he's not a great actor but he picks his films well and they're enjoyable.

In this film he suprtised me - he out acted the oscar winning Forrest Whitaker in this one. A generally very good performance, I must say.

"PSYCHOS do not EXPLODE when sunlight hits them, I dont give a fu*k how crazy they are!"


i thought this was generally understood.
